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Not to be heartless but it's basically just a long running Australian joke. I actually think the baby probably was taken by a dingo but hey, who knows.



Since the Chamberlain case, proven cases of attacks on humans by dingoes have brought about a dramatic change in public opinion. It is now widely accepted that, as the first inquest concluded, Azaria probably was killed by a dingo, and that her body could easily have been removed and eaten by a dingo, leaving little or no trace.

Crucial to the change in public opinion was a string of attacks by dingoes on Fraser Island off the Queensland coast, the last refuge in Australia for isolated pure-breed wild dingoes. In the wake of these attacks, most of which occurred in the late 1990s, it emerged that there had been at least 400 documented dingo attacks on Fraser Island alone. Most were against children, but at least two were on adults.[23]

In April 1998, in a scenario strikingly similar to the story told by Lindy Chamberlain, a 13-month old girl was grabbed by a dingo and dragged from a picnic blanket at the Waddy Point camping area. In this case, the child was dropped when her father intervened."

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When you say "fought"...


was there actually any gasfacevictm to coyote bodily contact? Or did you just fend them off?



I'm Australian so I don't even know what a coyote is.


All right stop, wiki time.


I think I startled them and that's why they jumped at me.

I have long scratch marks down my arm.

Luckily not bitten.

I gotta' be louder when I'm walking home at night.

I'll start singing like Eddie Murphy in Coming to America to make my presence known to all wildlife in the area.




don't warm it up too much. christ.



unless shes into that.


There are fon-do's.

And there are fon-don'ts.

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