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September 11th ...10 years later.


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There hasnt been another terrorist attack because the goverment havent planned one yet.


Nuff said.


RIP to those who died in senseless political/sectarian violence.

Goverment or Terror its always the innocent/good people who die.

Regardless how you feel on the situation you should show respect for those who died

and the brave personnel who died trying, and continued to serve selflessly for others.


This is America and your opinion is your birth right no matter what side of the fence you're on.

But all the dickheads being disrespectful and think this shit is funny better stay behind their computer screen where its nice and safe. Tell that 110 stories joke on the street you pussies, see how many teeth you manage to keep in your mouth.

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Tell that 110 stories joke on the street you pussies, see how many teeth you manage to keep in your mouth.


whats funny is that any other time of the year that thing gets lol'd at and brushed off.


but ohh shit, when 9/11 rolls around everyone wants to be Mr. IReallyGiveAFuckSoDontTalkShit..






**i realize the gravity of what happened, yes. at the same time though you cant front that there isnt an initial "lol" that comes out your mouth that you try to immediately suppress because you "know its wrong". so please, enough.

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Somebody explain to me why I should blindly support the troops.



well first troops are the reason your booboo ass is sitting down and writing some senseless shit. i dont get how the ones in iraq are given so much criticism when they do the same thing as soldiers in the cold war, civil, ww2 etc. they eliminate the enemy, simple as that. were in a war , not some little fight to make them learn their lesson, people will die whether you like it or not. soldiers are given orders from their lt's not the fuckin president, and if those orders arent fulfilled the soldiers will look at it like "the enemy won" which is never acceptable in war.


look if have to be so feminine about the fact that there risking their lives just so you could walk on the streets of America then you should be the one on the front lines

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The troops are the reason we have liberty and freedom. That 30 year old high school dropout making 30k a year to kill that 18 year old elementary school dropout making $500 a year is the reason why our country can use a power grid the size of Chile to play CoD all day.

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if you love america so much why dont you bury yourself deep beneath her soil.mean while , i'm apartment shopping in afghanistan. FUCK AMERICA, the troops signed themselves up for that shit. it was their choice, some of them even know its wrong, and just want to live long enough to get college money, and the other half are out there shooting civilians for fun. its called natural selection.the wise survive and the inferior die for stupid reasons. but i suppose you probly dont believe in that either right? on september 11th 1787 george washington jesus and george bush senior and the aliens created the world by balling up an american flag and throwing it into space. and to the guy who compared 9/11 and iraq to the cold war, you should probly read into that some more and make some side by side comparisons, youd probly feel pretty dumb. and how did vietnam end again?i forget

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FUCK AMERICA[/size], the troops signed themselves up for that shit. it was their choice, some of them even know its wrong, and just want to live long enough to get college money, and the other half are out there shooting civilians for fun. its called natural selection.the wise survive and the inferior die for stupid reasons. but i suppose you probly dont believe in that either right? on september 11th 1787 george washington jesus and george bush senior and the aliens created the world by balling up an american flag and throwing it into space. and to the guy who compared 9/11 and iraq to the cold war, you should probly read into that some more and make some side by side comparisons, youd probly feel pretty dumb. and how did vietnam end again?i forget



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oh im sorry , alow me to rephrase that, geographically and climate wise america is a beautiful place. im sure thats why the natives loved it so much.....



now what i meant was- fuck the american government, fuck the people who call shots for the military, fuck people who join the service just to shoot people, fuck lying ass politicians, fuck corporate greed, fuck money, fuck propaganda , fuck wal-mart patriotism, fuck american flag bumper stickers and never forget tshirts,fuck the media,fuck country music,fuck public schooling, fuck people who reside in the united states of america who blindly follow everything theyre fed because their too weak in the mind to question anything, fuck the hypocrites that dont realize that 9/11 was retaliation not an attack. fuck you for getting all umad because someone you dont know on the internet has a different opinion than you.

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oh im sorry , alow me to rephrase that, geographically and climate wise america is a beautiful place. im sure thats why the natives loved it so much.....



now what i meant was- fuck the american government, fuck the people who call shots for the military, fuck people who join the service just to shoot people, fuck lying ass politicians, fuck corporate greed, fuck money, fuck propaganda , fuck wal-mart patriotism, fuck american flag bumper stickers and never forget tshirts,fuck the media,fuck country music,fuck public schooling, fuck people who reside in the united states of america who blindly follow everything theyre fed because their too weak in the mind to question anything, fuck the hypocrites that dont realize that 9/11 was retaliation not an attack. fuck you for getting all umad because someone you dont know on the internet has a different opinion than you.


Fuck your narrow minded, conspiracy, anti-everything labeling of someone you don't know shit about into that all-encompassing group.









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I remember what was going on in my life back then well because it was a pretty hectic time and 9/11 was just another mindfuck to me. I had just moved, me and my GF at the time were going through a very slow and unpleasant breakup, I was working for a shitty messenger company...things were all screwy and then that shit happened, and I was like "Fuck, it figures." That sounds trivial and trifling but I knew that things had irrevocably changed and not for the better.


Do I think people are more united? I don't know...I live in the Bay Area, it's a bubble. Everyone here (myself included) thinks there's a lot more to 9/11 than what's being told but what can you do? I know in other parts of the country people might be satisfied (?) with the explanation that was presented, but here no one buys that shit for a second.


One thing I remember that's kind of funny- I decided to go to Seattle to get away/sort out some of the wacky shit that was happening in my personal life a month after 9/11. When I got to the airport the National Guard was there in force...then I remembered that I had a joint and some lorazepam in my pocket. I very quietly panicked, told my friend "I gotta go to the bathroom" and ate the joint and the pills because I thought I was gonna get shook down before we got on the plane. Which didn't happen. So I got to take what was probably the strangest flight of my life thanks to paranoia.

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Really?? That's Pat Tillman.


Standout at Arizona State. Drafted by the Arizona Cardinals.


In May 2002, eight months after the September 11 attacks and after

completing the fifteen remaining games of the 2001 season which followed

the attacks (at a salary of $512,000 per year),Tillman turned down

a contract offer of $3.6 million over three years from the Cardinals to enlist

in the U.S. Army.


Tillman and his brother Kevin enlisted on 31 May 2002. Kevin gave up the chance of

a career in professional baseball as he had already signed up to play for the Cleveland Indians.

In September 2002, they completed basic training together.


Tillman was subsequently redeployed to Afghanistan.


On April 22, 2004, he was killed by friendly fire. (Sourced from Wikipedia)



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i didnt know who he was because im not a jock and i dont give a fuck about football. thats truely unfortunate that he turned down the opportunity to live his dream life, to do what he honestly thought was the right thing to do, just to be killed by "friendly fire" . that is a real tragedy and im not being sarcastic. and it supports my arguement aswell. fucked up that someone who had talent and could have excelled was killed in the desert for fucking nothing.. friendly fire huh? noble way to go out.

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