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Ever knocked a chick up?


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I haven't seen, or heard from you in almost 2 years until you starting stalking me 2 days ago and striking conversation on here. Seems to me like you were the one "associating." and by every crew in the bay, do you mean that "one" crew that you also got booted from a month later? Mainly due to the core five guys going on a meth rampage and booting like 25 white guys for what it seemed like fun. Haha, oh my god, let me catch my breath. Just a little FYI, I wasn't the only guy in the crew to bang your Andrea while you were latched on to her. What was you guys little cute thing you used to say to each other? Something like, "I don't love you, I'm IN love with you." Pssshhhh

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Hahahaahah this had me Rollin







Haha! this reminds me of a homeboy of mine, came at me

with some ridiculous shit a few months ago, i guess he's a

dead ringer for a jonas brother or sum shit so he gets alota

club/mall ass etc, but hes only got like 4 braincells....


me: Wuts up homie?


jonas bro: ahhh not much man(all emo)


me: Oh ya? Wuts up with that u gona cry?


jonas bro: Dude... i knocked that blond chick up i was fuckin


me: Well thats wutcha get for raw dogging that ho....So...Wut u gona do bout it?


jonas bro: Dude...(still all emo) fuckin cost me 850$ for an abortion...fuckin sux man big time


me: 850$ oh ya? like u guys already paid for it?


jonas bro: ya i gave her the loot for it 2 days ago, and she wont return my calls man...


me: Thats cuz shes too busy spending yer money fuckhead!


jonas bro: Wha....what ya mean?


me: bro 3 years ago shit cost me like 400$ for an abortion

me: Did ya go with her?


jonas bro: na


me: is there paperwork? did she go to a doctor?


jonas bro: na


me: she go for an ultrasound?


jonas bro: na man


me: Whens the last time u banged that bitch?


jonas bro: last week man...

me: And when she tell u she was knocked up?


jonas bro: Couple days after that...


me: Are you fuckin shitting me!!!!!?


jonas bro: Why man....?


me: So yer telling me within a span of a week or so she got pregnant, had an abortion

and took ya for 850$?


me: I know yer a moron in all but think about it, does that sound right to u?


jonas bro: (thinking 5 seconds).......(emo to rage in 1.5 seconds)


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I haven't seen, or heard from you in almost 2 years until you starting stalking me 2 days ago and striking conversation on here. Seems to me like you were the one "associating." and by every crew in the bay, do you mean that "one" crew that you also got booted from a month later? Mainly due to the core five guys going on a meth rampage and booting like 25 white guys for what it seemed like fun. Haha, oh my god, let me catch my breath. Just a little FYI, I wasn't the only guy in the crew to bang your Andrea while you were latched on to her. What was you guys little cute thing you used to say to each other? Something like, "I don't love you, I'm IN love with you." Pssshhhh


Now I KNOW POZ isn't gonna just sit and take that...



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if you don't know Polk Street's reputation then you wouldn't understand the insult laced into that comment. i don't know where this inbred fuckwit lives, nor do i give a shit. he's a tool who basically 86'd himself from life with his childish and erratic faggotry.

go pop some pills and nod out, dipshit.


and i passed that dumb hoe off to you piles of shit. ask that dumb cunt why i had to block her celly as well as on every fucking internet network out there. the tramp wouldn't get off my dick. i couldn't give a fuck about the bitch. fabricate whatever details you want to a bunch of folks who are already laughing at you because you're too stupid to figure out what to do with some filthy camel jockey you impregnated with your inbred genes...


good luck with that, player!

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