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B **************** S **************** M's superdutytoughthread


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i do take things to far..always have and i cant stop..guess its just how i am ha..i like this thread constant laughs and the shit that happens is hilarious but one thing i do take pride in and always take that step further is looking out for people i respect or consider to be good people regardless of how they view me.


plus the muscles are just glorious.

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have any of the other BSMs been watching college football this season?


I don't know what it is, but I just can't fuck with college sports, at all.


Soups is for faggots and babushkas in St. Petersburg that have a Lenin pin up and a half retard son Romanov


Soup is amazing, don't make me punch dents in your chest

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Counting the same stack of money over and over and over again because you're overly tired and thus paranoid that you're counting it wrong?


I was gonna say not BSM, but now that I'm typing it I think it's actually quite BSM. Of course it is; large amounts of cash + being tired from partying too much = definitely BSM...how could I have been so blind?


I really do need to sleep

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