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Social Etiquette --- Are you an asshole or not??

Richard Pryor

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So long story short, ive been laided up for the past week and half with a fucked ankle, hospitol stays, endless blood tests and not to mention not being able to put weight on my ankle and restricted to crutches..


now i dunno if any of you heads have ever had to use crutches before, but its possibly one of the shittest things in the world. tiresome, painful, pretty much just shit.


now combine all the the pace of public transport and busy streets with crutching around on one leg the result? i found most people are fuck assholes.. selfish rude fucking assholes.


Example One: i was making my slow ass across the road to catch a bus back to my neighbourhood, Clearly the bus driver could see me, and hear me saying "yo hold the bus man"..


did he? answer is no, gave me sort of a smug look and took off.




Example Two: this was kinda a social experiment as ive had to deal with rude fucks all week long, i wanted to see if there was a decent person put there.


waiting for the train i was standing next to this fat middle aged women, train came and i proceeded to cripple my ass on, this wide load bitch legs it in front of me and takes the only available seat on the train, leaving me to stand up..


Fat Asshole.


ive found fat people are the worst when it comes to being selfish cunts, just because your fat doesn’t give you the right to sit, eat, sweat and talk as loud and as much as you want.


i don’t wanna sound like a whinging jerk, i have a good friend who is an amputee and now walks with a false leg, couldn’t imagine the bullshit he went thru.


If anyone else has been in the same sort of situation share your stories about general assholes you have encountered



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waiting for the train i was standing next to this fat middle aged women, train came and i proceeded to cripple my ass on, this wide load bitch legs it infront of me and takes the only avaliable seat on the train, leaving me to stand up..


Fat Asshole.


shoulda told that fat bitch something.


i dont wanna sound like a whinging jerk, i have a good friend who is an amputee and now walks with a flase leg, couldnt imagine the bullshit he *goes thru.

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Appears in sentence formations where the writer is attempting to express a falsehood (false), however, has an extreme fetish for flaccid flesh and unknowingly converts false to flase.


Your statement is flase! (The writer meant to write false but is preoccupied thinking about the recipient’s flaccid unit)

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Appears in sentence formations where the writer is attempting to express a falsehood (false), however, has an extreme fetish for flaccid flesh and unknowingly converts false to flase.


Your statement is flase! (The writer meant to write false but is preoccupied thinking about the recipient’s flaccid unit)



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Anyway, you're a cripple or handicap for now so everyone else must make fun of you and shun you. The bus driver should have waited until you were right up on the bus, then drove off, or rolled forward a bit, stopped, waited for you to hobble, then drove off.

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Which is odd to me. Not tryin to trivialize actual unintended handicaps by paralleling obesity to it. But, it is a handicap that can be completely avoided/rectified. Yet obese ppl feel as though they are better than someone born with a fuckin defect. I don't get it.





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Example One: i was making my slow ass across the road to catch a bus back to my neighbourhood, Clearly the bus driver could see me, and hear me saying "yo hold the bus man"..


did he? answer is no, gave me sort of a smug look and took off.




made me think of this



as far as assholes go?

i'm with twinky /nh on this, people are generally really courteous to others - especially people with disabilities or injuries.


not saying people arent inconsiderate fucktards, just not on the bus where i live

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made me think of this



as far as assholes go?

i'm with twinky /nh on this, people are generally really courteous to others - especially people with disabilities or injuries.


not saying people arent inconsiderate fucktards, just not on the bus where i live


that book looks dope, whats it about..


fair call about your own respective citys, i guess people in sydney are all just fucking cunts

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Is she on crutches because she's fat or fat because she's on crutches?



























































































































k, it's over.

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Which is odd to me. Not tryin to trivialize actual unintended handicaps by paralleling obesity to it. But, it is a handicap that can be completely avoided/rectified. Yet obese ppl feel as though they are better than someone born with a fuckin defect. I don't get it.










Duuuuude!!! It's genetic, like I have big bones & shit!

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HAHAH that old debunked shit.


Man, I remember Mom and Grandma tellin me on some sympathy stunt "You are just big boned" FatKidOner


I have always been a big dude (height&weight) but it shouldn't be attributed to genetics. In my case it should be attributed to "occasionally" takin other kid's lunches hahahah. Classmates always had the better shit I swear.

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I'm an asshole, but in public situations i'm generally overly courteous. I make an effort to go out of my way to hold the door for people, give up my seats on trains/buses for anyone who looks like they might need it more than me, thank people for everything, etc. Nothing pisses me off as much as all the jackasses out there who can't take the 1 second to say thanks after i take 10 seconds waiting at the door holding it for their slow ass.

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that book looks dope, whats it about..


fair call about your own respective citys, i guess people in sydney are all just fucking cunts


i have copped this sorta shit in brisbane when im with my little boy. Im only 21 and hes almost 3, so alot of the time i carry him cuz he gets tired walking. fuckin pathetic when people are sitting down on a train and dont offer me there seats when im standing up holding him. would make me much more frustrated if it was a fat cunt that was doin it.

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I'm an asshole, but in public situations i'm generally overly courteous. I make an effort to go out of my way to hold the door for people, give up my seats on trains/buses for anyone who looks like they might need it more than me, thank people for everything, etc. Nothing pisses me off as much as all the jackasses out there who can't take the 1 second to say thanks after i take 10 seconds waiting at the door holding it for their slow ass.



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I remember going to see Lord of the Rings at this stadium seating theater. I had bought myself a popcorn and soda, and my friends and I ended up sitting in the back row due to lack of good seats. So as the trailers are running, and the lights are off, this kid and his father try getting to a few seats down from us. As the kid is walking by he kicks over my soda, turns to me, and says "I'm sorry" in this little wimpery child's voice.


Now most civilized human beings would say "oh don't worry about it." But that day I was not civilized. I sat up, looked at my soda, looked at the kid with a serious straight face and said "Why don't you tell your dad to buy me a new soda." Then I looked up at the dad and he said "how much?" with a gruff in his voice. I told him 5 bucks, got me a Lincoln, and went to get a new soda.


When I came back all three of my friends were cold staring at me shaking their heads. My buddy just laughed and said "you're a fucking asshole."

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There are 2 parts of being an asshole in that situation earl, the first one is of course not looking after your own soda, the second is forcing this little kid to middle man between you and his father. In my never humble opinion you should have spoken directly to the father.


I skipped most of the thread but will possit that bus drivers are in my experience total jerk offs. I have noticed that people tend to take on the worst from their profession, for example if a person is a salesperson they will not listen to others input even when it may save them money or effort but instead focus on selling their point. I think that bus drivers must absorb all the bullshit from customers and save it up to unleash on people for no good reason.


I surveyed in downtown Seattle for a long time and spent a lot of time out in the middle of the street doing my work. It is very dangerous and stressful but most of the time when you see a professional driver like a truck rolling up the road you know that things will be cool with that driver. Bus drivers on the other hand can be super aggressive and act like they own the road and you have no business being there and will sometimes purposely intimidate you with their driving.


I am an asshole in many situations and think that it is good to be honest with the public when they are fucking up but also good to live by example.

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