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yeaaaah baby

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I have played for years as wqell crackteeth (challenge me on XBL if you want) and I swear it has helped my sense of timing no end. Shame I play GH with only downstrokes (I guess those years playing punk songs helped me) but it is a blessing and curse. I actually haven't played GH since I returned from Europe so I am scared to see how fatigued my hand gets if I try to play the Dragonforce songs now. I think I will start by playing For the love of god or something as a warmup tomorrow.

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Catty is MAD! MAD AS HELL!


Tryin to veil his argument with "people frontin like they are actual musicians and shit"


Dudeface is jealous as a motherfucker that his idiotsavant younger cousin can out perform him on Eye Of The Tiger!




fuck that.

i'm moderately frustrated at best.

what it comes down to is i actually hate my idiot savant younger cousin who destroys me at Eye of The Tiger, and i cannot find any video game forum that i can whoop him in.

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i think dj shadow did that Dj hero game.. im pretty sure he posted about it a while ago..


Rock band is fun man.. if you dont enjoy it, you might be a little too uptight. and probably dont like a lot of things that people are good at.. i dont understand why poeple hate on random stuff like that. its a video game.

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I can hand on heart say I have never played guitar hero or any of those games, having said that I have never played on a PS3 or a Wii (hell other than in a shop I don't think I have even seen them IRL)


but I would give it a go as a laugh, I'm shit at guitar unless it is bar chords simple punk riffs so would imagine I would suck at GH

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The games aren't that bad just not my thing. What I hate is when someone invites me over to go hang, and I show up and 2 people are playing rockband while everyone else is sitting on the couch just watching silently. If I know in advance people are bringing rockband/guitar hero to something I don't go.

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that DJ hero shit is gay and i dont care if daft punk is in it, still gay.


Rockband has sucky graphics compared to guitar hero. Overall, its fun to play, end of story.


People at first didnt like it because they saw it as another DDR game, but with rock music. I know its not the same as playing a real guitar, this game can at least give you a good start for those that want to play a real guitar, flexing your fingers.


It also "teaches" you on how to listen to the music and being able to play notes at the right time and rate.


So in a way these games do help, just looks silly when comparing it to the real instuments.

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