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"You's guys" is east coast for "yall". Or at least the part of the east coast that I'm from.

It's pretty much only white people who say "you's", black people just say "yall". I say both.



The fuck is a ignit?



I thought only fat Italian men from the Northeast said "youse".

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"You's guys" is east coast for "yall". Or at least the part of the east coast that I'm from.

It's pretty much only white people who say "you's", black people just say "yall". I say both.



The fuck is a ignit?






I know that. Still, I don't like it but that's my personal opinion.






You've never heard the term "ignit??" It's an ignorant, but worse. Why am I explaining that....











"You'se guys" is said too damn much in professional settings.

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"You'se guys" is said too damn much in professional settings.


what professional settings? mob meetings? i dont think ive ever heard anyone say it in real life. maybe in a philly pizza spot, but that's pretty much the same thing.

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One of the reasons for stupid grammar mistakes, poor punctuation, and such is that teachers aren't even bothering anymore. My boss' wife is a teacher, and it pisses her off to no end that other teachers at the school she works at don't demerit students for grammatical errors anymore. As long as they get the IDEA of the lesson, they're fine. Fuck that. They're teachers. They need to teach. History teeachers are letting kids turn in papers written in text speak beacause they aren't English teachers.

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One of the reasons for stupid grammar mistakes, poor punctuation, and such is that teachers aren't even bothering anymore.




Oh yeah. It's fun reading popular magazines from the 1920s and seeing how much the common language has declined since then. Novelists don't even take the care that was used to write a cigarette advertisement back then.








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you're just mad cause you're girlfriend spell checked all your love letters then broke up with you.


Oh shit... did I tell you about that? Seriously, that sucked. How you going to send me back letters, pre-email days, edited for spelling and grammar... and then break up with me? Shit was bonkers. She was kinda freaky though so I let it go without a grumble.


I think what bugs me more than anything, and it's so prevalent in today's youthful society... is how, mostly, girls end every sentence with an upward infliction. I don't get the reason behind it or where it came from to be so ingrained in people's speech. I know they're not learning it in school from a teacher so I'm assuming they're learning it from television.


Everyone knows what I'm talking about, right?

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Joker --My girlfriend kind of does that upward infliction shit. It's not horrible or anything, but I call her out on it sometimes. Thing is, English isn't her first language, and if you listen to her speak in her native tongue (Lao), it makes sense why she accents things like that.


But on the other hand, I had a friend from Richmond Virginia move over to California, and he started talking like that after two years of living there. I just chalked it up to him being Californicated.

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