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So the EAGLE CLAW came out tonight.


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I have an uncle who's been a firefighter for 20 years, and him and every one of his firefighter friends hates cops. My mother works at a compelx where firefighters and cops both work, and tells me constant stories about them arguing and fighting. It's also been the subject of/mentioned in many different TV shows and movies, a Law & Order episode and The Departed coming to mind immediately.


Basically yeah, cops and firefighters hate eachother. I'm sure you'll proceed to tell me I'm wrong, but as usual, I'm not haha

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I have an uncle who's been a firefighter for 20 years, and him and every one of his firefighter friends hates cops. My mother works at a compelx where firefighters and cops both work, and tells me constant stories about them arguing and fighting.




I was always under the impression that they were tight and hung out together and all that.

I'm neither a firefighter nor a cop though so I guess I could be wrong.

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a few of my friend's dads are ex-firefighters

I've heard it first hand, they don't like working with the motherfuckers and will only call them in if someone is in serious danger.


some guy getting pushed into a bike?


Nah, wouldn't think that they would call that one in.

Then again i'm from Australia so what the fuck do i know, right?

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Nah, they generally can't stand eachother. I'd imagine it has alot to do with the general public respecting firemen and hating cops, but I could be wrong about that exact reason as I am also neither a firefighter, nor a cop.


My boy is about to become a firefighter though, and a kid who used to be (keywords USED TO BE) in my crew is apparently trying to become a cop, so maybe I can study them to find out

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apparently only hipsters use U-locks

i think it's linked with the amount of bike messenger-rage-leadingtowindowsmashingwithaulock

stories that seem to get offered up on the internet

they are fairly prevalent

that said, just because you hit some guy with a bike lock, it doesn't make you a hipster.

and that said, bike messengers are fuck heads who think its ok to leave a 2mm gap when they fly past you at 20 kph with not so much as a warning bell.

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Bike messengers are faggots. Most people who ride bikes period are faggots.


That said, I agree that it's not NECESSARILY wrong to hit someone with a U-Lock. I don't own a U-Lock, but if I happened to encounter one and use it to hit someone with, it would be OK because I'm not a TPWF

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fact of the matter is firemen are the police of fires.




not sure where the pubic hair came from but it did none the less.

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in bklyn, fire fighters will peace make or not care. but never call cops.

they'll stop a brawl and make the kids fight one on one before they call the cops.

fire fighters and cops dont really get along thats why every year they have

fdny vs nypd boxing matches. but i do understand taking caution, but the fdny dont care dawg.

you and your slayer scarf were safe, no need to fold down your capris and run.

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in bklyn, fire fighters will peace make or not care. but never call cops.

they'll stop a brawl and make the kids fight one on one before they call the cops.

fire fighters and cops dont really get along thats why every year they have

fdny vs nypd boxing matches. but i do understand taking caution, but the fdny dont care dawg.

you and your slayer scarf were safe, no need to fold down your capris and run.


lol you def arent from brooklyn.

But um jetting was a smart move.

Firemen and cops do have a vicious rivalry

but they all operate under the big irish guy code of ethics.

I mean people in the lower have gotten away with worse but

better safe than sorry


lol @ new yorkers stirring niggas feelings up in ch0


and double lol @ new yorkers getting down with tha innanetz


oh and for bonus points did you happen to be at the skinny that night?

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