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Travel Log - Hunting, Hitchhiking, Painting & Getting Dirty: Traveling Across America


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I had some pretty good photos of my last trip from Berkeley up to PDX but seems my camera doesn't want to stay on for more than 5 seconds. By the way, what the fuck is an Instagram??

I had some pretty good photos of my last trip from Berkeley up to PDX but seems my camera doesn't want to stay on for more than 5 seconds. By the way, what the fuck is an Instagram??

Can you take the card out? If so, some laptops or computers have a slot to push it into. Then you can access them directly instead of a cord or program. Instagram is for people with smartphones who feel the need to share everything they do with the rest of the world. I haven't figured it out quite yet but apparently it's destroying our children! I have it to keep in touch with all the crew across the country that I normally don't talk to. It's nice to see what they're up to, painting, etc.


In contrast is snapchat, which my buddy turned me on to recently. It's more like a mix between text messaging and telephone calls. It's actually quite similar to graffiti, in that every picture or movie you send to your friends is only seen for a few seconds, then gone forever. Sort of like a hot interstate spot or a popular yard to paint. Lots of people see it, but it'll be gone in a day. Similarly, you can take a "screenshot" of what someone sent you, and keep it, just like taking a flick of your spot the next day. More accurately, like driving along and seeing a good spot your buddy did, and being quick enough to get a flick of it before you've passed it. And yes I'm kind of ashamed to be saying all this while talking about being off the grid and wilderness shit, haha.


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you have an *impressive* way with the law. just $350 for all that, damn.

Half good, half bad. She was going to search the car, since she had probable with the "natural resource" and "local flora poking out from the trunkspace" (sagebrush sticks coming out the backseet from the trunk). So her way of asking for consent, which she had already, was more of a test to see how hard she should look. (she didn't look very hard!!) It happened once before near Mono lake. I had a skull in the car and they did the same routine, natural resource. But they asked for consent (exactly how she had) and I said "I don't consent you to search my car or enter it". and they said, in a way, we already have probable because of the resource and you're on park land. At which point they rather rudely ruffled through everything I had. Luckily I had little besides some suitcases and guns, unloaded.


So, in this case, I took the weed and responsibilty, she said because i took the blame for everything, she was only giving a ticket to me, instead of each one of us, which was what she did 100% of the time. Who knows if it's true. But the whole point of being cool was to - should it come to it (which it did) - avoid having them in a bad mood when they found that "writing on the wall".

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Moonlight refractions on hundred mile horizons, salt plate fire pops, bang! Bottlerocket burns, blood and missing finger skin - white hot night and where's the beer... give me the revolver, quick! Pow! Pow! Shoot the moon, mushroom bloom from barrel soon! Burned up bags, nylon rips and feathers everywhere, how did we sleep through that? The Auzzie needs a doctor. Distant dots, looks like cops... let's take a walk.



Aussies don't do doctors

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Good stuff as always


I don't know where your travels are headed but I've heard a couple stories of people passing through Colorado--If you're leaving the state cops are looking at you harder with the assumption you're carrying weed, and in state they're looking for out of towners breaking the legal limit.


One friend said he asked the cop is he was being profiled and the cop stood down. I am not sure how much I trust the validity of said tale, but its something.

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ALWAYS FOLLOW FOREST SERVICE ROADS! They inevitably lead to wonderful camping sites where lumberjacks shoot skeet (and you can too NH) and flatten out spots to camp at. Five miles up the mountain from a pay campnig site, we found a FS road that led us up, up, up, and low and be holed, we did sex and shoot guns on a cliffy top pull off. Firewood pre-chopped! Lumber Roads!



Shooting skeet in Stanislaus

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Aussies don't do doctors


And he never did. It was my bad to suggest, shroomily, but mainly drinkily, that we shoot fireworks while holding them. Little did I know the iron grip of an aussie just let the fucking thing explode in his hand. Never let go, m8.


Tahoe is so money.




Tahoe is pretty incredible. Thinking of spending a few months there and looting some of there knowledge at the comm. college there. One day spent rambling about that place sent me spinning


Tahoe is an hour and 15 minutes from me.

You couldn't even ask a nigga if he wanted to roll with you?!

LOL. looks like you're on highway 50.


BROTHER! Where the fuck are you!? We go that area often. Fuck me! (NH) Do you do snowboard? We picked up a few and gear from some friends. Waiting till it's good there then do a trip and just bum tickets off of early quitters at the base. Seriously hollar at me PM or email myname@gmail and I'll hit you up before we head out.


Good stuff as always


I don't know where your travels are headed but I've heard a couple stories of people passing through Colorado--If you're leaving the state cops are looking at you harder with the assumption you're carrying weed, and in state they're looking for out of towners breaking the legal limit.


Good fucking looking man... I flew to TN with some weed vacuumed and no issue, actually had a j without realizing it in my smokes carry on. I wish i had layed over longer in CO, if it were up to me I'd have done a day there and abused your morning hangover bloody marines.


Some GREAT pictures, and stories as well.

Thanks for sharing.


Good to see you're doing well..


Have fun & take care!


Thanks man, Hey were you the one who sent a postcard from Newfoundland? No one ever signed it or wrote a return address. Always good to hear from you.






This made me quite happy for reasons unrelated to this forum. Thank you.


kir, how goes book?


Difficult! Most of the troubles I am working around is finding my own voice and also finding time and motivation to write. I have a lot of stuff typed up (typewriter) which I like much more because it requires confidence and premeditation (there is no backspace). And afterwards editing in pencil. I just read recently that's how Vonnegut worked, he had a nice little insert about his writing process in his latest, or late book. I forget the name, it's in the backseat of the car. Anyway, Because I like to read, I tend to gravitate mentally and writily towards whoever I'm reading. It's often Holden Caufield, Sal Paradise, Krakauer, London... you know the folk. The same with who you admire art-wise or graffiti-wise. Even those who seem to spring from a well of originality can only respond to the world around them: they don't bite, but they nibble.

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typewriter, eh? truly rugged. agreed, a typewriters definitely takes a better writer to be prolific.. & i know what you mean about the subliminal inspiration


word up. from what ive read (you posted what you wrote about the guy on the boat), youre a good writer. no doubt, the end product will be great as long as you stay true


cool beans

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Yeah, I know what you mean. I have done a fair bit of composition and going back and forth on the computer, but it just seems so contradictory somehow. It feels really, really good to know that every stroke is permanent. It's sort of a self imposed handicap that makes you actually think about what you're feeling instead of what you're writing. And embellishment is so terribly difficult to avoid. It's so much more fun to self-impose strange situations on yourself than embellish those that were only mediocre and happenstance. And I don't mean being an asshole to someone at a bar, just to get into a brawl and have a "story" the next day. I mean wanting it from the inside, that terminal self-nagging doubt that says, "they may not know that you lied but you did, so stop being a bitch and go do something memorable and you can both experience it honestly." That sort of happiness.


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After decapitation, a glance down the windpipe-jugular revealed the mysterious COD! A rabbit's leg. Our hero had no doubt deftly swooped upon a hare, destroyed it's life, and swallowed up it's meat. However, perhaps in a frenzy drawn on upon by nearing competitors, it had hastily eaten this rabbits remains, and in it's hurry swallowed to large a bone. The struggle and confusion which followed sent it flying haphazardly onto the highway which bordered the rabbit's nest. My beer has termite shit floating on its surface. At which point, in its awful and supreme struggle, it was struck by a passing motorist, if only a glance. It was enough to either kill or disorient it, and in its confusion died violently of suffocation.




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