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The Eagles are fucking Gangstarr.


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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.


When the fuck did I ever say that college is for succkers?

You see, now you're making shit up.



But while we're at it, you're the same fucking idiot who argued with me for like 20 pages talking about how Indians (from India) aren't of the same race as Arabs just because they speak a different language and live on the other side of a man made border.

You're the one with the track record of arguing with me about shit that there's no possible way that you're stupid enough to beleive the bullshit that you spew, just for the sake of arguing.

Now here you are making up 100% lies that I never even said anything even said anything even remotely close to.



You said that on TinyChat -- "college is for suckers". You may have been drunk, because whenever you're on there, you keep talking about how you gotta head to the fridge to grab another cold one.


And I actually said "Indians aren't Arab", because you originally said "Indians ARE Arab". They're not the same. An Indian is not an Arab.

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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.


I actually did consult a handfull of people to make sure that I havn't lost my mind.

They all said exactly what I'm saying, and said that whoever I'm arguing with on the internet are idiots.

Then almost all of them clowned me for arguing with idiots on the internet.


new sig, thanks.

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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.


Finish what it said -- "domestic ass belonging to the horse family, Equidae,"



The actual name of the family is Equidae, not "horse family". Fail on your part. Horses, donkeys, zebras, etc all fall in to that family.




Nigga it still said a member of the HORSE FAMILY.

That makes it a HORSE you fucking moron. :lol:

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That shit has absolutely nothing to do with a zebra not being a horse you stupid bastard.

If something belongs to the horse family, that makes it a fucking horse.

If something belongs to the dog family, that makes it a fucking dog.

You gonna put your foot even further down your mouth and say that a tiger isn't a cat?


Or we could get slightly back on topic and you can try and explain how an Eagle's not a bird. :dunce:

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Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Family: Hominidae

Subfamily: Homininae

Tribe: Hominini

Subtribe: Panina

Genus: Pan


HUMANDomain: Eukarya

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Superclass: Tetrapoda

Class: Mammalia

Infraclass: Eutheria

Order: Primates

Suborder: Haplorrhini

Infraorder: Simiiformes

Parvorder: Catarrhini

Superfamily: Hominoidea

Family: Hominidae

Subfamily: Homininae

Tribe: Hominini

Genus: Homo

Species: H. sapiens

Subspecies: H. s. sapiens


See how they're the same, all the way to the family? Does that make them the same exact animal? No, of course not.


That's the same way that dogs/wolfs or horses/zebras can be very similay, but still not be the same because they're a different genus/species

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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.


I said that they're the same fucking race.

You said that they're not the same race because they don't live on the Arab peninsula. :dunce:


You originally said "Indians are Arab". Then you slowly and slyly tried to change it to "Indians & Arab are the same race".

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He's good at that. I call it the 'ole switcheroo'. Soon enough, nobody even knows just what-in-the-fuck they're arguing about in the first place. People end up being more ill-informed and fucked up on the topic than when they started out. You really can't win. But it's fun to try.


He may have taken a few debate classes in highschool. Common tactic...


I need to go to sleep.

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