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Super Bowl is anti abortion?


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<----Very pro choice, also, very pro free speech.


Sorry, but that commercial sounds like it's in no way paid for with tax dollars, offensive, or untrue.

Not sure exactly since I havn't seen it myself but sounds fairly straight foreward.

I can't see how that would offend anyone who likes living in a free society.

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<----Very pro choice, also, very pro free speech.


Sorry, but that commercial sounds like it's in no way paid for with tax dollars, offensive, or untrue.

Not sure exactly since I havn't seen it myself but sounds fairly straight foreward.

I can't see how that would offend anyone who likes living in a free society.


its not the free speech and content, none of that shit airing bothers me either, its the TIME they are choosing to air it... like fools are getting down and enjoying game and commercials, the whole overall event and here comes some right wing christian bullshit blowing the mood...

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i honestly hope couples and women think on that shyt for a good week before they do it.. some might think "oh, if we have a baby we gotta buy diapers and shyt, thas crazy money" and they would rather have some new shoes every month + not have another person to worry about.. but then there are those who KNOW if they bring a child into this world, that they arent capable to take care of it and would rather have it die in a clinic at the hands of a doctor instead of on the street due to their incapabilities.. another case is rape babies.. i can understand if a rape victim as an abortion cause it would seem to be that much harder to really love/want that child to go through the process of pregnancy.. im with Edward Orenthal Norton on this.. im pro choice but there are so many ignorant people making ignorant choices it makes me wonder would it be worth it for us to lose our choice to make sure these dumb-asses cant make theirs..

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AND.. i wanna see big boobies and funny animations for super bowl, not this huge bring-me-down right after the Godaddy.com commercial.. this is like bringing your pastor or rabbi to a kegger and having them preach guilt onto everyone while theyre having fun..

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and no men, you don't get a choice. your kind has a very poor track record of being sole provider if mama ain't around. and i'm not just talking about money.



thats pretty shallow. way to pigeon hole an entire gender and say that all single fathers are incapable of raising their child. so you might as well tell all the widowers to give up there children by default since their wives died. way to go sexism. just because your father or the father of you kid may be shitty doesn't make every other father/man an incapable parent. statistics show that single fathers are more likely to be employed full time and above the poverty line than single mothers. i was raised by my mom. she was a single parent up until she got re-married a few years ago. and i now live on my own. and who the hell are you to say that men don't have a choice in the possible of their child's life. YES men should have a say also. of course the mother does the majority of the work. but to act like a man has no say in the child's life is pretty damn heartless. but you say we are all unreliable idiots anyways, so why would it matter?

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dont think you will get much of a heated debate from your sentiments, these people who use abortion for birth control are gross, im mega pro choice but after one or two it gets to a point of selfishness and carelessness....


I dated a chick who had 6 abortions before, me, fucking 6! And she was like "if i get pregnant, i'll just have an abortion" as if she was saying "well, the grocery store is open, lets go" as if it was no big deal. I'm with you, you want an abortion fine, but maybe you should examine what you are doing wrong after the second one so you dont have to have any more

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I am very pro choice when it comes to serious issues such as those tits, some could argue that they are too big and spaced out, others such as my self coming from a pro choice family would nurture those breasts with unconditional love. if the super bowl ran 1 minute adds of them in motion, stationary or in any general position i think the issue would have a lot of support.

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Any three year old majoring in neurological studies in North Philly will tell you that men can't raise a child by themselves.


and no men, you don't get a choice. your kind has a very poor track record of being sole provider if mama ain't around. and i'm not just talking about money...


...stupid fucking cunts like that end up keeping babies and collecting welfare. and not caring for their kids properly.


Females can be just as whack at raising a kid, as you proved in your own post. You don't have to be necessarily male or female to blow a welfare check on a new handbag or some Jordans and neglect the well being of your child. It goes both ways. Fuck outta here with that black/white gender bullshit.

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thats pretty shallow. way to pigeon hole an entire gender and say that all single fathers are incapable of raising their child. so you might as well tell all the widowers to give up there children by default since their wives died. way to go sexism. just because your father or the father of you kid may be shitty doesn't make every other father/man an incapable parent. statistics show that single fathers are more likely to be employed full time and above the poverty line than single mothers. i was raised by my mom. she was a single parent up until she got re-married a few years ago. and i now live on my own. and who the hell are you to say that men don't have a choice in the possible of their child's life. YES men should have a say also. of course the mother does the majority of the work. but to act like a man has no say in the child's life is pretty damn heartless. but you say we are all unreliable idiots anyways, so why would it matter?



i work in generalities. that's the problem with all-or-nothing minded people, there is a rule and always exceptions to that rule, they can't see that. and you make it obvious that you don't see my point about emotional support as you pointed out single dads are statistically more well off financially. i was raised by a single mom, my dad wasn't there, but i have less unresolved emotional issues with him now than i do my mom. and you show your ignorance by just assuming my children's father is a dead-beat. he's quite the opposite and we've been married for 7 years. my opinion my be heartless but i live in reality, and in GENERAL people are pretty darn shitty.

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i work in generalities. that's the problem with all-or-nothing minded people, there is a rule and always exceptions to that rule, they can't see that. and you make it obvious that you don't see my point about emotional support as you pointed out single dads are statistically more well off financially. i was raised by a single mom, my dad wasn't there, but i have less unresolved emotional issues with him now than i do my mom. and you show your ignorance by just assuming my children's father is a dead-beat. he's quite the opposite and we've been married for 7 years. my opinion my be heartless but i live in reality, and in GENERAL people are pretty darn shitty.



well you just sound like a bitch. and you work in generalities? sounds more like stereotyping. you sound like you make quick judgements about an entire "group" with what seems to be a pretty cynical attitude. so yes you sound like a bitch.

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im pro choice but there are so many ignorant people making ignorant choices it makes me wonder would it be worth it for us to lose our choice to make sure these dumb-asses cant make theirs..


okay this is just a scary thought.....




Any three year old majoring in neurological studies in North Philly will tell you that men can't raise a child by themselves.




Females can be just as whack at raising a kid, as you proved in your own post. You don't have to be necessarily male or female to blow a welfare check on a new handbag or some Jordans and neglect the well being of your child. It goes both ways. Fuck outta here with that black/white gender bullshit.



yeah women can obviously fuck a kid up too but until you can grow a baby in your body it is not a 50/50 discussion. heartless or whatever but i don't want any legal presidence ruling over my capibilities to make life changing and medical decisions for myself.


i would solve it all by making people take a test for a baby license just like making sure people are responsible enought to drive a vehicle on public streets. seems reasonable to me but that kinda contradicts my comment on how scary it would be if all people gave up rights so said rights don't get abused. how do we decide what is a right and at what point does a right become a priviledge? i don't know. dont' think humans will ever agree on these issues.

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Can't stand when people like Tebow try to push their bullshit opinions on people. They can go F themselves.


Also, Tebow will suck as a QB in the NFL. Maybe a decent tight end though.


The force is weak in you .

You must Resist , but can't ....


Fail yoda impression...



Am anti abortion

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well you just sound like a bitch. and you work in generalities? sounds more like stereotyping. you sound like you make quick judgements about an entire "group" with what seems to be a pretty cynical attitude. so yes you sound like a bitch.


good comeback. i probably am a cynical bitch but am also okay with that.

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<----Very pro choice, also, very pro free speech.


Sorry, but that commercial sounds like it's in no way paid for with tax dollars, offensive, or untrue.

Not sure exactly since I havn't seen it myself but sounds fairly straight foreward.

I can't see how that would offend anyone who likes living in a free society.


Pretty much

I defend any organizations right to amass a stupid ammount of money for a 30 second superbowl add to express their opinion. Even though most people on here don't agree with the stance, are we really saying it's bullshit for them to express their ideals? I'm pretty sure free speech is still covered even if you don't agree with what is being said... Why YouMad?

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