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Chasing Amy


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Finger cuffs is so hot.


I swear to God, feminine lesbians are just bi cause they always end up fucking dudes too. The only REAL lesbians are butch or act/dress like dudes. You can fuck her dude, just have some drinks and talk about sex.


AyeBee, you should watch the movie, there are some good jokes in it. Totally get down with the insiders br0.

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i have some things to add to this.


i also, have a very high stress level job/life in which i deal/cope with stress like a champ. always have. to the point of like amzment. i think very clear, i deal with problems and situations that occur very quickly and calmly. and often do not even think about how intense or "not normal" the situation i just dealt with is until its over and im removed from it. it like my mind is so focused on completing something anything that happens is just part of the course and normal. when its not. and again, i dont realize how much of an ordeal it was till it was over.


now, that being said. and at the risk of sounding taboo, iv had these. and i beleive them to be whats called night tremors. and there fugly.


another thing im going to add before i get into the meat of what im about to say is i can absolutely overwhelmingly tell you the caffeine suspicion you have in coralation to this is factual.


the reason i can tell you you are correct is that, i have not had these in years. and when i did have these. on a semi regular basis that you are talking about. were drug related. now, hear me out before you dismiss what im saying as "oh that stuff is garbage, and no wonder, and thats not me, and blah blah blah" because the fact is. the similarities to which your speaking on are beyond just that. they are the same.


i used to use speed, and again, at the risk of sounding taboo. here me out.


obviously when your an everyday user yoursleep pattern is mangled beyond belief. and going with that. your mind state at the end of your cycle(what i refer to as when youv been up for a bit till when you sleep) has been weakend and your body worn down.


thats when id get these. violently. and ill be hyonest, i dont shy or intimidate easily. at all. and those things would scare the shit out of me.


the started to happen so regularly, perhaps once a week, and i actually had to behgin adapting to them. and what i had begun to was in that half state of sleep/awake while they were happening. and i could not speak or yell. i found that i could slightly move. so i began to try and "kick myself awake" nuts hey! like seriously. my leg would be moving as hard as i could get it to, which wasnt very hard becasue of the coma i was in in the idea it would be like someone shaking me awake.


it was wild, i used to have to tell chicks that i would hook up with and end up sleeping beside that "if you ever feel my leg moving a little bit while im sleeping WAKE ME THE FUCK UP"


haha. shit was harsh. they were so vivid, so evil. so detailed. colorful. ultra senses were used. they were a personal hell. the wild thing is, to this day, i remember some of the more lucrativ onse. like seriously i cant even begin to explain how fucking intense these were. and not in a like "plot" kind of way. in the visual fucked upness and some other shit. they were like nothing iv ever seen. i would be so shook not wanting to go back to sleep id turn my tv on mad lad put the lights all on anything to keep me awake haha. but that never wworkedcause mybody was so exausted it was shutting DOwwwn.


but. i stopped using drugs about 5 years ago. and they stopped to.


never went to a shrink/head doc in my life. worked through my own personal bullshits and i think im a stronger person to this day for it. in fact i know i am.


so ya, on a smaller level, caffein or anything that affects your brain and sleep can cause this.


shits fucked! and creepy!


i never woulda said anything to any doc's back then er anything for fear they woulda turned me into a vegtable haha.

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How gay is she? because if she isn't a loose spirit chances are...

I think you should straight up ask her like dudes do to me

and make everything awkward and bring it up everytime you find your self wasted around her

It's an awesome dynamic


I wish there was a reverse chasing amy, I guess there are but I don't trust those bitches


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