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naw, unfortunately there won't be any side trips.

we're flying into istanbul and MUST be in london 11 days later to fly home

we jam our vacations up so hardt, i need a vacation from my vacation.


seriously, i think we'll be focused on city centers and trains.


prolly shoulda said that first.

thanks for the tips on munich BOATS.. i don't drink though. i smoke herb

and all the talk of the castle made me look it up on teh flickrs


..and as i was doing that, i realized i saw rick steves talking about this place last week on pbs




looks awesome.


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i stayed in the butterfly villa hostel Bucharest in 2007, the girls who ran the place at that time were gorgeous and loved me. Good fun. Theres a dope Syrian resteraunt around the corner.


I also agree that Bucharest is not the highlight of travel in Romania. Smaller places like Sibiu and Brasov I found more enjoyable (though I think they were trying to make Brasov a tourist spot ? Im not sure how things are since they joined the E. U. ) Unless you need to make a travel connection out of Buch, or youre going to paint the metro then I'd recommend reading up on smaller places and seeing if one takes your fancy instead. If you do that, consider hitch hiking somewhere a short distance as a day trip (since you're pressed for time). Hitch hiking in romania is different from other places in europe and a lot of fun.


Istanbul, really everything is good there. The sites Blue mosque, aiya sofia (sp?) are all worthy. Its a great city to just walk around get lost and chat to people more than anything. I do recommend getting a hamam massage, there's some spots that just cater to western toursits, try to avoid this and find the "real deal". Even though its kind of like getting scrubbed down by a sumo wrestler (n/h) they leave you to have a nap and get changed at the end and I felt suprisingly very relaxed. The grand bizzare there is also nice.


In istanbull I met several people who'd had money extorted from them in one way or another (mostly due to their own poor judgement) and more alarmingly, met one girl who had been drugged in the place she was staying before she came to my hostel. I had absolutely no trouble and a great time. I'm sure you'll do the same.


I also would skip Vienna for somewhwere more interesting/nice (perhaps lljubliana in Slovenia? ) but that's just a personal choice.

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thanks fred.


i will definitely consider the hamam massage.. i don't know, a little wary of it but we'll see.

istanbul has such a great rep.. i wanna find some good food though.


vienna has gotten so many raves from people i know i think we kidna have to go.. plus i heard it's an easy one 'to do' so we'll be checking that out.


i'll read up on hikes near bucharest, i think we have a forced O/N there due to the train schedules..

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yes, to be honest I did look at your itinery and think to myself what you might be doing. :) Best of luck. Anyway you're sure to have a great time. The first three places are a lot of fun, and so is Paris (but you already knew that). Take lots of photos (I'll be there in November but travel photos of Europe never get old for me) Bon voyage!

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Selfishly ignoring everyone elses questions.


Me and my buddy are taken the amtrak from Rochester to NYC this Thursday. Ending up in Penn station in Manhattan then getting to Brooklyn to meet up with another bud of mine. We are plannin on stayin till late Sunday. Thurs-Sunday and doing...


-Goin to Tommy Wiseau's Q&A of The Room

-Smith St

-Black Gold

-Obscura (Oddities show)

-Pizza as fuck

Not sleeping


Lookin for more suggestions. I know I can look through all the NYC threads and Im prolly gunna (prolly not) but figured it best to not make another fuckin NYC advice thread.


Essentially we are just gunna walk around and find fun bullshit. Thats the plan no plan but I'd like to know of some rad shit before hand thanks in advance.

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crossing that border ought to be a piece of cake? Make sure your documents are in order, I havent crossed it personally though so ask around. Also aren't canada rather touchy about leting people in if they have criminal record? It's not something im too certain about.


either way try poutine for me tell me if it's delicious. While in Montreal don't stand for any of the quebec crap haha.


Have fun.

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Montreal- check out a strip club fo sho. There's a place called something like Cinematique where you can go and watch a pretty good assortment of Candian documentaries for free on your own screen, think that's on St Denis near....Rene Levesque? Walk around the streets & you'll see some good graf, especially if you head down Ste Catherine toward the direction of Chinatown. There's a lot of great food around, and plenty of beers.

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Miss Symbols, I'll leave this here in case someone else might find it useful..


"There's one that's alwasy busy is very near to where i live - small little place but alwasy seems popular. Tien Hiang, it is asian stuff and had a pretty nice meal there once.



He said there are loads around though and that you'll be fine, he can't recommend any more as he's a meat eater. Hope it helps!

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crossing that border ought to be a piece of cake? Make sure your documents are in order, I havent crossed it personally though so ask around. Also aren't canada rather touchy about leting people in if they have criminal record? It's not something im too certain about.


either way try poutine for me tell me if it's delicious. While in Montreal don't stand for any of the quebec crap haha.


Have fun.


chuu, i just got back. the canadian border people were dicks, brought out the drug dogs and shit, but it was easy getting back into america. poutine was fucking unreal, i demolished a plate of it when i was drunk. overall, bangin city, definitely recommended. only drawback was that beer was expensive as hell, made philly beer stores (which are pretty expensive) look like the freakin dollar store haha

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Montreal- check out a strip club fo sho. There's a place called something like Cinematique where you can go and watch a pretty good assortment of Candian documentaries for free on your own screen, think that's on St Denis near....Rene Levesque? Walk around the streets & you'll see some good graf, especially if you head down Ste Catherine toward the direction of Chinatown. There's a lot of great food around, and plenty of beers.


haha the strip clubs were awesome, and montreal did have some unexpectedly good graffiti. the food was awesome too, pountine was hands down some of the best drunk food i ever ate

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chinese in paris. hahaa thanks though, i think we'll try it.


i'll be in heathrow, for sure no doubt, on october 15.

hopefully we'll be in london that morning at least


gotta take the train in from paris at some point.


I forgot to mention, regarding istanbul. Take some imodium or similar medicine with you. Most travellers pack this kind of stuff anyway I guess.


Especially if you're mainly travelling in Western Europe, you're going to get a rumble tummy when you get there.


Also on the bright side, if you have to transit via Bucharest, I thouroughly enjoyed riding the trains in Romania to, nice country side. Hopefully you will also. (even though you don't drink take a small bottle of vodka with you)

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(rumble tummy)


This is one of those problems that only affects people who dont vary their food intake...


I have whats known as a third world stomach. In the last month ive consumed raw beef (etheopian) rare beef (viet), literally pounds of raw fish, live yeast, food that was left out over night, homemade cheese, veg of all sorts of providence, and a fewm dozen raw oyesters.


Did you know that the vast majority of auto-immune diseases occur in developed countries? Just like a person who is coddled by their mom as they grew up is gonna get the shit kicked out of them as soon as they go to the real world, your body is going to whine like a little baby bitch everytime it gets some bacteria its not used to...


My advice: man up pussies. Broaden your horizons. But if youre in youre late 20 s early 30s and you havent even managed sushi yet, fuck it, meat loaf and bread forever

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yes, that's what vacinations basically are, weakened doses of diseases to 'man up' your immune system.


I travelled through vietnam, ate pho (rare beef soup) more or less everyday from street stalls or similar places and had absolutely no problems. Places where I have been sick I think have had little to do with the food and have been countries with under developed sanitation.


To be honest I don't think eating a wide range of food in a first world country is going to stop you having an adjustment phase when you get to a less developed one. But I guess maybe if the place/places your eating are very 'authentic' that might make some kind of difference. (though I'd be lying if I didn't say I doubt that in general).


I do agree that people in general should try a wide variety of food especially while travelling. Use common sense of course, but if you're refusing to eat anything that is local or somehing new, you'd be missing out. ( Being vegetarian could make a difference, I don't know).

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