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Co-worker gets popped with child porn...

awkward eye

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I knew this dude was a weirdo but I didn't think he would be into this shit...




An Aiken man accused of exchanging more than a dozen child porn images with undercover officers in Ohio was picked up at his Aiken home Thursday where deputies seized several computers, digital cameras, computer disks and videotapes, police said.

Billy E. Hite, 35, of the 500 Newman Circle in Aiken, is charged with two counts of disseminating child pornography, said spokesperson Lt. Michael Frank.

The Aiken County Sheriff's Office, in cooperation with two Ohio police departments arrested Hite on allegations he sent pornographic pictures of children over the Internet to officers conducting undercover online investigations, Frank said.

Last month, the Xenia Police Department, in Xenia, Ohio, and the New Waterford Police Department, in Waterford, Ohio, contacted the Aiken County Sheriff's Office with the details of the illicit exchange.

An investigation of America Online and Yahoo accounts led investigators to Hite, Frank said.

"They found the subject used computers at the Aiken Public Library and University of South Carolina Aiken to transmit the photographs," Frank added.

He is accused of sending two officers each seven pornographic images of children.

Frank said he doesn't believe the Aiken man generated the pictures or tried to sell them.

"People who run in these circles routinely trade images," Frank said.

Investigators subpoenaed online account records and tracked to the Internet Protocol address and then to the suspect, Frank said.

Disseminating child pornography is a felony. A conviction carries a prison term of up to five years per image and/or a $10,000 fine per image.

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Years ago we worked at the same plant, one that has since shut down...And I hadn't seen this dude in forever, well I started a new job about a month ago making BMW parts and he was there. We've never been more than co-workers, never hung out or anything and I only talked to him if it was about work. But I already knew he was a perv, because he got arrested for peeping in somebody's window at our old job. I should have known then he was into some other shit.

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I read this today in the paper. Seems slightly relevant.


■ In February, a Mississippi judge released two convicted rapists of children, who had each been in prison for more than 12 years, based on DNA. The men had been convicted primarily by the “bite mark” analysis of since-discredited dentist Dr. Michael West, who used iridescent lights and yellow goggles to demonstrate that scratches on the victims were bites by the two men. Subsequent independent analysis identified the scratches as scratches, perhaps even made by West himself, according to a director of the Innocence Project. West is a favorite colleague of medical examiner Steven Hayne, who seems always to find evidence of guilt of anyone charged by district attorney Forrest Allgood, according to a Reason magazine investigation. West’s bite “technology,” in particular, has been widely ridiculed by forensic professionals.

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Not to stick up for the douche or anything, but am I the only one who sees a HUGE difference between getting popped for molesting young kids, and being popped for just being a perv and looking at pics of little kids on the internet and maybe sharing them with other pervs to look at?

Not saying that dude is right or anything, just sayin.


Do yall seriously think dude should be raped and/or shanked just for looking at pictures on the internet?

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