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four loko is racist


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Funny story real quick..


Me my boy (lets call him Joe), like 2 of our other boys, and like 6 dudes from honduras (sp?) are all chilling in south florida at my boys crib. (hope that didnt confuse ya)... so me and joe pop a few shrooms and where smoking and drinking a few beers. Well our beer ran out, and the guys from honduras had two 12 packs of heineken. At this point im feeling the shrooms and i'm high and a lil drunk. So joe goes up all fucked up and is like "Yo mannn is it cool if we drink some of your beers? Ill buy the next round". these guys are real cool and chill and are just like "yea man no problem for sure". (They didnt speak good english but we found ways to communicate.) Well to try and make a long story short the two 12 packs go by quick and its Joes turn to buy the beer, and he just looks all fucked up (glossy eyes, pale, slurred speach, sweating like a damn pig in a sauna. dude looked real bad lol.) So joe and some other random dude go to get the beer down at the store before they close ( its like 1:30 am at this point). While there gone im just bullshitting with the Spainish guys, they end up being real cool and shit. We all just kinda want some beer and are wondering where the hell he's at.. Finally after about 40 minutes (the store is about 4-5 minutes away on feet) the dude that went with Joe to the store comes back to the house without him. i'm like "yo wheres Joe at man? wheres the beer?" hes like "Huh? what? oh...hes out front..." (this dude is dumb as fuck he looks clueless).. So me and a few of the spainish dudes go out front, and Joes sitting on some random cars hood with some random chick and they both got a four loko and he has 2 pounders of sparks in a bag also.. Im like "Yo man whats up where you been??....wheres the beer at man!?"... at this point i didnt even need to ask anymore questions i already know what happen. He went to the store all blacked out and instead of buying two 12 packs for the party (where out of beer now, and the stores closed) like he said he was, he just bought four loko for him and some random slut, and now hes drinking em on top someones car.. I just kinda said fuck you man and went back inside and just smoked and chilled out from the shrooms.....about a full 2 hours later we hear this big BOOM..BANG BOOM and like bottles rolling around and breaking. We run outside thinking someones breaking into a car. Its joe fucking blacked out laying in the recycling bin on the side of the house not really even moving. I help him up and he almost takes us both back down again. i'm like "dude how much did you fucking drink??" he just looked at me with them four loko blacked out eyes ( all glossy like about to cry, eyes kinda side ways not really looking at me. i kinda felt bad for the dude at this point).. after about 3 good hard falls after that we try and ride our bikes home cause at this point its about 4 am and i'm kinda sober now. He could'nt even really get on his little bmx bike let alone ride it but we had to get going. It must have been not even 15 feet from this dudes house, fucking Joe gets the speed wabbles going like 7mph and just flips over the bars bike landing on top of him, glasses and face all fucked up, elbows all fucked up, it was a decent crash and his head took most the impact no lie. So we help him back inside, and once we get inside hes telling me that he dislocated his shoulder and he wants me to put it back in place. So i start trying to pop it back in place, just kinda rocking his shoulder back while hes standing up against the wall nh. After we gave him a bag to throw up in we decided he should just stay there and not move. Next day we take him to the hospital, turns out he has a broked collar bone! so the whole time he had a broken collar bone, and i'm tryna put his shoulder back in place.........Shrooms and Four Loko are no joke! trust me!

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Funny story real quick..


Me my boy (lets call him Joe), like 2 of our other boys, and like 6 dudes from honduras (sp?) are all chilling in south florida at my boys crib. (hope that didnt confuse ya)... so me and joe pop a few shrooms and where smoking and drinking a few beers. Well our beer ran out, and the guys from honduras had two 12 packs of heineken. At this point im feeling the shrooms and i'm high and a lil drunk. So joe goes up all fucked up and is like "Yo mannn is it cool if we drink some of your beers? Ill buy the next round". these guys are real cool and chill and are just like "yea man no problem for sure". (They didnt speak good english but we found ways to communicate.) Well to try and make a long story short the two 12 packs go by quick and its Joes turn to buy the beer, and he just looks all fucked up (glossy eyes, pale, slurred speach, sweating like a damn pig in a sauna. dude looked real bad lol.) So joe and some other random dude go to get the beer down at the store before they close ( its like 1:30 am at this point). While there gone im just bullshitting with the Spainish guys, they end up being real cool and shit. We all just kinda want some beer and are wondering where the hell he's at.. Finally after about 40 minutes (the store is about 4-5 minutes away on feet) the dude that went with Joe to the store comes back to the house without him. i'm like "yo wheres Joe at man? wheres the beer?" hes like "Huh? what? oh...hes out front..." (this dude is dumb as fuck he looks clueless).. So me and a few of the spainish dudes go out front, and Joes sitting on some random cars hood with some random chick and they both got a four loko and he has 2 pounders of sparks in a bag also.. Im like "Yo man whats up where you been??....wheres the beer at man!?"... at this point i didnt even need to ask anymore questions i already know what happen. He went to the store all blacked out and instead of buying two 12 packs for the party (where out of beer now, and the stores closed) like he said he was, he just bought four loko for him and some random slut, and now hes drinking em on top someones car.. I just kinda said fuck you man and went back inside and just smoked and chilled out from the shrooms.....about a full 2 hours later we hear this big BOOM..BANG BOOM and like bottles rolling around and breaking. We run outside thinking someones breaking into a car. Its joe fucking blacked out laying in the recycling bin on the side of the house not really even moving. I help him up and he almost takes us both back down again. i'm like "dude how much did you fucking drink??" he just looked at me with them four loko blacked out eyes ( all glossy like about to cry, eyes kinda side ways not really looking at me. i kinda felt bad for the dude at this point).. after about 3 good hard falls after that we try and ride our bikes home cause at this point its about 4 am and i'm kinda sober now. He could'nt even really get on his little bmx bike let alone ride it but we had to get going. It must have been not even 15 feet from this dudes house, fucking Joe gets the speed wabbles going like 7mph and just flips over the bars bike landing on top of him, glasses and face all fucked up, elbows all fucked up, it was a decent crash and his head took most the impact no lie. So we help him back inside, and once we get inside hes telling me that he dislocated his shoulder and he wants me to put it back in place. So i start trying to pop it back in place, just kinda rocking his shoulder back while hes standing up against the wall nh. After we gave him a bag to throw up in we decided he should just stay there and not move. Next day we take him to the hospital, turns out he has a broked collar bone! so the whole time he had a broken collar bone, and i'm tryna put his shoulder back in place.........Shrooms and Four Loko are no joke! trust me!


i hate bumping my own shit but...

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i hope i don't find a liquor store here that carries these


i already have this bad habit of using dragon joose as a chaser


saturday i went thru 2 of them and a flask of sailor jerry just pregaming in a parking lot


then i get inside and find out pitchers of rolling rock were only $7


it was over from there on out








bad story bro

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I lol'ed at the thread starter being white and being outraged about racism against urban communities. I'm black, and when I got 2 dollars, why pay more? I don't drink it because of racist advertising, I drink it because it saves me money. They aren't the best tasting things, and neither is the day after, but shit, whatever.

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