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again, fuck my shit dream thread that went nowhere.. wondering if theres different formulas to dreaming in general


had one of those dreams where you kept waking up, then hoped that you went back into the same one.. happened like 4-5 times, but said dream seamed itself together & continually flowed without a problem. more & more often, im seeing relatives whove passed in dreams.. this time, it went lucid for a while because i realized then they were no longer with us. said lucidity didnt last long, though


the multi-part one was about this girl from way back whom i sorta loved, or was madly infatuated with. we were just hanging out & shit in all the familiar places, with some of her old friends & some of mine. it was nice

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one of my favorite stand up comics!

ol billy redface kills it haha


still got those doug benson & greg giraldo cds you hooked up. dougs generally got some funny shit, but in every podcast ive seen him in where he was just being himself, dude was a complete dick to everyone but the host. then again, havent heard him talk in a minute..

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ol billy redface kills it haha


still got those doug benson & greg giraldo cds you hooked up. dougs generally got some funny shit, but in every podcast ive seen him in where he was just being himself, dude was a complete dick to everyone but the host. then again, havent heard him talk in a minute..



yea, sometimes their stand-up material is really funny but when you listen to their podcasts its not as funny. but i saw doug benson when he did stand up here in sacramento and he was a really nice guy. he took flicks with all of us and after the show he was in the parking lot smoking with everyone...he took a hit of whatever got passed to him (joints, pipes, blunts, and even a bong). by the way, i still have that porno you hooked up...lol..i copied it and mailed it to another 12ozer on here per their request haha.



oh, and as far as what im doing right now, im about to go and help my neighbor move stuff in his backyard.

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Thanks for the porn, Cali! :lol:





i'll mail you a copy if you want...its of fat japanese girls.

the porn is called 'japanese whale hunt'.



ok, im off to the gym...gonna meet homegirl there and try racquetball for the first time.

wish me luck.

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googled it and found it in yahoo answers:


Squash: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squash_%28s…



Racquetball is a racquet sport played with a hollow rubber ball in an indoor or outdoor court. Joe Sobek invented the sport in 1948, incorporating rules from squash and handball. Unlike most racquet sports, such as tennis or badminton, the court's walls, floor, and ceiling are legal playing surfaces, rather than out-of-bounds.


Squash:The relatively small court and low-bouncing ball makes scoring points harder than in its American cousin, racquetball, as the ball may be played to all four corners of the court. Since every ball must strike the front wall above the tin (unlike racquetball), the ball cannot be easily 'killed'. As a result, rallies tend to be longer than in racquetball.

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