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2 Week Vegan Challenge (personal challenge)


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what about all the specimens of field mice and other types of field dwelling rodents that get scooped up when they harvest all the soy, wheat and rice?


why do people just eat white rice?


his son probably has way better poops then you guys though.


but i'd probably wanna introduce some types of meats into the kids life so when he inevitably eats meat he won't throw up and shit all over the place.

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hahah, yeah. i signed up forever ago and never posted. got bored in an airport this weekend and stumbled on this forum (googling north american clean trains), went to sign up, and realized i already had an account.


annnnd im old as shit.


well, welcome back to 12oz!

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How easy to beat up is your son.... Honestly.



ooffff. be easy a diet is just a diet, its not an immortal technique revloution.


most heads can't figure out how to feed themselves and that is sad. this dudes son probably knows more about eating real foods than most college kids. and that is sad too. but vegan peach/raspberry popsicles?!?!?! nothing sad about that shit br0.



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all about diet balance. learn to cook/eat within diets of all kinds if you already are a meat eater. variety is the key. my first two meals today were vegan, not that i intended on it. but im about to destroy some chicken thighs in a bit, marinated in this quality bullshit



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I don't like tofu, or soy/almond/rice milk, and FUCK all that processed frozen vegan meal shit, cheese subsitutes, etc.


Good vegan lunches:

Tempeh reuben; marinated tempeh, sauerkraut, rye bread, relish, ketchup, veganaise (only Veganaise, all other brands are shit).


Cold sandwiches

Fresh baked bread makes sandwiches twice as good, so if you're not paying for meat might as well buy a whole loaf. Hummus, sprouts, avocado, tomato, onions, lettuce, cucumber, pickles, veganaise, mustard, or whatever else you can think of



same shit as a sandwich but with beans and rice, salsa. I can actually tolerate Tofutti fake sour cream for a burrito, if it was free or something.


enchiladas and lasagnas are pretty easy to veganize; you may have to use tofu


desert, fruit and dark chocolate


anyways, I don't eat any of this stuff very much

I mainly eat jalapeno burgers with fries on them and hawaiian teryaki with macaroni salad


also, eating raw feels great. I didn't even have to wipe after I pooped

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I meant to say this before- it's a lot easier to cut back/eliminate meat from your diet if you know how to cook and don't eat out much. It's a no-brainer but believe me, I've met plenty of people who would say "Oh, I can't eat that, I'm vegan now" out of the blue that had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Unless you just eat fresh vegetables it's neither cheap or easy until you get the hang of it.


Traveling beyond the West Coast was a hassle at first, but once I figured out a few tricks it was all right. The downside is that by the time I got home I usually couldn't even look at pizza, Subway or Taco Bell for a couple weeks.

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Yeah, def. Knowing how to cook is crucial, to any diet. (vegan, or omni, whatever).


Processed crap, is crap. vegan or not. sometimes it's fun to junk-food out and binge watch tv, but if you're a junk food vegan, you're going to be just as unhealthy as a junk food omni.

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My diet almost entirely consists of food you'd find in nature, with meat being the main component.

Along with working out, I've had great success with it, as far as losing fat and gaining muscle.


Almost all food in one way or another (except for vegetable oil and the like which has to be chemically extracted from plants) comes from nature, but that doesn't mean you'd find it in nature.


So this gets rid of any breads from my diet, any refined sugar, any cereal or noodles, etc., etc.

TRY IT! It works great and isn't too limiting

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