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His Father Must Be Proud


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You are filthy rich, why make a fool of yourself trying to rap?



I'm sure his reasoning is more along the lines of "why not?"


Bored rich people have time and money on their hands.


Personally, if I was a trustafarian I'd be trotting the globe catching cases and bouncing to the next location after bailing out over and over again like certain unnamed writers who crush in multiple cities around the world.

I guess this guy decided to channel his trust fund and boredom into being a junky rapper instead.

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He said Yeen. Fucking christ my second hand embarrassment is through the roof!


And to anyone who thinks they're gunna be smart and say "Ya kno its funny u guys sayin OHH HES SO BAD AND WACK when your favorite rappers are saying the same stuff"


It's okay when blacks do it. They're sposed to.

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Prefect Daven has dispatched us from Tera Gold Bulwark Camp to Crescentia, a large town to the north. Our efforts in Oblivion Woods have certainly put a dent in the population of things that seek to do us harm Tera Items between here and there, but we'll have to hurry before they regroup. Setting out from the outpost, it isn't long before Everon and Amareth encounter a pair of peddlers beset by a flock of stonebeaks. Everon charges into the mass of birds with a well-placed Rain of Blows Tera Gold attack, unleashing a flurry of sword swings.

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The quick, p.c. answer is, he changed some info in a thread/contest that pissed of Raven and that was that.


I'm sure he's still lurking.




Anyways, what I will say is this: while the kid is far from being the next lyrical genius of rap, he's also not that bad. because of who his dad is he'll always be ridiculed, but whatever

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Anyways, what I will say is this: while the kid is far from being the next lyrical genius of rap, he's also not that bad. because of who his dad is he'll always be ridiculed, but whatever


I was kinda thinking the same.

He's a spoiled rich junky rapping about being a spoiled rich junky.

At least he kinda has a flow.

Not like I'd ever buy his shit, but he does kinda shit on anything else getting any kind of airplay these days.


Just sayin tho.

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