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If you wanna watch a DVD, use a DVD player.


You don't order steak at a seafood restaurant.



Is it that it just won't play DVD video or that the discs aren't even DVD? Cause if they have to be using DVD storage, most of the games coming out for the system would not fit on one CD-ROM. If the storage system is equivalent to DVD tech then it doesn't matter. You can buy a DVD player for 30 bucks now. I don't care if you're poor or not, if you can buy a Wii you can put in an extra 30 dollars at Target for the DVD player if you really need it. You're still saving money over the other systems.


The only thing that matters are the size constraints of the disc.

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although that is true mams, consumers have always wanted 2 in 1 or 3 in 1 or whatever. they feel as though they are getting a better deal.


precisely, it's that "2 in 1 or 3 in 1" that you're talking about. the main reason i, and 106 million others bought a PS2 is because A.) wanted a video game system and B.) wanted a DVD player to watch movies on. instead of taking up space with both a game system and some dvd player, would rather get a game system that IS a dvd player.


if blu-ray really takes off then PS3 will be hugely successful, because a PS3 costs hundreds less than a regular blu-ray player. but in my opinion this blu-ray and hd-dvd nonsense is being released too early. the technology is still expensive and this is evident in the fact that sony loses hundreds off of each ps3 sold, primarily due to blu-ray... that $600 price is actually a $400 discount. PS2's DVD compatibility was hugely successful because it came out at the right time when the market was shifting to DVD and DVD was an affordable commodity to the average consumer -- whereas blu-ray and hd-dvd is found in few homes, is still hugely expensive (even a single blank blu-ray recordable disc goes for about $17), and there is neither a huge supply or demand for the technology... one reason the demand is low being is that most people are still on regular TV's and would not even get the full intended clarity of these high-def discs, so what's the point of paying so much money for both a player and the discs when you can see a good picture on a standard tv with a standard dvd? you won't see me with a blu-ray or hd-dvd anytime soon until the price drops.

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Blu-Ray and HD-DVD will fail. And it better, it means poorer DVD distrobution, more expansive DVDs, new and more expensive hardware, and general confusion as well as pandering to the big-wig execs. If all the customers fail to see past those things then it'll do well and I guess the collective species deserves the collective ass-fucking.


They should have just decided on one format, which would justify higher prices of DVDs (although with unifed distrobution, it would be unneccessary) and they could bring the player prices down, as well.

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I know at least, off the top of my head, around 12-15 friends with ps2's. Maybe 7-8 with Xbox. Not a single one of them bought it for the DVD, so I wouldn't say that all 106M bought it for that reason. I'm not even gonna start on how much the DVD players in these machines suck, for the fact that they're an afterthought to lure people into buying it. Get a $50 DVD player that can hold 5 discs, with a full-featured remote, with better load and response times. Plus, if your ps2 gets fucked, guess what, so does your DVD player. Unless DVD's serve an integral part of the gaming experience (ie: movie footage made playable or something of the sort), it really has no business being on a game console. It's fucking stupid, and I for one am glad Miyamoto thinks the same and instead of watering down his console with unnecessary hardware he's simply making a fun-ass game machine.

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Blu-Ray and HD-DVD will fail. And it better, it means poorer DVD distrobution, more expansive DVDs, new and more expensive hardware, and general confusion as well as pandering to the big-wig execs. If all the customers fail to see past those things then it'll do well and I guess the collective species deserves the collective ass-fucking.


They should have just decided on one format, which would justify higher prices of DVDs (although with unifed distrobution, it would be unneccessary) and they could bring the player prices down, as well.



I think one of the two will be successful enough to become the standard for maybe 4-5 years. All-digital distribution will kill it after that.

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next gen consoles...

all in one entertainment systems...

i love my ps2 and it's dvd capabilities... 5 years + and still going strong... no lack in anything..

saves tons of space even with an old ps2..

no need for a dvd player even though i live with one... but never touch it...

the only drawback is a power switch on teh old control, but the newer versions of the control have em..

i definetly bought it also because of its dvd capabilities... in 2001 it was and is a great deal..

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blu ray ftw.


ps3 is gonna be hot shit. i just wont buy it when it comes out.. that $100 markup just put it a hair out of my range.. well i could still grab it but you know... that $100 markup will be gone with in a few months. then she will be mine oh yes she will be mine.


Armored Core on ps3 looks so sick with it.

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how bad can a dvd player be? as long as a ps2 plays the movies, and you can skip, pause, search, stop, slow, and do all that that every other dvd player does, that's all that matters. i don't really care about 5 disc or 10 disc changer, voice activated response mechanisms, teleporters, 4,000 GB hard drive, nuclear fission engines, photon torpedos and ion cannons. the movie looks the same when it's playing.

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i picked up armageddon. havent played it yet tommorrow family guy and bully come out


the shitty thing is i cant find enough time to play games. i gotta leave in a few minutes and probably won't be back til late and only have like an hour to play it cuz i gotta wake up early. shit was better when you were like 13 and had the day to yourself

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Then don't bother calling it an "all-in-one entertainment system", and call it what it is: a good game console with a half-assed DVD player.


A Yugo can move forward and backwards and turn. Doesn't mean it's a good car. That's great if it's fine for you, it certainly isn't for me or anyone I know who takes their DVD experience seriously.

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