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womanly advice

Guest 50million

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Depends on the dude I'm assuming.

I personally don't think a woman is much less attractive with makeup off and in some cases it's a turn off if she's got to much.

Not that it's a bad thing, I'm personally indifferent to it unless is way too much, can't speak for every dude though.

If you're attracted to a girl, you're attracted even if her hair is all fucked up, she's wearing a onesi and no makeup.

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Being comfortable around a guy is fine, as long as you don't start farting or something in front of him. That's not OK


THIS. this is never exceptable in the eyes of men and will effect the way the think about you. girl farts are like stinky bubbles of concentrated evil.

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Guest 50million

^ wut?




I never fart in front of him but he always farts in front of me then says "oh shit? what was that?". I laugh every time....


he said i farted in my sleep once :X

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THIS. this is never exceptable in the eyes of men and will effect the way the think about you. girl farts are like stinky bubbles of concentrated evil.


I get absolutely fucking repulsed when I hear couples talk about how it's "funny" for a girl to fart or how it shows they're "comfortable" with eachother. It's almost always hipsters too, or just weirdos in general


As I said, I lived with my girl for over a year, and we were together almost every single day for like a year and a half. I never ONCE heard her so much as mention farting or shitting, except to make fun of me for being gross. However/whenever she handled her business was just that, HER business. She should give lessons to other girls

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the only dudes who are into that are sick fucks like that faggot who made 2 girls one cup.


funfact 90% of those guys are either A.brazilian or B.germans


i only make that assumption becuase every time you see a fucked up porno like that the people are all either speaking in german or portuguese.

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50..i wondered the same thing..about looking not "put together" all the time..


i follow a few rules for myself. anal-not happenin...UNLESS you let me do you, so you can see how it feels.

farting-fucking never..ever ever eva..my mom says she has never heard me fart since ive been outta diapers. i dont even like for you to hear me pee. it does ruin a little bit of the hotness imo.i undertand when ur sick, and need to take care of eachother..but in general..nu-huh.

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if he comes over, he might hear me vomit :(



your sick tho.its a turn off obviously but you cant help it and so its cool.its not like shitfaced puking where its kinda self induced.then its really disgusting imo.



dont worry about it tho 50 i dont think he's gonna mind...

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If dude is into you, he wont care. I think my girl looks best when we wake up. There is no smoke and mirrors going on, its purely her.


As for getting sick, vom, farting, shitting, whatever, it doesnt bother me. It happens to everyone and everyone does it.



A lot of you act like it'd be the end of the world if your girlfriend happened to let out a fart or burp or something. I mean, by no means do i want to hang around a girl who thinks it's cute or funny to burp or fart all the time, but i wouldn't want to hang out with one of my friends who was tearing ass constantly either.


Also, if a dude you've been dating for almost a year gives a shit that you aren't wearing makeup, it's time to kick him to the curb. If he thinks you look good, he should think you look good without getting all prettied up.

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^ exactly... how are you gonna tell a fucking human being not to function normally because it "grosses you out" ? haha.


that dosent even make sense...i mean everyone farts burps and shits...why should you force somebody not to do, what EVERYONE DOES.


Hold on,


Is this who i think it is?


Cuz i know another member with the same screen name and i doubt its you.


Go figure..

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^ exactly... how are you gonna tell a fucking human being not to function normally because it "grosses you out" ? haha.


that dosent even make sense...i mean everyone farts burps and shits...why should you force somebody not to do, what EVERYONE DOES.


They can do it, not around me. Fuck whatever you hafta say, men should act like men and women should act like women, and acting like a woman includes controlling your bodily outbursts

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guys i have a question -


so ive been dating this dude for a little under a year now. hes fucking awesome and we have a great relationship. we are really close and we even say the L word from time to time. we are very comfortable with each other, but sometimes, i get shy or embarrassed when im not 'done up' when he is around. for example, ive had a terrible food poisoning vommity thing for the past two days. ive been puking, even broke out a little from stress and i look like shit. i took a shower and passed out eariler this afternoon. my boy comes over to bring me water, ginger, chicken broth and some crackers. fucking sweet. but i got all shy because i look like such shit. i know he knows what kind of situation im in though. my question to you dudes - does it matter from time to time when you dont see your girl in make up? do you think less of her, or do you consider the circumstances?


i know a lot of dudes think when a girl gets too comfortable (like wearing sweats and less make up all the time) they get disinterested. what about a few times?



this is kinda a dumb question.




let him hit it from behind while you are puking.


i have heard its like a reverse vibrator.


That should take care of any kind of negative thought on his part.

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it's not my style...but if your fucking two poeple ...do it. just keep it clean. unitl the topic gets brought up by one of the girls..."are you fucking someone else?"...

if you havent said you were xclusive with either one of them, she has no business trippin. she will be pissy for a while, but in the end she will have to get over it. i will always go back to being honest. if your worth it, if the girls like you enough, and if the dick is good....trust me both of them will continue to take advantage of the time they have with you..almost trying to "fuck you better" then the other. you might get the best sex you have ever had out of it. no worries about getting caught up in a lie..or dealing with "tricky bitches"


sounds ridiculous..but ive seen this work many times.

ps..did i mention KEEP IT CLEAN





its known that i'm with a few different girls and if you are straight up about stuff like that its surprising which girls still want the sex.






guys i have a question -


so ive been dating this dude for a little under a year now. hes fucking awesome and we have a great relationship. we are really close and we even say the L word from time to time. we are very comfortable with each other, but sometimes, i get shy or embarrassed when im not 'done up' when he is around. for example, ive had a terrible food poisoning vommity thing for the past two days. ive been puking, even broke out a little from stress and i look like shit. i took a shower and passed out eariler this afternoon. my boy comes over to bring me water, ginger, chicken broth and some crackers. fucking sweet. but i got all shy because i look like such shit. i know he knows what kind of situation im in though. my question to you dudes - does it matter from time to time when you dont see your girl in make up? do you think less of her, or do you consider the circumstances?


i know a lot of dudes think when a girl gets too comfortable (like wearing sweats and less make up all the time) they get disinterested. what about a few times?



this is kinda a dumb question.


theres a difference between not doing yourself up all the time because you are sick/can't be fucked and just not doing yourself up all together.


he came over with water, ginger and chicken broth coz you were sick, in all honestly he probably thinks you look gorgeous the morning after a night of heavy drinking and sweaty sex. ask him, he'll say he does

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