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Nov 2nd.


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Those tax cuts are for the people who are actually spending money right now. The same people

who are keeping us afloat by going to the malls, movies, etc.


Social Security is on it's way out, anyway. It's been tanking since before Bush came along. None of us below 45 are going to have it.


I'm not sure you really know what you're talking about.


Sidenote: Fuck Christine O'Donnell.



/Constitutional Conservative




Rich people are known for hording and investing a shit load of money, thereby keeping it out of the economy.

Either way they can afford to pay their taxes that they used to pay before Bush's tax cuts.

The rich aren't hurting in this recession.

The other 98% of us could use every extra dollar for food and bills.

And we have a deficit that needs to be payed off somehow.

Common sense, bro.

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I wonder about people sometimes. You are so willing to let one party have complete control.

The U.S. was not founded on these ideas and it was never meant to have one party have complete control. There must be push and pull for the government to operate in a manner that benefits the people.


Also, you need to remember that all the power you relegate to one party you support will not

always be in the hands of that one party/person. After all, presidents come and go. That same power that you give to a president you trust will be given to a president you may not trust so much.


Just my thoughts, take it or leave it. I'm no one special.

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I wonder about people sometimes. You are so willing to let one party have complete control.

The U.S. was not founded on these ideas and it was never meant to have one party have complete control. There must be push and pull for the government to operate in a manner that benefits the people.


Also, you need to remember that all the power you relegate to one party you support will not

always be in the hands of that one party/person. After all, presidents come and go. That same power that you give to a president you trust will be given to a president you may not trust so much.


Just my thoughts, take it or leave it. I'm no one special.




i agree with you to a point.

you do need some push and pull, but when one party decides to block every bill on the table, it becomes very counterproductive and nothing gets done.


i have honestly had enough of the republican agenda...and the last administration really sealed the deal.

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Government should be ran buy the government not rich bankers and religious nut fuck jobs.

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Either way, any Teabag/Republican seats gained is a fucking loss for America in general.

It's more dipshits screaming no just to hear themselves scream no.

A complete democratic shutout would do alot in the way of freeing up this administration to make some real reforms and changes.


Oh and I forgot to mention they wanna get rid of the VA too.

Welcome home, vets.

Now vote wisely.


You're off...

When the republicans/teabaggers/libertarians/pastafarians gain seats, all that's gonna happen is democratic gridlock. That's what happens when the Executive and the Legislative aren't aligned; nothing happens, because of the balance in our system. This has happened to Democrats and Republicans equally in midterm elections - see Bush's presidency. Even if Republicans have a ridiculous sweep and take the House and Senate, it will still be extremely difficult for them to pass legislation over obama's veto... that requires a 2/3 majority if i remember right.


So, essentially, this election simply signals the end of the democrats having control of the house, senate, and white house; all three combined to bring "hope and change" to america in the convenient form of "mounds of fucking debt."

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And we have a deficit that needs to be payed off somehow.

Common sense, bro.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


And you ask about how & why cutting certain programs is necessary, and how it's "FUCKED UP REPUBLICANS" that are responsible.... here's why cutting things is necessary... it's "common sense, bro."

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I wonder about people sometimes. You are so willing to let one party have complete control.


If the other party is about more wars, tax cuts for big corporations that ship jobs overseas, cutting of social security, public school funding, VA benefits, unemployment benefits, and other social benefits - then I'm all for Republicans not being in power.


The U.S. was not founded on these ideas and it was never meant to have one party have complete control. There must be push and pull for the government to operate in a manner that benefits the people.


That sounds great on paper, and it was great when both parties used to work together. But in today's hyper-partisan environment, especially with the Republicans moving further & further to the right - we only get a stalemated, gridlocked government where nothing gets done. The filibuster rule needs to be changed since it has been abused by Republicans like never before in history, and the "60/40" majority vote rule in the Senate needs to be changed. Nothing gets done in a timely manner when one party just says "No", filibusters, and spreads rumors about people being Muslims and Marxists.

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I wonder about people sometimes. You are so willing to let one party have complete control.

The U.S. was not founded on these ideas and it was never meant to have one party have complete control. There must be push and pull for the government to operate in a manner that benefits the people.


Also, you need to remember that all the power you relegate to one party you support will not

always be in the hands of that one party/person. After all, presidents come and go. That same power that you give to a president you trust will be given to a president you may not trust so much.


Just my thoughts, take it or leave it. I'm no one special.


Unfortunately that's the only way anything can get done in this currant political environment.

The dems tried to play bipartisan, the Republicans threw temper tantrums and straight out refused to compromise on anything.

And now they're running on a promise to never compromise ever.

John Bohner straight out said "this is not a time for compromise".

So don't blame the dems for this atmosphere, blame it on the fucking douchebags who created it.

Fox news and the Republican party.

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You're off...

When the republicans/teabaggers/libertarians/pastafarians gain seats, all that's gonna happen is democratic gridlock. That's what happens when the Executive and the Legislative aren't aligned; nothing happens, because of the balance in our system. This has happened to Democrats and Republicans equally in midterm elections - see Bush's presidency. Even if Republicans have a ridiculous sweep and take the House and Senate, it will still be extremely difficult for them to pass legislation over obama's veto... that requires a 2/3 majority if i remember right.


So, essentially, this election simply signals the end of the democrats having control of the house, senate, and white house; all three combined to bring "hope and change" to america in the convenient form of "mounds of fucking debt."


Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about.

It's not "democratic gridlock, it's republican grid lock.

The dems played ball with Bush.

But when Obama and the dems tried to play ball with the Republican congress ever since Obama's election, the republicans straight up refused to compromise on anything at all.

They resorted to making up a million fucking lies about Obama everything from him not being born in Hawaii, to him bing a socialist, to him being a Nazi, to him being a Muslim.

These fucking assholes are straight retarded with the shit that they've been pulling ever since 2008, WTF makes you think it's going to be even less so when they get the majority?

They're straight up promising to do everything that I've already stated from refusing to compromise on anything to actually shutting down the government in protest like they did in 1995.


And it was the REPUBLICANS who caused the mounds of fucking debt.

Jesus fucking christ.

Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to explain to 7 year olds that clouds are not made of cotton candy, and the moon is not made of cheese.


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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


And you ask about how & why cutting certain programs is necessary, and how it's "FUCKED UP REPUBLICANS" that are responsible.... here's why cutting things is necessary... it's "common sense, bro."


So you would rather cut your grandmoms Social Security checks that she payed into most of her life, than go back to taxing Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates what they used to be taxed?

You wanna cut your Grandmoms Medicare too?

You gonna put her up in your closet when she can't pay her rent and bury her in your back yard next to the family dog when she croaks?

Or do you think Bill Gates or Oprah will foot the bill for her funeral with all that extra money from their tax breaks?

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You do realize how much the deficit has grown and will continue to grow under Obama correct? And how much it will grow once Health Care Reform goes into action? :lol: Comical.


You do realize that that money is being thrown at fixing the problem that 8 years of Republicanism left us with, right?

You do realize that without the tarp and bailout, that we'd be in a second great depression right now, right?

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