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Dear Raven (site feedback & bug reports) Thread

Deine Mudder

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I want to suggest something concearning navigation on 12Prophet forums.

It's pretty much about what happens when you scroll down, and what you're left with on the bottom of a page.


When I scroll down, some things disappear, to save screen space I guess:

the stuff on the top right of the page (user "quick"-menu, Inbox, Alerts), as well as the forum / subforum-navigation (like News > Forum > Discussion Channels > Channel Zero).

What stays there is the "Mark Forums Read", "Search Forums" etc. line.


Actually I think it would be more useful to have it the other way around.


When I'm done reading a page / at the end of a thread, I'd like to see my other alerts, or go one level up (like back to Chanel Zero) - for this stuff I have to scroll all the way back up.

The "Mark Forums Read" / "Search Forums" etc. line is completely useless for me at that point.


What would be great at the bottom of a page: to have another line with the forum / sub-forum navigation!


Or something like the "quick jump" menu of the old forum (which was basically a navigation-line hidden in a dropdown-menu).




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Im on a 6+.


The trick is to push attach once, but don't attach anything - 'close' out the shadow box.


Click attach again, then click the lower right corner of the 'choose file' button, have your thumb hang over the bottom edge or just below the button. Sometimes it takes 2-3 tries, but it works.

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Nice, I was hoping there was a thread started for this..


Gotta say first that this type of redesign/rebuild is no easy task and a fuck load of work for a site this large, kudos to the team for getting it up and going.

i'll just reiterate the above, the site is clunky.


I've noticed a few things:

- random links don't work, seemingly random anyway.

- some thumbnail images in the little features around the site sometimes come in at 3 or 4 megabytes, sometimes multiples on a page - can't have a 10meg site on my phone (http://whatdoesmysitecost.com/test/150407_8W_476).

- can't get to the author bio pages on the blog/news on my phone - fancy hover on desktop conflicts with touch events on phone.

- default font size is still 12px, but I routinely check the site on a monitor bigger than 1900px - increasing the font size doesn't increase width of site (it could) making the site break in spots and awkward to use because it's so skinny. All css units are still in pixels making things difficult.

- I routine surf the net in firefox developer browser - 12oz shows up as simply a blank white screen in this browser.

- too much trying to be too fancy with all the animations, tooltips, hover interactions, modal windows, sticky headers. Shit man... There's just too much code plain and simple. The browser needs to do too much work, uses up too much memory and too much cpu.

- come across a couple pages where the layout was broken

- dropdown menus open when you hover over / don't retract on hover out - really annoying to have to click the page to close once open.

- a slew of things with galleries and carousels across different devices

- tuning off JS visually hides the content, that's a fundamental issue

- sticky menus on a phone take up WAY too much screen real estate making the site super annoying, and too hard, to surf around and digest the content. re-thinking the UX on that one could do for an upgrade.

- some really funky things going on with modals on my phone.


Building my own user styles to override some of the site styles to make some visual/usability things better for me.


Hopefully you guys are working on bug fixes and cleanu up and plan to roll some out soon.

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That's some proper feedback I guess..

For me, [ctrl] + [+] increases all the things. How do you increase the font size?


I have my settings set for "text only". You've also assumed i'm surfing on a computer.

I should also add that "monitor larger than 1900" is limiting on a number of levels, and clarify my thinking on this.

- My TV is 1920px, I surf on it quite a bit.

- People change their default system font size quite often. 12px is actually too small reading on my phone.

- I surf on, and many people surf on, Game consoles - sitting 10 feet away. Ever tried to read 12px from 10ft away?


Pixels are an older unit of measure we used to try to accommodate every and all browser, and to force a box around a design to make it look exactly the same everywhere.

This is old thinking and unfortunately by sticking with pixels for the new design the site is handicapped from the got go, already outdated and not very future proofed.

It is quite safe to use EM and REM as new units and could even use VH, VM, vmin, vmax (with fallback) and CALC.


By building a responsive website, which this website is kind of, you're trying to appeal to the greatest number of browsers possible, the greatest number of variables within those browsers as possible, the greatest number of user settings as possible on the largest number of devices as possible.

You can't do that with pixels. Pixels aren't flexible enough to do that.

A web browser is inherently flexible, we're the ones that break it by putting boxes around everything and using pixels to try and control it.

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I want to suggest something concearning navigation on 12Prophet forums.

It's pretty much about what happens when you scroll down, and what you're left with on the bottom of a page.


When I scroll down, some things disappear, to save screen space I guess:

the stuff on the top right of the page (user "quick"-menu, Inbox, Alerts), as well as the forum / subforum-navigation (like News > Forum > Discussion Channels > Channel Zero).

What stays there is the "Mark Forums Read", "Search Forums" etc. line.


Actually I think it would be more useful to have it the other way around.


When I'm done reading a page / at the end of a thread, I'd like to see my other alerts, or go one level up (like back to Chanel Zero) - for this stuff I have to scroll all the way back up.

The "Mark Forums Read" / "Search Forums" etc. line is completely useless for me at that point.


What would be great at the bottom of a page: to have another line with the forum / sub-forum navigation!


Or something like the "quick jump" menu of the old forum (which was basically a navigation-line hidden in a dropdown-menu).





Sorry for spotting this late... (In the future, don't forget you can @misteraven so I'm notified).


Definitely good suggestions... Keep in mind this is a version 1 release of an entirely new development effort. There's bound to be issues and improvements that can be made. Your suggestions definitely make sense and some of them have been brought to my attention by some of the crew. Right now I'm more concerned with the technical issues which seem to be getting worse. My guess is that the caching / load balancing we have going on with the servers is not functioning properly. Problem with fixing it is that its far beyond my skill set and truth be told that after building the site for almost a year, I'm tapped out in terms of budget until we make some progress with some of the other stuff we have going on that produces revenue. Best I can advise in the meantime is that everyone just add feedback into a thread so we can go through and review things and add to our bugs list. Once we start back in on the development work, we'll prioritize and start fixing things as best as we're able.


Sorry man, don't mean to cop out. Just making the best out of what I have to work with.

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Nice, I was hoping there was a thread started for this..


Gotta say first that this type of redesign/rebuild is no easy task and a fuck load of work for a site this large, kudos to the team for getting it up and going.

i'll just reiterate the above, the site is clunky.


I've noticed a few things:

- random links don't work, seemingly random anyway.

- some thumbnail images in the little features around the site sometimes come in at 3 or 4 megabytes, sometimes multiples on a page - can't have a 10meg site on my phone (http://whatdoesmysitecost.com/test/150407_8W_476).

- can't get to the author bio pages on the blog/news on my phone - fancy hover on desktop conflicts with touch events on phone.

- default font size is still 12px, but I routinely check the site on a monitor bigger than 1900px - increasing the font size doesn't increase width of site (it could) making the site break in spots and awkward to use because it's so skinny. All css units are still in pixels making things difficult.

- I routine surf the net in firefox developer browser - 12oz shows up as simply a blank white screen in this browser.

- too much trying to be too fancy with all the animations, tooltips, hover interactions, modal windows, sticky headers. Shit man... There's just too much code plain and simple. The browser needs to do too much work, uses up too much memory and too much cpu.

- come across a couple pages where the layout was broken

- dropdown menus open when you hover over / don't retract on hover out - really annoying to have to click the page to close once open.

- a slew of things with galleries and carousels across different devices

- tuning off JS visually hides the content, that's a fundamental issue

- sticky menus on a phone take up WAY too much screen real estate making the site super annoying, and too hard, to surf around and digest the content. re-thinking the UX on that one could do for an upgrade.

- some really funky things going on with modals on my phone.


Building my own user styles to override some of the site styles to make some visual/usability things better for me.


Hopefully you guys are working on bug fixes and cleanu up and plan to roll some out soon.



Appreciate you recognizing all the work this takes, its definitely a lot of effort. Also, thanks for the concise list of bugs, this is really helpful.

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(...) A web browser is inherently flexible, we're the ones that break it by putting boxes around everything and using pixels to try and control it.

While I was aware of pretty much all you said it still made me think.

So yes, it looks like this site is not very future-proof in that aspect, and it may have been wise to build it differently from the ground up, I agree.


Still (maybe I'm a bit old fashioned) I wonder who the fuck does real browsing, including reading a lot of text (like in forums as this) on their fucking smartphones.

Also (but I guess this is different in the US) I know nobody who really surfs the net from their game console. People just use their computer / laptops, which are ideal for this.


So while I agree that pixels are an outdated concept in a way, I at the same time do not think it's absolutely necessary to please everybody and cater for every fucking device.

Give it some months and people expect to be able to read the new york fucking times on their apple watch..

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Truth is there was a lot of cleaning up to do and for the most part this site is built with the future in mind. For starters I tried to minimize the use of add-ons / plugins where possible and keep the database as default as possible to avoid breaking the upgrade path of the software we use. Most of the logic is separated from the display layer as well. In regards to the display, its all CSS5 and most elements are based upon percentages as much as possible and not fixed widths. Obviously there's portions where this isn't the case, but again in most instances it is.


Problem is that as features get more sophisticated so does the development and maintenance. The non-forum pages are completely developed from scratch and I've learned in these last few months that it was likely a mistake to do that rather than go with some commercial theme and just tweak it. I think the reality is that this site is too big for the resources available to it and though I've put a ton of time, energy and effort (not to mention money) into it in the last year or so, there was a lot of problems to make up for.


That being said, the only way I can keep it growing forward is to take on work and each time I do that it takes me away from 12oz. So its really a catch-22 that I hope to break as soon as possible. We're hopefully closing on a pretty big gig this week, which should allow funding for the next 12 months. Being 100% transparent with you guys, my plan is to move the site to a fully managed host, which should fix a few tech issues we're seeing. Shortly after, I plan to bring in the developers that help me develop the forum to review all the outstanding bugs, as well as implement some of the better UI feedback I received, particularly in regards to mobile. Next up after that will be to replace the non-forum sections of the site with a commercial theme and then work backwards to implement some of the look and features our custom theme has.


Top priority is to improve the login and implement the bridge, followed by stability and speed improvements. After that it'll be subtle navigation and UI improvements while we shift focus to content and promotion / marketing, which is an area that been neglected for way too long.


So that the story in a nutshell.

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