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so it's mid day.



i already had classes for the day.

scraped by on a midterm.

drudged through a discussion.




and now i'm done.

what's on the plate for your weekend?





here's what i'm getting started with today:





probably followed by this:





and moar dranks

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Im at work until 4, then the weekend begins. Winter has officially started with highs of no better that -3 for the next week or so. I will end up hanging with the girl, maybe check out the mueseum, and eat a ton of edimamae beans.

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Im goin to get drunk as fuck and enjoy a bikini contest at my locar bar. Its called a bikini contest but its really a bunch of bitches getting freaky as fuck on stage, complely naked, going down on each other, ect. The rest of the weekend will be spent recovering from a massive hangover and barbecuing.

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-Slept in late

-Mowed my lawn for what might be the last time, since its supposed to start dropping below freezing tomorrow night

-Watched a disappointing Twins vs Yankees game

-Ate cold pizza

-Drank beer, consumed the last of my pills until next month



-Sleep in

-play disc golf if its warm enough

-probably grill some burgers and/or steaks

-apply for some jobs. Possibly book a flight or two for the next few weeks/month

-drink some more delicious beer

-Sit around since i don't know anyone within 300 miles



-Repeat of saturday for the most part

-get some photos developed

-Put together a couple more packages for some ouncers, to send out on monday or as soon as i can get the photos back

-go meet my parents for dinner with a handful of relatives on my mom's side of the family who i've never met and don't particularly want to meet.

-Watch the twins/yankees game and drink beer. probably be very disappointed in getting swept, but we might be able to get 2 wins since everyone but the Twins plays like shit in the dome.



Boring ass, shit life. Hopefully i'll hear back from some jobs and i can start looking for apartments in other cities. Otherwise you oregon and possibly boston ouncers are probably going to be seeing me in the next few weeks.

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Last night I hit the bar with my boy, got mad wavy and came right home cuz it was pouring rain


Right now I'm waiting on my girl to get home so we can run a few errands. Then I wanted to go out to dinner tonight, but she's being gay so probably not. Tonight I'll be back at the bar, possibly linking up with Earthworm Jim later (no homo)


Tomorrow I'll be relaxing all day, then maybe dinner to make up for tonight, then to my classy ass Sunday bar spot

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The hardest part of my day so far has been NOT DRINKING.


I watch Big Ten Football, which starts at 9am PST.


My main game is UM vs Iowa @ 5pm, I finally started drinking about an hour ago.


It was torture all day to sip water and suck at life.

But I do not want to be shitfaced by kick-off, buzzed yes, but not worthless.


So I went by my lot to check the progress of my new house:






These 2 pics are from Thursday, too hazy today to get view pics







Time to fire up the grill.

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