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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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Not beer also, but this is to theprotester.




My buddy brought this back from Germany for me. Its the real deal one also. Have yet to pop it open though...












Anyways, i havent uploaded alot of pictures lately been too busy. but here is a few for now...
































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Not beer also, but this is to theprotester.




My buddy brought this back from Germany for me. Its the real deal one also. Have yet to pop it open though...








a few science labs analysed old bottles of circa ~1800 absinthe. if i remember it correctly, there weren't wildly obscene amounts of thujone in the bottles.


nowadays, almost all absinthe hits around the 20-40mg/L of thujone. even the classical bohemian stuff i had in prague wasn't strong enough to induce a dissociative state.

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The older stuff I don't think they found anything over 11mg/L.


Australia caps it at 35mg/l, I just paid $1300 for a lab test to verify mine. Interestingly enough, thujone in lab form has never been brought into Australia until I just did it - so I have no idea how the other two made in the country were analysed? Anyway, looks like we just scraped in at 33/34mg/L.


Which is pretty damn high in the Absinthe world.


Love that hand numbered bottle, there's a bit of theatre about things like that. Pop it open mate!

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a few science labs analysed old bottles of circa ~1800 absinthe. if i remember it correctly, there weren't wildly obscene amounts of thujone in the bottles.


nowadays, almost all absinthe hits around the 20-40mg/L of thujone. even the classical bohemian stuff i had in prague wasn't strong enough to induce a dissociative state.


the stuff i tried from prague got me so fucked up and sick, i can never drink absinthe again.






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maaaaannnn, my friend is on one.


I had a few homebrews of his i couldn't bring back to CA, so I left them in my parent's pantry till last night.


Had an IPA with zythos and citra hops. GOOOOD.


The girl has one of our friend's raspberry sours last night and said it was delicious too.


We are bringing over a cherry sour to a friend's place today. I'll report back with photos then.


This is the same dude who made the weed oatmeal stout that got me lifted a while ago.


YAY for friends who get their chem PhD making beer.

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Nothing groundbreaking for this thread, but getting hoppy tonight:


Shipyard Monkey Fist


Bear Republic Racer 5


Rouge Yellow Snow


Going to the extreme other end with Left Hand Milk Stout Nitro, which I haven't tried, but their regular milk stout is delicious, so...also have a few bottles of La Fin hanging around.

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how was yellow snow?


i haven't had, but saw it for $13/6 pack and was torn w/o having


Phone oontzin' like a scumbag while I wait for my friend


Yellow Snow was eh to me. Not bad by any means, but I like my IPAs "punchy" right up front, and it was pretty light. The hops came through strong as more of aftertaste. Almost tasteless at first.


I'll stick to Dead Guy.

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That yellow snow sucked..


Went to Lagunitas brewery and taproom yesterday. Loved the cheap prices on beer and the food was excellent but I had pretty bad service. Had 22 of their beers on tap. Fresh Dog, Fresh kronik, and the 2012 release of Sucks was damn good. Then there was a Sonoma county aged in Pinot barrels. Everything was good!


Fist666- awesome! Can't wait. I got alot of beers yesterday. Have you gotten a hold of the stone 12 vertical yet? And the stone-dogfish Saison? And also Tricerahops from Ninkasi. Then I got another case of bombers I picked out

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haven't gone for the stone vertical this year, i'm really not a belgian/spiced beer drinker.


i did try the stone/df, and i fucking love ninkasi stuff. in tacoma it was everywhere and cheap 7/8 for a 6, 4/5 for a bomber. i haven't seen it in CO yet though.


and thanks lurker and realism for the yellow snow review, i'm not paying $13 for it.

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