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last night I had inception... lucid dream... glitch in the matrix


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Last night I had a crazy detailed dream

¤ time passed¤


Then I dreamt that I woke up and was telling my girlfriend about it in crazy detail

¤ time passed¤


My alarm went off and woke me up again.





the lucid part is that in the dream where I was explaining this to my girlfriend, I was going into c crazy detail and it ended up morphing into me returning into that dream, understanding it was a dream, and kinda controlling what was going on. Kinda frustrating trying to describe this in text....


I hope I can some how develop the lucid part. Something I've heard about for a while but I've never had happen to me


Usually i'm a zombie on my drive to work in the am but I was wide awake today replaying this shit in my head



You guys want me to tell you what I remember about the dream?

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That shit was so bomb


Perfect pattys hangover killer


I've mailed some across country to swampfight before, looked like puke by the time it got to him lol

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