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Obama is at Camp David taking a week off. Dude's been working his ass off and deserves the rest.


I noticed some conservatives were mad about this, as if Obama was the first president in history to ever take a break at Camp David.


Actually, Obama is on a family vacation in Martha's Vineyard.


Further, any time spent at the 'Presidential Retreat' at Camp David can hardly be called a vacation because it's pretty much the White House without pedestrian traffic.


He IS on vacation, I don't have a problem with that, but how many days did Bush spend 'at the ranch' in Crawford? How many days has Obama spent back in Chi town just kickin' it?


And not just Bush, everybody does it... when you're boss of the whole fucking show I imagine it's difficult to resist weekend trips to Amsterdam on Air Force 1 and Sundays in St. Croix... Hell, if it was me I'd just take every other afternoon off to fly around in the Presi helicopter blasting hip hop and pounding beers and weed... I don't personally know but I bet someone on the permanent White House staff knows where 'hot chicks with helicopters' hang out... I'd go there...


Clinton out.

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Rest in peace. Regardless of if you agree with TK or not, His life was pretty fucking interesting. He also probably knows more than a lot of you do combined about what is/ was really going on.

Also I identify with the Quimby side of the Kennedys.

I too like chase punanny and then lie about it.

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The VA treats me pretty well and I would love for you to find someone from a country with universal health care that would be willing to tear it down and go to a privatized system.


not adding fuel to the fire



if we had government controlled health care, shit would be fucked up and corrupt

our government barely even gives a shit about the wounded soldiers/veterans from iraq

let alone thinking how bad and messed up social security is also


i'm all for it since it's tough as fuck to get a fully covered plan with a job

being a student, i only have another year of that shit covered then i'm screwed

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Anybody who negaprops Casek for that ignorant ass shit and gets negahammered back in return, just save a screencap of you negapropping him and one of your CP of him negapropping you in return and I'll get you back.

I have pretty much the same amount of props points as him and can pretty much negate whatever damage he does, so don't be shook.





How are you going to say no props whore nerd when thats one of the nerdiest posts in the history of 12oz?



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so wheres this money coming from???


for healt care i mean?


arent we in debt?


wouldnt spending more...make us in more debt?


wouldnt spending more money we dont have on something more important ake more sense?


before the stimulus bill didnt he say it would create jobs?


whats he saying now?


"were trying to save jobs"?


the only jobs hes created are government jobs...

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