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Fermentor, to fix the Oblivion crash, hold the A button while it is loading. Once it gets to the Bethesida screen, the 2nd one you can let go.


Oblivion uses the cache heavily and it gets over fragmented, holding A clears the cache.


The game got unplayable on my 360, so I did some research, looks like it is a common problem.


If you have wireless controlls, load up the dashboard 1st, then when you press A to select play game, just hold it until the menu screen.


Works wonders =)

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wait. your 360 has broken 3 times already? wtf?


im assuming you send it to them and they send you a new one or what?



Returned to Best Buy. The first was past the BB $40 warrenty so I had to get a new one, the second one broke a few weeks later and the replacement was free, it was because of GRAW. If it's past three months since you purchased it, MicroSuck will only let you send it back for 120 dollars to get it repaired and it takes 3 weeks.



I tried the cache-clearing trick and nothing happened. I'm going to try to get a long ethernet cable or the wireless thing so I can get Live working to get the patch. I could have sword that the good version came with wireless internet, but I guess it's just the controller.


If that doesn't work I'll suicide bomb the Microsoft building.

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Fermentor there is a patch to oblivion on live?


Missed that.




There is, I loaded up Oblivion while connected and it did a software update on me and then it crashed a few more times before I gave up and threw in Dead Rising. It's crashing in Anvil and it sucks because I want to do the Figher's Guild mission and I can't. It started in the Fort right outside of there and I couldn't finish it so I went to a save before that and started doing the guild mission and it started crashing again. It's totally fucked and if that cache-clearing thing works I must have done it a billion times.

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what do you all think about ps3 not having rumble feature. i don't see why they couldn't work their way around the motion sensors and still have rumble. won't the wii have rumble?


will the wii be able to play dvd movies?


About the rumble: They wont admit it, but it's because the were sued for using the rumble technology without permission. And, right after Nintendo unveiled the Wii, they were shitting themselves after seeing the WiiMote, so they threw in some 'tilt sensors'. Wooooo :rolleyes:.


And no, the Wii will not play DVDs.


And fuck man, Lode Runner is fucking extreme, no joke. I know someone out there knows what i'm talking about.

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lol....yeah...i remember this magazine used to rate "the graphics" of games




....shit that looks horrible now a day's was getting 5 out of 5 stars back in the day


i had that magazine when it came out. i was like in 1st grade when it came out. kept it for a long time too. eventually threw it out sometime in the late 90's. aaah the memories

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And no, the Wii will not play DVDs.



once again, shigeru miyamoto is out of touch with what the consumers want. :rolleyes:


the dude is arrogant and old-fashioned in his thinking. yeah he's the brainchild behind donkey kong, mario, and zelda -- but he's also the idiot that wanted to keep cartridges over CD's on the n64, the guy who didn't want online playability on the GameCube because he thought consumers would be more interested in connecting the GameBoyAdvance to the GameCube, the guy that wants to keep a small selection in the third party game sector, the guy who wants mostly kiddie games, the guy who chose to go for the smaller discs (in memory and size) on the gamecube (some games took two discs)... the man just doesn't get it and his arrogance keeps him from getting it. now he thinks his remote-shaped controller will put Nintendo back on top and claimed everyone else (sony, and the game market) is "out of touch."

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