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D.C. Navy Yard Shooting


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Another one...11 victims plus the shooter dead. Possibly one or more others who got away. Cue gun control talk and DAO being an apologist for this guy's actions because he killed a cop.




WASHINGTON — At least 12 people, including one gunman, were killed, and the police were looking for other potential suspects, in a shooting Monday morning at a naval office building not far from Capitol Hill and the White House, police officials said.



One police officer was in surgery after being shot in an exchange of fire with a gunman, who was also killed, said Chief Cathy L. Lanier of the Metropolitan Police Department. The shootings took place at the Washington Navy Yard, in the southeast part of the city.


A senior law enforcement official said the authorities had identified the dead gunman through his fingerprints, but declined to release his name because of earlier confusion about his identity.


Three weapons were found on the gunman: an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun and a semiautomatic pistol, the official said.


“It’s hard to carry that many guns, so there is some thinking that he may have taken some of them from security or whoever else he shot,” the official said.


As the day wore on, officials released conflicting information about the search for two possible gunmen.


Officials said one of the two gunmen they were looking for was a white man wearing a khaki Navy uniform and carrying a handgun. The other was a black man, about 50 years old, who was believed to be carrying a “long gun,” police officials said.


But officials in Washington did not move to lock down the city in light of that threat. The Metro, the city’s subway system, continued to operate normally.


Meanwhile, the city’s deputy mayor for public safety wrote on Twitter just moments after Chief Lanier’s afternoon briefing that one of the men being sought had been cleared. “The white male being sought in connection to the #NavyYardShooting has been identified and is NOT a suspect,” said the post from the account of Paul A. Quander Jr., the deputy mayor.


Police officials said that at least two police officers were shot, and that three people were in critical condition.


One victim, described as a man in his 60s, was shot in the left temple and was pronounced dead within a minute of arriving at George Washington University Hospital. “This injury was not survivable by any stretch,” a hospital official told reporters. “The patient was dead on the way to the hospital.”


Hundreds of police officers and naval officers surrounded the Naval Sea Systems Command headquarters, where about 3,000 service members, civilians and contractors work on the Navy’s fleet. Security at the Capitol was enhanced, and the local news media reported that several schools were put on lockdown. Security around the Pentagon was visibly increased after the shooting.


Investigators were trying to determine whether any of the suspected gunmen had official access to the Navy Yard. The site is protected by a high wall, with entry through checkpoints that require official identification. However, under the “force protection status” that was believed to have been in effect early Monday, someone with official access to the site could have driven a car into the parking lot without having the trunk inspected, or could have entered on foot without a bag being searched.


An individual fired shots at 8:20 a.m. at the Washington Navy Yard, in the southeast part of the city, the Navy said on Twitter. Workers were told to shelter in place, and emergency personnel were on the scene.


Officials at MedStar Washington Hospital Center said three individuals with gunshot wounds, including one police officer, had arrived at the trauma center and were being treated.


Janis Orlowski, the chief medical officer at the hospital, said the three victims were in critical condition but were “alert” and “responsive,” even as doctors prepared for surgery.


“They do have severe injuries, but we’ve been able to speak to all of them,” Ms. Orlowski said. “We understand there are individuals who will not be transported because they are deceased.”


But she added that the authorities at the Navy Yard had told the hospital to expect more victims.


Of the three who had already arrived, she said, one had multiple gunshot wounds to the legs. Another was shot in the shoulder. The third had a gunshot wound to the head, she said.


“The operating room is ready for these individuals,” she said. “I have surgeons. I have nurses. We have trauma specialists. They have told us they believe there will be more victims coming.”


Ms. Orlowski said that she believed that the gun used in the attack was most likely a semiautomatic rifle.


“From the reports of the victims, it had to be a semiautomatic, because they are talking about shots in rapid fashion,” she said.


President Obama said that “whoever carried out this cowardly act” would be held responsible, and he praised as “patriots” the victims of the shooting.


“We still don’t know all the facts, but we do know that several people have been shot and some have been killed,” Mr. Obama said before beginning an event marking the fifth year since the 2008 economic collapse. “So we are confronting another mass shooting, and today it happened on a military installation in our nation’s capital.”


Mr. Obama said that he had told officials to make sure the investigation was “seamless,” and that there would be time to honor the victims as more became known about who they were.


“They are patriots,” Mr. Obama said. “They know the dangers of serving abroad. But today they faced the unimaginable violence that they wouldn’t expect here at home.”


The Navy Yard sits on the waterfront along the Anacostia River in southeast Washington, near Nationals Park, where Washington’s baseball team plays. It is also at one end of the 11th Street Bridge, one of the major thoroughfares that bring traffic into the city from Maryland.


Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert, a four-star admiral, a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the chief of Naval Operations, was evacuated from his residence at the Navy Yard complex, along with his wife, shortly after the first report of shots fired, according to Navy officials.


Military helicopters circled the facility as police vehicles and other emergency vehicles rushed to the Navy Yard. A helicopter lowered a basket to the roof of one of the buildings and appeared to be taking away victims.


Officials at the nearby Reagan National Airport briefly stopped airplanes from taking off or landing because of the shooting, according to a spokeswoman at the airport’s media office. The stoppage began just before 10 a.m. and was lifted at 10:14 a.m., said Laurie Weaver, the spokeswoman.


Patricia Ward, a logistics management specialist from Woodbridge, Va., was in the cafeteria on the first floor when the shooting started. “I heard three gunshots, pow, pow, pow, straight in a row,” she said. “About three seconds later, there were four more gunshots, and all of the people in the cafeteria were panicking, trying to figure out which way we were going to run out.”


“The workers in the cafeteria wanted us to stay there,” she added, “but I just ran, I ran out the side doors.”


She added that someone had pulled a fire alarm, and that many people just started to run away.


Employees who had been evacuated from the building described a chaotic situation as an individual armed with a rifle roamed the hallways shooting at people.


Cmdr. Tim Jirus said he was on the fourth floor of the building when he heard gunshots and saw people start running through the office.


“I heard a number of what I thought were like cap-gun shots, based on distance, inside the building,” he said.


Commander Jirus said he was at the back of the building working to get people out when a man came out of a maintenance building and approached him, asking about the shooting. Moments later, the man, a civilian, was shot in the head, Commander Jirus said.


“We had a conversation for about a minute,” he said. “I heard two gunshots, and he went down, and then I ran back here.”


Holding a radio as he waited outside the Navy Yard Metro station, Commander Jirus said he had heard that another man in his office, also a civilian, had been shot and evacuated to a hospital.


Asked how he escaped when the man next to him was shot, he said: “Luck. Grace of God. Whatever you want to call it.”

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this was a weird day - not even gonna start on the dude who threw fireworks in front of the white house & secret service. i know the navy yard area well. ive painted & biked down there before.


i've always been aware of it, but am becoming more sensitive to the fact that you're just not fucking safe from shit like this - anywhere - at any time. regardless of security or whatever kind of society we claim to inhabit. not a pro-gun argument, just an observation. for the amount of time i spend on public transportation it makes me nervous. and living/working back in one of the best target cities in the world doesn't help.


anyways, i hate the idea that this is going to get boiled down to an argument about "how many rounds do you really need?" or 'what's a "clip" and what's a "magazine,"' or "my god, the videogames," or "ASSAULT STYLE WEAPONZSZS!!11" the gun debate is guaranteed - supposedly one of the rifles recovered was an AR or AK (unless it was the guards'?).


rest in peace to people going about their morning, losing their life for absolutely nothing.

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I was expecting higher security at work today

Nope. Same half assed look at my ID as always














Article I read this morn said he shot a guard w a shotgun and took his rifle

Ban them weapons!!

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11 shot in Chicago park




Because you need to protect yourself against tyrannical government.









The counterpoint to that is that way more of us get killed by trigger-happy police.

And that's actually what the second amendment was for.

For civilians to have the right to protect themselves against trigger-happy police.

Unfortunately, anybody who is under the delusion that we don't live in the dictionary definition of a police state is deluding themselves.

These Republicans who are pretending to fight for our gun rights are doing so under deliberately false pretenses. They are claiming to be against the very same national gun registry that Reagan ushered in under the Brady act. They are literally telling their flock of sheep that Obama is going to create a national registry of gun owners, when anybody who's ever bought a gun is already in that registry. Thanks to the very same wolves in sheep's clothing who are pretending to fight for your gun rights 30 years after they signed them away.

Anybody who listens to a single word these Nazipublicans has to say is just as much a fucking retard as they take you for.


Oh wait, Walid is from Australia and lives in China and therefore has no WTF I'm talking about.

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RIP to the innocent, except for the shot cops.


You can blame guns all you fucking want but no one's looking at the two real issues here.


1) Menatl health, crazies, and the failure of our mental health institutions that are



2) The failure of our government to protect us from batshit people by having such a weak ass mental health system and porous ''red-flag'' system and not stopping these maniacs the first few times they do something loco.


Time after time these fucking nut cases have had prior incidents that scream ''im going to kill people one day''.


This dude had a known case of PTSD ( which should automatically eliminate your chance to own or obtain a gun) and two prior incidents shooting off guns in a malicious way. Yet he legally bought and owned guns, and was not charged in either prior incident.


Everyone off the bat starts screaming about guns and taking them away, when simply there just needs to be stricter laws & enfrcement of WHO gets to buy and own guns. Guys with PTSD, several prior malicious shooting incidents and autistic people are all good additions to the ''No guns'' list.


I fucking love guns, and I agree the 2nd amendment is dated but it is still a right for people to own guns so long as they arent fucking crazy, and use them to hunt, shoot for fun or defense. At the same time mental health and stronger background checks need to be implemented or these things will never stop.


There are over 270 million guns in America, these shootings take place like every six months, I wont bring up the car comparison but I think its valid. You can't take the guns away from millions because of a dozen incidents a year. This shit is awful and it sucks for the innocent, but more lives are saved by ''responsible'' gun owners than are killed by lunatics.


Yes, yes I do need an AR-15...why? Because im not psycho and fucking want one. Blow me.

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This dude had a known case of PTSD ( which should automatically eliminate your chance to own or obtain a gun) and two prior incidents shooting off guns in a malicious way. Yet he legally bought and owned guns, and was not charged in either prior incident..


So you'd like to see some sort of master list that has a bunch of the combat vets in the country and take away their guns?


Having PTSD doesn't mean you're going to kill people, having PTSD doesn't mean you're crazy or homicidal.


Defending unlimited gun access for yourself while spouting ignorance like this furthers the gun lover's image as a moron.


You love the constitution? Support the ACLU, not the NRA.

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PTSD is a blanket diagnosis but isnt just one size fits all set of symptoms. They range from agoraphobia to depression to panic attacks to anxiety to hyper-vigilance. The VA and military medical communities are throwing a PTSD diagnosis at everything. "You were in the air force and heard out-going, you have PTSD." Shit, they tried to stamp me with that shit when I got out of the Navy because the plane crashes, flightdeck fires and dismemberments I was around.


There already has be a rash of incidents where vets that have sought help from the VA have had Sherrifs show up at there door with a letter signed by a VA Dr saying "this guy is a danger to himself and others take away his guns." Catch was most were not falling in to those categories, most were going in for things like not being able sleep, or getting freaked out in crowds or the overwhelming survivors guilt. PTSD is something that, for most, fades with time. Unfortunately once you're on a list like that it's almost impossible to get off of it, ever.


Furthermore to say this guy was a "combat vet, suffering from PTSD" is utter bullshit. He was an aircraft electrician, that did one deployment in the Navy. If he is a combat veteran then I am a fucking delta force shadow operator. Dude was crazy long before he ever put on a uniform, and it ended up getting him an OTH (other than honorable) discharge. How he ever got any kind of security clearance after that is baffling to me.

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