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Lil' B Thread Part X: Things People Tweet At His Shows (SWAG) (SWAG)


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I had to do some research on the BasedGod to truely understand him. At fist, i thought he was just another ignorant piece of foolishness, but the i heard his deep songs like this and realized he was much more than the image he initially led on. He has a wide range of music and is truly a gifted artists. Plus i cook and i swag. Whoop.

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""In our tenure of this planet we've accumulated dangerous evolutionary baggage—propensities for aggression and ritual, submission to leaders, hostility to outsiders—all of which puts our survival in some doubt. When I heard "In Your Dreams" by James Nyte, I was able to conclude - through my extensive knowledge of time and space - that a balance could and has been met. That balance is James Nyte." -Carl Sagan "


""I've been in attendance at a plethora of various musical performances, however my soul is only inextricably captivated by the beautiful score of Mr. Nyte. His piano is defiant of both traditional melodies and gravity in such a gorgeous way that I have come to realize there exist no words or proper amount of eloquence which could capture the amazing qualities of this man and his talents. I can think of no one more deserving to be immortalized by history than this man." - Queen Elizabeth II"

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""I'm sitting here in a dark cave, it's cold and I feel lonely. I click around on youtube, and see and hear this song. I have never cried in my whole life until now. I see now that everything I have believed in, everything I've done, all I have harmed, have absolutely no sense. my whole life is a lie. I will now spend the rest of my life to helping others!


with best regards." Usama bin Ladin aka: اسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن

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So I apparently was entirely unaware of the west coast hyphy/jerk movement until I read oontz and discovered all of the amazing things/miracles lil b was performing world wide including making hoes suck his dick and swag swagging.


I am now in contact with lil b and will be forwarding him my life savings via paypal in order to support the movement. - praised be the based god

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Lil B literally hurts my stomach.


He sounds like what cat poop would sound like if it was drunk off Four Loko at a karaoke bar on Alderaan (after it was blown up).


Based God is audible mental retardation with synthesizers.


I'd rather google "A room full of girls, A room full of cups" than continue listening to Lil B.


I'm deleting my history and cache.


Dear Zues, please bring back Adolf Hitler with four arms like Goro and take Lil B.

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