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Thee... I Got Beat The Fuck Up Thread


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its like that with any bones/joints - eventually, it'll be glass frail or fully disabled


you're military, so you have the upper hand against any civillian who've only been in street fights tho


I guess I just got to guard them better. I took like 5 hits to the ribs from this Marine dude who has hands like baby seal clubs. I choked him out in the end, they really didnt hurt until days later when I was doing some farmer carries with 45 pounds and I heard a snap half way round. I should have waited to work out but I was trying to be tough.


I guess, not every military dude can fight. Some think they can but I have seen some idiots get the shit kicked out of them shooting their mouth off in a bar. Personally, I dont cause drama so I dont worry about getting into fights. I am a pretty chill dude and I get along with most people I meet.



<----All around nice guy oner

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for me, i think i just need to learn to fight like the dude from ong bak, because knowing how to fight well hand to hand will decrease lifes problems by a shitload


same reason for should learning how to do all that freerunning stuff


running from pigs, getting out of misc situations & such


it would only serve a man well to be good at things like that

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for me, i think i just need to learn to fight like the dude from ong bak, because knowing how to fight well hand to hand will decrease lifes problems by a shitload


same reason for should learning how to do all that freerunning stuff


running from pigs, getting out of misc situations & such


it would only serve a man well to be good at things like that



Krav Maga.

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I'm walking by a group of bro's outside a bar, I'm wasted. I'm looking at them with this rediculous grin on my face, amused by their pre-distressed jeans and frosted-tip hairdo's and whatnot. One says to me, he says, Whut the fuck are you lookin at? I don't reply, I just stop and look even more confused, trying to focus. I'm really fucked up. Three of them square up on me, first one says, There's three of us, better get movin pal. I bitch slap him perfectly. By that I mean I had a powdered jelly donut in my hand. I figure these guys are soft. Wrong.


Now I'm on the ground, against a wall. I figure these guys aren't used to rat-packing and I got a second to get it together. Wrong again. I quickly discern from the rythmic riverdance on my skull these guys have done this before. Fuckin every bro is a UFC fighter these days. I get up and start eye-jabbing blindly for some reason, hoping I'll hit. I hear, AAAH MY EYE! and think, yes! I am still losing in this trade however. Cops rush us and the bros drift off, and I let myself fall. They ask me the usual, I spot an older cop with a big red bushy old-timey cop mustach standing back a bit and say, I'm justa drunk irish idiot and sometimes we fight. He looks at me for a second and says, let him go. I stumble downhill because I figure that's the only way I'm gonna get anywere anyhow.


I call my girl and tell her I got jumped. She says I deserve it because I was probably at a strip club and hangs up. I don't even like jelly donuts.

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There is some dude that teaches Krav Maga here, I was thinking about taking some of the classes. Also the Russian fighting system Systema...but I think they are on the same days, so I got to choose one



Choose Krav. Systema is cool, but Krav owns it.


"Eliminate the threat"

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its like that with any bones/joints - eventually, itll be glass frail or fully disabled






I was told by my doc that a broken nose, once healed, as is strong as before.



i sustained a sore lip, and a scratch in brooklyn the other day. we won. lol::lol:

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the only time i've actually gotten hit in recent memory is when i was at some bullshit all-day hardcore show in worcester like 5 years ago, maybe more. some karate mosh faggot spinkicked me, so i pushed his leg out of my stomach. pretty much it. turned around to see if i my cousin was around, then turned back around and just saw some fat fuck's fist going straight to my face. dude thought it was going to be a goodnight punch, because when i was still standing, face covered in blood because the faggot had a ring on, after he delivered, he ran out of the emergency exit. i chased him down the main street next to the paladium until i was able to push the fat fuck, so he rolled a good amount of time down the sidewalk until i caught back up to him, and just beat him in the face until the cop showed up. cop said 'these kids start all sorts of shit at these shows. go to the hospital and get your nose taken care of, and i didn't see anything'.


it was good enough for me. 2 days later i graduated highschool and got the best graduation photo taken with two black eyes and a broken nose.

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I didnt get beat the fuck up, but i did get cheap shot kicked in the face like 2 weeks ago after i knocked this kid out. He came behind me like ten minutes after the fight and just kicked me in the mouth. He got his after but i had to get my lip stitched back into plae. kind of sucked

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I heard once you break a rib they are easy to break again.


its like that with any bones/joints - eventually, itll be glass frail or fully disabled




i dont know about ribs but i do know once you break a bone it should never break there again, hence the lumps from the extra calcium buildup.


i can say for sure with my hand, ive had 5 boxer fractures starting at my knuckle and nowthey have worked one after another down to the middle of my hand, the bone in my hand sits almost like if you bend your index finger halfway. yes i should of got a steel rod put in the last time but they wont do that without health insurance and i had to learn how to punch better cause that shit will snap easily with little effort.


<-------------- nice guy, fights just happen sometime



oh ya, while on the subject of ribs...... I dislocated a few tonight



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last year i got jumped by 2 twin brothers. they were tall as fuck and one grabbed me and held me at arms length while his brother tried to hit me. i was swinging for faces as hard as i could but the reach of my swings just fell short or how far they were holding me.


then fight gets broken up.


then next week this indian kid says he wants to box me so we box and i fuck him up infront of a small crowd. in the small crowd were the two twins. i saw the look on their faces but it wasn't as satisfying as if i had beat the fuck out of them too.




another time i was wasted with some friends and we got a message from a girl that this dude we had beef with was looking for us. hes not as big as me and definately couldn't beat me in a fair fight but hes the top of trouble maker whos in a fight every other week. me being drunk as fuck im in no condition to win a fight so i'm taken by my friends into a yacht club (we were on the beach) in the building we turn around and the guy is right behind us with his friends. all i can manage to say is "you" and he starts tryna hit me. he got in a hit before i grabbed him by the face, literally by the face with my hand spanning over his eyes and nose and shit and stumble forward, trying to smash his head through a glass trophy cabinet that was behind us. the fight got broken up and the snooty yacht club people told us to gtfo. he jetted and we waited around for a lift home. still waiting to catch that kid clipping.

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was getting bullied in school and some fat kid started on me. Didnt get beat up too badly just pushed about. He tried it again a few weeks later in the main court yard to school. He was kicking me as i was walking away, i thought id put an end to this and just started punching his face in, blood everywhere, was a good day at school , he stopped after that.


me and a few mates were walking from town to my house last winter. Could see a group of lads walking towards us from the other end of the street. Not fussed at the time as were all quite capable. As we walk past two lads at the front of their group grab the lad at the back of my group and start trying to beat him up. Joe the biggest lad at of all of us was walking ahead of us the pussy. One of my friends knew these lads and told them we werent gna fight but they didnt listen. One of them of headbutted this lad as hes telling them to stop and out of nowhere my mate punched this lad. No one saw it, you just saw my friend stud there and a flash and then his arm was extended. The guy got knocked out. the girls with them are screaming. were jogging off, thatll teach them not to start fights.


Poor story. Good times.

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