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I vote community college for two years, then a university. That's what my little brother and old lady did, kill two years at junior college, then transfer as a junior to a university. Saved a lot of money. Plus, junior college is easy as fuck, so you'll be able to build your gpa up prior to applying to a university.


i was thinkin that thanks for the advice tho

probly be alot cheaper too

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Never too late to go back. I work as a CNC machinist on top the line HAAS machines, and learned CAD/CAM. I'm a 3rd gen machinist. I worked at a shop for 4 years and got laid off recently. Im in the pos where I have experience but bigger shops want voc. school as well. Unemployment has a new law that allows them to pay for my job education so Im going back to school for free and will have a 60,000 to start job at the end. Im looking forward to doing well in these courses because I never did good in HS. Always skipping class and smokin blunts never got me anywhere.

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I vote community college for two years, then a university. That's what my little brother and old lady did, kill two years at junior college, then transfer as a junior to a university. Saved a lot of money. Plus, junior college is easy as fuck, so you'll be able to build your gpa up prior to applying to a university.


This is an amazing idea, but make sure your credits will transfer. Going to community college fucked me over because I didn't know which school I was transferring to. Most of my credits didn't transfer and those that did were not needed for the program I was going into. Just make sure everything matches up and you're golden.

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This is an amazing idea, but make sure your credits will transfer.

Definitely!! Some community colleges have programs where you complete two years of the program, and unless you're a retard, you're pretty much guaranteed acceptance into the university. After my wife completes her bachelors, if she decides to follow through with her masters, it will only take one year to complete since she is in the Human Services program. Doing your thesis in a year sounds like a motherfucker though...

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i just met a white girl with the nicest ass ive ever seen on any girl (including black girls) today at school and got lost on the college campus because apparently ground level is marked as the second floor? but the elevators were fast as hell, hopefully i will never have to go to that campus again.



just chill out for a bunch of more years until your 65 and go to comm college for free.

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as a person who has been fucked by my school westood college for 30-40k go to community college ITS CHEAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then get great grades so you can transfer into harvard or yale or the best private universities for free on scholarship. thats my plan

go cheap, extra effort, free money!

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lol call me an artfag i dont care

i do canvas alot and have

aspirations in doin screen printing

so yeh i dont care


Oh no, I didn't mean it like that, I do the same shit.


I'm talking about the real pretentious TPWFs who drop mad money to get a bfa in like painting.


I went for graphic design and I fucking despise it. And now I'm trying to figure out what the fuck I'm going to do with my life.

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@thrashcat ^^ thats pretty much the reason not to go into the business


lots of hipster fags that didn't go for an english major instead dropped plenty of bills on a fancy art school. they're mostly not even that good, and will probly live with their parents the rest of their life


get a real major. it might be tougher but you wont have to hang out with hipsters throughout college and you can get a job


unless you're amazing at art, then you should go to art school or try and get an internship somewhere and skip school altogether

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i think the safest thing to do would be go for 2 years at community and then transfer to uni. just dont go to ANY college that has ads on TV unless you recognize the name (recognize it from other places, not TV)






dont worry about it and call it as you go.

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You can use the web and books and occasionally drop loot on a class here and there if learning is what you want.

Going back for a full out degree would be a good Idea at any age though, especially if you have a specific career in mind and a plan.

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im looking to try and go back to college. my first attempt was right after highschool, i lasted 2 weeks becuase i baught my first car, and the thought of painting and drinking everyday/night was too overpowering to the point where i would miss my first class, then the first and second, and then by the end of the second week i said fuck it and just stopped going. 4 years later i regret making the decision of not focusing on school and sticking to a ..work then play attitude. now im stuck in a 7-5 mon-friday/saturday job. im making descent money but its not where i want to be the rest of my life. if im going to try and attempt to live a "descent life" with a wife and kid and not be living in a basement or a third floor 1 bedroom apartment the rest of my life i need some sort of education for atleast a higher paying job.


im thinking after summer going back and taking maybe 1 or two night classes just to get back in the groove of just school in general and doing "HOMEWORK". i know if i jump right in and try to go quickly it will back-fire and i'll end up just quitting again. i still don't know what i want to do. i tried graphic design/art history, and was just disgusted with all the kids in every class becuase they all thought they were the shit and were "different/sophisticatedly artsy".

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then get great grades so you can transfer into harvard or yale or the best private universities for free on scholarship. thats my plan

go cheap, extra effort, free money!

I'd hate to ruin your dreams, but it's gonna take a lot more than good grades in junior college to get a full ride to Harvard or Yale.

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@thrashcat ^^ thats pretty much the reason not to go into the business


lots of hipster fags that didn't go for an english major instead dropped plenty of bills on a fancy art school. they're mostly not even that good, and will probly live with their parents the rest of their life


get a real major. it might be tougher but you wont have to hang out with hipsters throughout college and you can get a job


unless you're amazing at art, then you should go to art school or try and get an internship somewhere and skip school altogether


the way I figure it, is that if you're a good artist, you don't need art school to get into galleries.


But yeah, I gotta try and figure out what I'm doing now. i think i'm just going to try and take some time off from school stuff rather than rush into something.

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i have been out of the school shit for awhile, what is a good major? nothing art related. something that would give me a desk job,maybe something for human resources like accounting if i feel up to dealing with numbers. anyone suggest anything thats not crazy work.


something more towards business too.

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im looking to try and go back to college. my first attempt was right after highschool, i lasted 2 weeks becuase i baught my first car, and the thought of painting and drinking everyday/night was too overpowering to the point where i would miss my first class, then the first and second, and then by the end of the second week i said fuck it and just stopped going. 4 years later i regret making the decision of not focusing on school and sticking to a ..work then play attitude. now im stuck in a 7-5 mon-friday/saturday job. im making descent money but its not where i want to be the rest of my life. if im going to try and attempt to live a "descent life" with a wife and kid and not be living in a basement or a third floor 1 bedroom apartment the rest of my life i need some sort of education for atleast a higher paying job.


im thinking after summer going back and taking maybe 1 or two night classes just to get back in the groove of just school in general and doing "HOMEWORK". i know if i jump right in and try to go quickly it will back-fire and i'll end up just quitting again. i still don't know what i want to do. i tried graphic design/art history, and was just disgusted with all the kids in every class becuase they all thought they were the shit and were "different/sophisticatedly artsy".


I could have typed this word for word 3 years ago...


Do the community college thing for 2 years... I started CC in the fall 2006, only took 2 night classes that semester. It was alot easier than I thought it would be. Just by showing up, handing in papers on time, and studying for a few hours before exams, I was getting mostly A's. Transferred out of there with a 3.7 this past summer.

The school I'm at now gives me free tuition if I take 5 classes per semester and maintain a 3.0 or higher. I had a financial aid advisor tell me that tons of scholarship money goes unclaimed every year, because people don't apply for alot of them. So the money's out there.

As for being old, it's not that bad... I'm 27 and will probably be in school another 2 years before I have my bachelor's. Usually people just think I'm a grad student.

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