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Mind if we search your house for guns?


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Oakland cops: Mind if we search your house for guns?


By Kelly Rayburn, Staff Writer

Article Created: 04/09/2008 05:58:57 PM PDT


OAKLAND _ A six-month pilot program where Oakland police officers would knock on doors and ask permission to search homes for guns got the green light from the City Council's public safety committee Tuesday night. It goes to the full council Tuesday, when the council will meet at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza.

The consent-to-search program, as it is called, is based closely on a similar effort launched in St. Louis in 1994 and on ongoing programs in Boston and Washington, D.C. The idea is simple: To ask parents for permission to search their homes for weapons their children may be hiding.

Under the program, officers would request permission to search homes for guns. Guns would be taken away, but officers would not pursue prosecution unless the weapon was tied to a crime.

The St. Louis effort fizzled after initial success, but Oakland's Deputy Police Chief David Kozicki said that in Washington, police officers say they cannot keep up with requests from parents to search their homes. Such is the interest in the program, he said.

Councilwoman Patricia Kernighan (Grand Lake-Chinatown), who is on the public safety committee, said she was surprised to hear that and hoped Oakland might see the same results.

``I think it's worth trying and seeing what the community reaction is,'' she said. ``If it's embraced as a way to get guns off the street, great. If people don't want to cooperate, then we don't continue the program.''

Kernighan and Councilwoman Desley Brooks (Eastmont-Seminary) asked the Police Department to look into the possibility of a consent-to-search program in February. The police department is proposing a six-month trial period for the program beginning in either June or July, probably somewhere in West Oakland.

Lt. Kirt Mullnix said the program, which would be launched during summer break, would largely be operated by Campus Life and School Safety (CLASS) officers, who normally patrol in and around schools.

It also could involve department problem-solving officers as well. All told, six to 10 officers would be used in the effort, Mullnix said. He didn't anticipate additional overtime being billed to the city.

Consent-to-search programs are not without controversy. Oakland civil-rights attorney John Burris criticized the idea when asked about it in February. And the American Civil Liberties Union has protested programs in other cities. Mark Schlosberg, police practices policy director for the ACLU of Northern California, said the organization would pay close attention to what happens in Oakland.

"There are a whole host of reasons why people might not want police to search their homes," he said. "But people might not know they have a right not to consent."

City and police officials stressed it would be important to educate community members about how the program works before implementing it and said providing education and outreach would be a priority.

Under the program, if guns were found, police would take them away, but not pursue prosecution unless the gun in question was tied to a shooting or homicide.

``The important thing is you're looking at removing guns from the streets to prevent future violence,'' Mullnix said. ``You're giving up arrest and prosecution for less violence in the future. It's another tool we can use. There's a lot of gun violence in Oakland and that's why we're trying it.''

Contact Kelly Rayburn at (510) 208-6435 or krayburn@bayareanewsgroup.com.










oakland residents: don't let them do this, you have rights. deny them access.

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i could see from a parental point of view that this would be an ideal situation for you...


-you have a kid you may not have complete control over

-you fear he/she has weapons or KNOW they do

-you dont want them to get in trouble but you CANT have them toting guns around...



unfortunately this is just another small stepping stone towards the ultimate hope of our federal government:


COMPLETE disarmament of the U.S. population... get em while there hot folks... and stock up on rounds... cause the end (the complete 100% end, not the "you still fool yourself into thinking you have freedoms end) of your liberties and freedoms as a citizen of these united states isnt far off...



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i could see from a parental point of view that this would be an ideal situation for you...


-you have a kid you may not have complete control over

-you fear he/she has weapons or KNOW they do

-you dont want them to get in trouble but you CANT have them toting guns around...



unfortunately this is just another small stepping stone towards the ultimate hope of our federal government:


COMPLETE disarmament of the U.S. population... get em while there hot folks... and stock up on rounds... cause the end (the complete 100% end, not the "you still fool yourself into thinking you have freedoms end) of your liberties and freedoms as a citizen of these united states isnt far off...





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i could see from a parental point of view that this would be an ideal situation for you...


-you have a kid you may not have complete control over

-you fear he/she has weapons or KNOW they do

-you dont want them to get in trouble but you CANT have them toting guns around...



unfortunately this is just another small stepping stone towards the ultimate hope of our federal government:


COMPLETE disarmament of the U.S. population... get em while there hot folks... and stock up on rounds... cause the end (the complete 100% end, not the "you still fool yourself into thinking you have freedoms end) of your liberties and freedoms as a citizen of these united states isnt far off...





Woah so im not crazy? Because i keep saying this shit and people look at me like im a damn mall rat

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unfortunately this is just another small stepping stone towards the ultimate hope of our federal government:


COMPLETE disarmament of the U.S. population... get em while there hot folks... and stock up on rounds... cause the end (the complete 100% end, not the "you still fool yourself into thinking you have freedoms end) of your liberties and freedoms as a citizen of these united states isnt far off...







thats why i just dropped a grand+ on a .40 cal glock and a benelli pistol grip.


they are trying to make a new law in CA where you can only buy 50 rounds of ammo a month!!! at the local gun shop i put down my signature three times on the petition already.



ridiculous!! fuck california!! fuck the lawmakers.


i think im gonnna drop another 1500 on a kimber .45 ACP too.

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fuck a commie-fornia.

this law is hilarious.

i hope some sheeple let the po-po's in and let them 'confiscate' (isnt it more of a gift to them if you let them in) thier weapons just to teach them a lesson.


i think congress should pass a law allowing citizens to confiscate weapons of the military, police, and all the alphabet agencies whenever they violate their constitutional oaths. hopefully that would instantly eliminate all the alphabet agencies.

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Haha...this is hilarious, because the houses where the kids with the guns live are in the neighborhoods where people don't trust the cops.


This will blow over. Trust me.




its creepy to imagine cops going door to door for any reason, but whe you think about it this is pretty much just a way to quell suburban mothers 5 o clock news/ lifetime melodrama media fueled fears

this is the most redundant shit evr

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The Oakland PD can be summed up as being a comedy of errors. The two biggest things that come to mind are the Riders case and the fact that it was common knowledge that Yusuf Bey was using the Black Muslim Bakery as a front for all kinds of shady shit for years, but cases against them mysteriously got dismissed by the DA for years.


Not to mention the cop that got busted for pulling over Chinese women and asking them to give him head to make tickets go away....oh, and they just got told that public strip searches are unconstitutional, can't forget about those.


This is going to go badly for the OPD, I can already tell. Someone is going to get shot in their own house for trying to keep the cops in line or something retarded like that.


Sometimes I think they must have a printing press to make money just to pay off lawsuits at 7th and Broadway.

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I'm the wrong color, unfortunately.


There was a case from the 90's I researched when I worked at the law firm....according to the case, some guy was wanted for attempted murder in West Oakland. The cops spotted him, so he took off on foot and the cops hit him with their car. Then, they took him to an overpass and threw him off near the side...he rolled all the way down the embankment. Next, they went and scooped him up and threw him in the back of the car and took him to the locked ER at Highland, where he sat on a stretcher for hours before they started patching him up. The doctor's report said the nature of his injuries was consistent with his story, but they didn't let him file a case until two years later.


So fucking bad. I don't even think the cops faced charges.

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