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Who said Beyonce & Taylor disliked each other? When Beyonce accepted an award later that night, she had Taylor come up.

settle down there Tex!

I'm saying this was manufactured by record companies, and don't be suprised if a song with the 2 comes out to ride this buzz.


Look at how this benefits all parties involved


most of all Taylor


what (if anything) would people be talking about concerning Taylor swift @ the VMAs if this didn't happen? The topic of discussion would be what it always was - is Taylor a legitimate crossover from country to pop? This event completely negates that question - Taylor is Now a bonafide pop star with pop star drama fit for Entertainment weekly and TMZ and Twitter buzz. There's no question about the legitimacy of being a pop star when you are mentioned 10 million times along side names like Beyonce & Kanye


so how does Kanye benefit? They are discussing kanye every 30 minutes on CNN. Kanye has proven repeatedly that while these outbursts DO have initial backlash, it eventually dwindles and leads to ever rising music sales. He's pretty much expected to do bratty stuff like this, his fans may huff and puff, but in the end he has proven to be able to THRIVE on negative attention. All will be forgiven eventually, and his next album will probably eclipse his other sales. Plus he's on CNN every 30 minutes, and that is SERIOUS press right there that is hard to get


and beyonce of course benefits by looking like a kind mentor to taylor, letting her finish her speech after she wins a top award (pretty fucking convenient - we wouldn't have that special moment if sayyyy whoever else won) plus it makes taylors more teenybopper/country demographic like her, which is a hard market for a RnB crossover singer to crack into




Not to mention MTV benefits immensly from all this Twitter buzz.



You must think every single Kanye outburst was staged

not the first one, that was an off the cuff statement made when he was miced up and ready to broadcast in a slim emergency production. They could have done little from a production standpoint but bleep him out or cut half his statement, but it ran. The other awards ceremony I'm sure the producers were in the booth thinking "where is he going with this, keep his mic on it's gold!"

so yeah, his second outburst WAS more manufactured, because producers COULD have cut his mic but chose not to because they know ratings gold. This was even longer, and fact is in ANY LIVE PRODUCTION the booth can cut mic or video in under a second - if this was a real outburst security wouldn't have allowed kanye on stage, the mic would have been cut, and Taylor would have finished. Furthermore the fact Taylor came from Backstage when beyonce "suprise" called her onstage is telling - every single other performer or winner goes back to their seat, you have to believe either


A) Taylor was for some reason hanging out backstage or in the green room randomly then when every one else was in their seat or


b) they shuffled her backstage from her seat in the audience and led her out that way - this would have taken a lot more time than the 30 seconds it took


it's a lot more logical to conclude she was waiting for her cue backstage



Also I can't find an unedited clip anywhere, not one that shows kanye coming on stage... I still think there was handheld mic trickery, even more so since every clip I see today cuts from her standing there directly to kanye already onstage then handing her his handheld.


It's not a conspiracy - it's showbiz! That's like saying a TV show is a conspiracy because a bunch of people came together to convince you Knight Rider was real. It's suspension of belief, not a conspiracy. It's what these people do.

, the ODB rambling was staged.

not staged, but like the first kanye incedent the producers allowed it for the ratings. They could have cut the mic at any time

And you thought Dr. Dre getting socked in the jaw at the BET awards was staged, along with Young Buck stabbing the attacker, and the mini-riot that ensued.

not even a comparable incedent, nobody was miced from DREs camp, and the cameras on the long shot actually had to pan in to get the shot. Not staged, not the same either


It's like you think these dudes aren't human and aren't capable of drunken rants and doing stupid shit. Like their life is The Truman Show and everything they do is acting.

if you are an artist, lots of shit is set up for you, it actually is a lot like the Truman show except they are for the most part in on the ruse. You forget, being a STAR entails more than just musical talent - the ability to play a role in public and present yourself as larger than life is a real skill. It's what separates pop stars like eminem and kanye and beyonce from regular "musicians"


that's what these people do

all day every day


it's plastic

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i dont think it was COMPLETELY staged. i just think it was allowed to happen.


and why the fuck not. hollywood is made up of THOUSANDS of PEOPLE.


what happens when you take THOUSANDS of PEOPLE and heard them together? theres going to be spats, ego clashes, freindships, relationships.


people arent all the same. nor do they think the same.


so you get a dude like Kanye whos outspoken. and naturally, hes gonna offend the SHEEP. ooops, did i say sheep?


and then, you have the CORPORATION. in this case MTV. getting endless exposure from this. setting up everyone next year to be all "oh shit, gotta watch the mtv awards tonight, shit could pop off AGAIN"


OH HEY... guess what. guess wHO'S ON jAY LENO'S NEW SHOW TONIGHT???




shits big buisness.

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I'm shocked this has gone to 9 pages


No one is real in music if your signed to a big label and making money for the company, everything is staged


Kanye is fucking shite and always has been even his taste in music videos suck isn't the Betonce video just a black and white video of some women dancing in a room to a shite song


Fuck MTV, RnB and all this chart bullshit rap/hip hop



This RnB joint is gonna be hump music.

And I agree with Tre, nothing Mtv does is spontaneous.

It's all rigged.

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settle down there Tex!

I'm saying this was manufactured by record companies, and don't be suprised if a song with the 2 comes out to ride this buzz.


Look at how this benefits all parties involved


most of all Taylor


what (if anything) would people be talking about concerning Taylor swift @ the VMAs if this didn't happen? The topic of discussion would be what it always was - is Taylor a legitimate crossover from country to pop? This event completely negates that question - Taylor is Now a bonafide pop star with pop star drama fit for Entertainment weekly and TMZ and Twitter buzz. There's no question about the legitimacy of being a pop star when you are mentioned 10 million times along side names like Beyonce & Kanye


so how does Kanye benefit? They are discussing kanye every 30 minutes on CNN. Kanye has proven repeatedly that while these outbursts DO have initial backlash, it eventually dwindles and leads to ever rising music sales. He's pretty much expected to do bratty stuff like this, his fans may huff and puff, but in the end he has proven to be able to THRIVE on negative attention. All will be forgiven eventually, and his next album will probably eclipse his other sales. Plus he's on CNN every 30 minutes, and that is SERIOUS press right there that is hard to get


and beyonce of course benefits by looking like a kind mentor to taylor, letting her finish her speech after she wins a top award (pretty fucking convenient - we wouldn't have that special moment if sayyyy whoever else won) plus it makes taylors more teenybopper/country demographic like her, which is a hard market for a RnB crossover singer to crack into




Not to mention MTV benefits immensly from all this Twitter buzz.


not the first one, that was an off the cuff statement made when he was miced up and ready to broadcast in a slim emergency production. They could have done little from a production standpoint but bleep him out or cut half his statement, but it ran. The other awards ceremony I'm sure the producers were in the booth thinking "where is he going with this, keep his mic on it's gold!"

so yeah, his second outburst WAS more manufactured, because producers COULD have cut his mic but chose not to because they know ratings gold. This was even longer, and fact is in ANY LIVE PRODUCTION the booth can cut mic or video in under a second - if this was a real outburst security wouldn't have allowed kanye on stage, the mic would have been cut, and Taylor would have finished. Furthermore the fact Taylor came from Backstage when beyonce "suprise" called her onstage is telling - every single other performer or winner goes back to their seat, you have to believe either


A) Taylor was for some reason hanging out backstage or in the green room randomly then when every one else was in their seat or


b) they shuffled her backstage from her seat in the audience and led her out that way - this would have taken a lot more time than the 30 seconds it took


it's a lot more logical to conclude she was waiting for her cue backstage



Your logic here is flawed, because you're saying that simply because someone benefits from generated buzz & publicity brought on from a controversial incident, that the controversial incident must always have been "staged", or "manufactured".


Controversial incidents DO occur unintended & unplanned, which may garner one or more entities support and/or financial gain in the future. For example, Kim Kardashian was a relatively unknown model until a sex tape of her was leaked. I don't believe Kim Kardashian herself leaked it or wanted it leaked, just because it led to her becoming "famous" which led to financial gain from future endeavors. Not to mention her filing a lawsuit against those that claimed ownership of the video. Everything isn't a conspiracy and everything isn't planned by some ringmaster overseer controlling world events for profit.


Or Congressman Joe Wilson when he interrupted Obama during his speech and shouted "You lie!" Joe Wilson's opponent's donations skyrocketed. If we used TreSix Logic, we'd have to assume that Joe Wilson's opponent manufactured the outburst, by manipulating Wilson to interrupt the President, so he could raise more money against Wilson.


I agree that certain things are staged, and certain things are publicity stunts. But using some logic & reasoning, you have to look at everything by a case-by-case basis, instead of assuming that all controversies are staged no matter what.

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its not an MTV plan. they didnt sit down with them and discuss this.


but they benifit from it. so there gonna hype it.


Kanye KNEW he was gonna say somethin to spark contro. and im sure he meant everything he said, but he was gonna do somethin.


and im certainly not saying HIM and his PUBLICIST didnt sit down n talk about it.


but shit, hes no dummy. he doesnt need anyone waving a chunk a cheese through the maze.


dude builds the maze. runs the maze. conquers the maze.


how many hits this thread get?

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its not an MTV plan. they didnt sit down with them and discuss this.


but they benifit from it. so there gonna hype it.


Kanye KNEW he was gonna say somethin to spark contro. and im sure he meant everything he said, but he was gonna do somethin.


and im certainly not saying HIM and his PUBLICIST didnt sit down n talk about it.


but shit, hes no dummy. he doesnt need anyone waving a chunk a cheese through the maze.


dude builds the maze. runs the maze. conquers the maze.


how many hits this thread get?



Exactly. No one is saying MTV isn't enjoying the buzz/publicity. We're just saying this wasn't some maniacal conspiracy created by MTV, with Taylor, Beyonce, Kanye, Taylor's mom, and Taylor's friends all being in on it. Including Kanye's PR people being in on it for telling him to apologize.


Even if Kanye cooked this up in his own mind, and wanted to do it for publicity on his own (which I doubt), it would still qualify as being "real" since Taylor, Beyonce, MTV, and others effected would have been unaware, and thus genuinely effected by this.

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example: me.


do i mean everything i say on here? of course.


do i chose to say certain things at certain times? YOU BET.


point is. Kanye is a smart mutherfucker. kanye is also an opinionated mutherfucker.


he knows exactly what hes doing.


and when you(theo) are talking about "real" or whatever, of course its real. hes not fabricating what hes saying. but he knows exactly what hes doing.

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No my logic and experience tells me that from a production standpoint it had to be manufactured


Exactly. No one is saying MTV isn't enjoying the buzz/publicity. We're just saying this wasn't some maniacal conspiracy created by MTV, with Taylor, Beyonce, Kanye, Taylor's mom, and Taylor's friends all being in on it. Including Kanye's PR people being in on it for telling him to apologize.


Even if Kanye cooked this up in his own mind, and wanted to do it for publicity on his own (which I doubt), it would still qualify as being "real" since Taylor, Beyonce, MTV, and others effected would have been unaware, and thus genuinely effected by this.


first off you act like this would take a "conspiracy" of epic perportions to pull this off

have you ever seen a movie? I guess Jurassic park was just a maniacle conspiracy to make it appear that dinosaurs live again too? Getting those people "in on it" isn't hard, the list you named isn't even a fraction of one video production, much less the entire production crew for the VMAs. As for Kanyes PR people, who the fuck do you think signs their checks? Who the fuck do you think hired them for kanye?they work for the record company! As for taylors mom & friends, throw them some change, have them sign some non disclosure agreements, and it's a wrap. Her mom already works for the label anyways!


It's not oceans 11! It's showbiz! It's done on a much grander scale all the time!






you are just fooled by showbiz- it's ok they have been fooling people for over a hundred years


just one idiot magician can make it appear like he's sawing a woman in half

this is just the same thing, on a much bigger scale




I'm not gonna argue any more tho, but here is my final point











Taylor Swift - big machine records- subsidiary of Universal Music Group

Kanye West - Island Def Jam - subsidiary of Universal Music Group



It should also be noted that Beyonce was discovered and signed to Island Def Jam originally, but Sasha Fierce was released on Colombia, which is Sony BMG... But she also knows a lot of people from her tenure at island and they were the ones who shaped her to the star she is today



So yeah, 2 people on the same label making a scene at a fake ass awards event, and you wanna argue that it's not a manufactured media event when there are specific examples in the production that have indicated to 3 separate trained eyes that it was, in fact, manufactured





Ok, whatever, I feel gay as fuck for spending this much time talking about kanye anyways

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kanye and taylor same label?!?!?!


i didnt know that part. awesome!


i think he should have had interacial anal sex with her on stage rather than calling her video out though.




If this were 2 years earlier, all 3 would be on the same label, with kanye & beyonce both being on the same division (island def jam)

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Also can someone find me an unedited clip from start to finish of the Taylor swift award announcement? All I can find is the edited one that cuts from Taylor alone onstage, to kanye already there, then handing her his mic at the end. I want 'to see the unedited live feed that aired from her coming on stage to when kanye leaves

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Kanye & Taylor being both under Universal is neither surprising nor unexpected.


There are only a small handful of large conglomorates that control the music industry. Just as there are only a few corporations that own all the major television/cable broadcasting networks.


In fact, there are only four major labels to date that run the industry; Warner, EMI, Sony, and Universal. Wow! Such a coincidence that two artists might be under the same label!

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