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this is your forum.


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ive been here forever. seen so many incarnations of this place. so many members (NH). met so many good people, argued with many others. all in all, for one reason or another, it was fun. lately though, shit has completely ceased to be entertaing for all but a select narcissistic few and those bored enough to continue feeding into them.


things cant always stay small and awesome, that's fine, but fact of the matter is that over the last year or so, things have just completely begun to disintegrate. you cant have a topic about anything without it turning into pointless arguing. generally it's not even arguing about a 'topic', but rather simply name calling for the sake of name calling. you could make a topic about mini horses, and somehow it would get twisted into unrelated yelling and immature nonsense. that's bad for 'business', it's bad for 'community', and it's just plain stupid. the median intelligence level of the board has dropped so low, that quality content is almost never posted anymore because quality posters dont want to wade through the sea of ignorance, or bother trying to start something that will inevitably turn into 70pt red fonts and name calling.


many of you might think its funny to watch the endless trainwreck, and i'll admit, some of the fall out is pretty amusing, but it's not funny enough to justify the sacrifice of the integrity of the board. those that have been here for a few years will remember a time when informative, interesting, entertaining stuff was posted on the regular. something we havent had in a long, long time. even the VIP section, which was designed as an 'ignorance free zone', became no better than channel zero. we tried to ignore it as long as we could, because to be perfectly honest, as 'moderators', most of us are well beyond giving two shits what some moron has to say, but in the end the board is suffering, and it's our responsibility to change that.


if you want to think its gestapo tactics to say ENOUGH ALREADY, and take measures for the good of the board, so be it. the internet is full of things to occupy your time, perhaps you should go in search of them. 12oz has always maintained a high level of quality, and lately that quality has completely dissolved here. we try to keep this area as unregulated as possible, but there will always be a limit, and unfortunately, there will always also be people who want to test those limits. ultimately, we have the final say, and we say that this should be a place for everyone to enjoy. if individuals think they're larger than the whole, then perhaps they should start their own forums where they can run them as they see fit.


while we set the 'rules', this is your forum and your site. you make the content, you bring the personalities, and you make it what you'd like it to be. hopefully we can all get back to making it something good.

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I disagree seeking. This place is getting better. Theres more quality threads than ever. Theres more picture threads and the youtube threads. They are all longer than before too. Theres always been a lot of members that contribute, so that hasnt changed, but it hasnt got worse. Theres some very funny stuff posted sometimes that literally makes us laugh out loud. I dont know much about VIP section, but I feel it is not good to ch.zero cause we get less quality cause it takes them all, so that should go, but you gotta make money, so whatever.


Have you seen the architcture thread? thats a good one.

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Seeks: just said what everyone who has been here for over 3 years has been thinking.


I've been calling for a seeks/glik$ revival where people get banned just for living



















For the record tho I don't think DAO should get the permaban over several others, but also shit has been way outta hand in general here, to the point that I barely even post on here any more... So whatever, somethigs gotta be done

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to be honest, the vip section seems pretty much free of the bullshit that ch.0 has been overrun with as of late. even the people who troll ch.0 act relatively normal in vip. i'd probably keep my vip membership just based on that alone.


People were taking shit posted in VIP and putting it in public forums. Back in the day that was instant acct termination

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yeah certain people in vip started talking about stuff that was happening and poting pics that were only in vip here in ch.0 which is retarded. but i think those contests that the mods have are making the vip section a bit worse because anyone can now be vip just by clicking an ad. and screen capping something.

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12oz is a funny place. I've been an addict since 2001, mainly for the the graffiti flicks, and never ventured into Channel Zero more than a few times a month until 2006ish. I love this board....I can waste soooooo much time on it and I rarely feel guilty about it. Hands down the best forum I've ever participated in. I rock my 12oz t shirt with pride like the huge nerd I am.


From my perspective, things really have changed THAT much over the years. Same dick riders, same dickheads. different screen names. Its good, stale, good, stale. Same old cycles.


My only grips with 12oz, seems to get flooded with a huge influx of people so fucking stupid I'm hoping they seriously are 13 years old.


And the dick riding can get old. Little e cliques and PM box buddies riding each others shit all day. Cosigning on this because you or him or whoever posted it. 3 pages of fuck this noob cause he's only got 1 green box under his name.


and some of you dudes really need to grow the fuck up, I know its the internet and not seriouz, but some of the regurgitated shit you guys think is hilarious and post OVER AND OVER is lame. Don't like something? Walk away. Part of the charm is most of us are opinionated assholes, but a lot lay it on WAY TOO THICK! I can think of a bunch of "heavy hitters" that I have never read a single positive post from, same sarcastic condescending shit. and sarcasm gets real old. It can frustrating hoping to get a decent discussion going.I never start threads because of this, and because no one cares what I have to say too. But whatever.



Oh and MERO needs to bring back the EMO BARBARIAN SLAYER thread.

/end rant

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Anyone who thinks this board is better now than a few years ago is:

A. Trolling

B. Stupid

C. Wasn't actually here a few years ago

D. Never contributed anything worthwhile

E. Any combination of the above



Whenever a good thread pops up these days, which isn't all that often, it either gets converted to mindless bullshit or gets lost in a sea of other worthless threads constantly getting bumped. Photo threads rarely even last more than a day or two if you're lucky, and that requires people bumping it up multiple times. There are still a few big threads that manage to avoid the retardation, but i cosign seeking fully. A large portion of the people who contributed worthwhile shit to this site moved on, and it seems that for the most part they've only been replaced with stupid kids. Or adults who act like stupid kids, which may be even worse.


I'm sure most of you are going to disagree with me, but oh well.

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yeah certain people in vip started talking about stuff that was happening and poting pics that were only in vip here in ch.0 which is retarded. but i think those contests that the mods have are making the vip section a bit worse because anyone can now be vip just by clicking an ad. and screen capping something.


to be honest, the only reason i have vip is cus of the contests but after seeing that the content and lack of bs is worth the extra dust, i think i'll keep my green name.

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I've been here for over 3 years now, and I still think it's better here than before


I especially don't think DAO should of been banned. However, I do think his right to post large red text should be taken away





Yo don't get me wrong, I like having an endless line of noobs to slay, but there's no real quality threads like the MSPaint superthread and shit like that. There's a lot more quantity now but quality is way down. Back a couple years ago I use to come here and see some reall bugged out funny shit... It's been awhile since I saw anything here tht wasn't just people clowning other random people or some yahoo news article



Andreally I think you probably like it now better because you are narcasistic and there's mad people for you to chew up and spit out. No diss- I think you know I'm right on that anyways

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i was getting mad a COS for bringing his arguement to the "day in pies" thread. which in my IMHO is the best fucking thread on here and probly one of the only thread worth actually posting in. some threads are cool but always end up derailing.

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to be honest, the only reason i have vip is cus of the contests but after seeing that the content and lack of bs is worth the extra dust, i think i'll keep my green name.


yeah i want talking about you. ha youre pretty chill. fuck it everyone knows whos being talked about.

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I second the gliks/seeks revival idea. arguing is the lifeblood of 12oz, but it needs to be kept on a leash or you get the "DAO argues loudly with everyone while everyone continues to bait DAO into more arguing" clusterfuck of late.

when the behaviour isn't tolerated, people will slowly start to adjust.



and can we all lay off the random image posting? it can be well played, but its just stupid most of the time.

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What do you expect from a bunch of people who spend their time compulsively writing on things that don't belong to them?

This forum is full of a bunch of fucking idiots, and quite a few old soul members that have a lot of wisdom that should be shared.

When I first came to ch.0, i admit it was fun.

Whenever someone made an end of the year retrospect thread, there was a plethora of lulz and good times from the past 12 months.

I can't think of one funny thing from the past year off the top of my head that happened in ch.0

The invitation aspect of this forum should be brought back, atleast that held off a fair amount of douchebags trolling and spamming the forums.

As the times change, so will 12oz,

Hopefully 2010 offers more than Kanye West Memes and threads about people's girlfriends.

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12oz is a funny place. I've been an addict since 2001, mainly for the the graffiti flicks, and never ventured into Channel Zero more than a few times a month until 2006ish. I love this board....I can waste soooooo much time on it and I rarely feel guilty about it. Hands down the best forum I've ever participated in. I rock my 12oz t shirt with pride like the huge nerd I am.


From my perspective, things really have changed THAT much over the years. Same dick riders, same dickheads. different screen names. Its good, stale, good, stale. Same old cycles.


My only grips with 12oz, seems to get flooded with a huge influx of people so fucking stupid I'm hoping they seriously are 13 years old.


And the dick riding can get old. Little e cliques and PM box buddies riding each others shit all day. Cosigning on this because you or him or whoever posted it. 3 pages of fuck this noob cause he's only got 1 green box under his name.


and some of you dudes really need to grow the fuck up, I know its the internet and not seriouz, but some of the regurgitated shit you guys think is hilarious and post OVER AND OVER is lame. Don't like something? Walk away. Part of the charm is most of us are opinionated assholes, but a lot lay it on WAY TOO THICK! I can think of a bunch of "heavy hitters" that I have never read a single positive post from, same sarcastic condescending shit. and sarcasm gets real old. It can frustrating hoping to get a decent discussion going.I never start threads because of this, and because no one cares what I have to say too. But whatever.



Oh and MERO needs to bring back the EMO BARBARIAN SLAYER thread.

/end rant



Where can i get a 120z t shirt?

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