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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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I was just in Taiwan a few weeks back, was surprised at all the different Asahi brews there are since we just have the super dry in the states. Mostly it was all similar in taste, but I had one or two that were better than the others. I know this is the beer thread, but if you're in Japan make sure you try out some of the different whiskys from the Suntory region- good shit!



Drinking the Dogfish Head Palo Alto Marron now out of boredom. Some of you swear by this brand, I think it sucks overall, although I did have the pumpkin on tap last week and it was pretty good that way. This stuff is high on the alcohol content, but I feel it's a bad copy of the more expensive Samuel Adams brew they had years back that was like $4-5/bottle that came in the dark blue bottle.

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Had a whole bunch of christmas beers last night. Had a bit of a tasting with our beer buyer.


It was sort of great, the CEO of Pabst came into our store and left his card with our buyer. Dude's name is, no joke, John J. Lennon.


There were some break out hits last night and some horrible failures.


Among the top were:




This year's Double Bastard by Stone. Not a christmas beer, but a seasonal that matches the strength of the beers in season right now. This was really good. This year's batch is malty, bitter, big and flavorful. The hop profile matched our taco's nicely and took the heat of the spice off my tongue while not overpowering me with a floral bouquet.





This beer was great but we had it at the wrong moment in the evening. After finishing the Double Bastard we moved to this while still eating our taco's. The Belgian yeasts were an odd counterpart to the cayenne, paprika and cumin of the taco meat. Regardless, an awesome beer. Deep, complex and not overly spiced, this is a nice winter take on the Belgian classic.





This beer was crazy. To start, it's essentially a mix of three different brewing processes. It is a farmhouse ale (as a saison is), brewed as a rye, with Brettanomyces. So you have the natural mustiness of the saison, with the bitterness of the rye and the funk of the Brettanomyces. Needless to say this was as complex as a beer can be. Was very good. I would love to try this with the right cheese plate. Something silky to contrast all the crazy flavors going on in this beer. If you like the farmhouse palette and you are a fan of interesting brewing combinations seek this beer out.





I think this next one was my winner for the night. Light, full bodied, hopped just right, yet still with the winter spices that make this time of year so distinctive. I wish we had drank this with the taco's. I would like to try this again as I was a bit toasty by the time we got to it anyways. Luckily there is still one sitting in my fridge right now.



Runner up for the night:




Nothing bad to say about this beer. Was a little too drunk to have anything to say about it in general. Wasn't bad, wasn't stellar.



Has a stout that was more like a porter, can't remember it's name. There were a few more that I will try to remember as the day goes on. Weren't too great, weren't too bad.




Utter Failures:




I wanted to like this beer. I have a bad history with Anchor; the first six pack of their Anchor Steam Beer I had was skunked. So from then on, I have rarely been able to try a beer of theirs without almost retching from remembering the horrid taste in my mouth during that first six pack. This beer I had high hopes though unfounded it seems. This beer was atrocious. It was like someone took all the chemical potpourri of a Bed, Bath and Beyond and dumped it in my mouth. It was fucking disgusting. Everyone who was tasting beers had to dump it out. I was so pissed and it only further ruined my already skeptical perception of Anchor as an overrated brewery.





Equally as horrible. However this one I fully expected. I do not like New Belgium at all. Fuck this brewery.

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speaking of fresh hopped ales, this is the best I've had this year in a bottle. Super grassy tasting, really delicious. And for anyone in the Boston/ northern new england area the Portsmouth brewery Hop Harvest this year was outstanding. The most resiny hop flavor I've ever had, it might be still on tap but if so I doubt it will last much longer.

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My broke ass hasn't been getting into anything good as of lately. I did have an awesome Pumpkin Ale brewed at Great Lakes though. Never had a Pumpkin Ale that I can actually drink and enjoy. Shipyard makes a pretty decent one but I can only handle one or two before the sugar content gets to me.

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What's the overall flavor profile like for a x-mas beer though?


People use different shit from cocoa to cinnamon to nutmeg, different fruits at times.


Right now I'm drinking a Hooker. That's right. This one is the Hooker Watermelon Ale, local stuff w/o a wide distribution, probably not on the shelves much longer as the watermelon is seasonal. Definitely smells like watermelon, definitely has the flavor of watermelon w/ a slight hint of what tastes like the seeds if that makes sense. Warning if you get this- I had a bunch of these one night before hitting the yard = sudden liquid doo-doo. Go easy on it unless you're trying to clean your system out. This brand makes overall good stuff, if you find their winter seasonal get it, one of the best tasting brews I've ever had.

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I just puked in my mouth a little bit at the thought of watermelon ale.


A lot of Christmas beers are a bit spicy. not like hot spicy, but as in they have a lot of spices used in them. and as John said, different fruits depending on the beer. Most of them don't seem to be heavy on the fruit flavor though, its more just a mix of fruit flavors along with whatever spices that specific beer uses. Personally, most of them aren't my idea of great, but i've definitely had some very good christmas beers too. I stick with all the ultra dark/heavy winter seasonals for the most part and ignore the christmas ones unless its from a brewery i love, or someone specifically recommends it.

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Now drinking Southern Tier Mokah, not recommended. I'm not a giant fan of mixing coffee & beer but thought I'd take a chance as their Pumpking was great shit. This isn't so great, kind of bitter, I assume that's the work of using bittersweet chocolate. It's not bitter in a good way, kind of ruins the flavor to me.

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Yes, but the pricy stuff i drink is either A. really high alcohol content (my semi regular expensive beer is 10.5% ABV) B. Incredibly delicious C. both A and B.


Where as i can think of a shit ton of lagers that are better than heineken and much cheaper. Plus, its only 5% ABV.



I think there's a misconception by some people that everyone who posts in this thread only drink expensive beer. If i'm drinking to get drunk, i'll drink some dirt cheap swill and not mind at all. If i'm only going to have a beer or two, i'd rather spend a couple extra dollars and actually enjoy it, instead of leisurely sipping on a Coors light or something along those lines. And the reason its generally only the more expensive, craft beers getting posted is because most every beer drinker knows what all the cheap, name brand beers taste like, so there's really no reason to discuss them.

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