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yeah there is

well...there was

there was this place in seattle that had some really good cheese steaks

the owner got killed and his best friend took over and changed the place

it wasnt as good

he was also killed


Oh snap! Was that right on the strip like right by the water front?


Now that you mention it, I think I remember eating from there before and commenting that the shit had my approval (but then again I was drunk as shit).


Was it some Arab dudes? when did they get killed?

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i was showing some kids from out of town the big ass mall here and we were at the food court and i went to some dumb ass cheese steak place and they had fucking lettuce and tmatoes on the sandwich...



i was like gimme one without al that dumb shit, just peppers and onions - he hooked it up because he could tell i wasnt as dumb as probably all his other customers that day...



seriously, lettuce nd tomatoes?!, what the fuck is that

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pats and ginos are alright, too much hype, but i liked chinks cheese steaks more



i had pat's and geno's, both boring.


KC grew on the cattle transport/sale industry, so yeah, we've got good beef here.


there was a place here that just closed a few months ago (pissed), and the people were from philly. their cheesesteaks were stellar. since they were from philly (or i assume they were, from the decor and their wearing eagles hats and shit), they probably learned their craft there. and they had the best cheesesteaks i've had. so i'm not even going to say i thought they were weak in philly, but i went to those two places and wasn't impressed. shit didn't drip enough. the bread was really good, but the meat was processed or something, the cheese whiz shit at pat's was nasty, and their mushrooms weren't even sauteed.



i can't say i've ever really disliked a cheesesteak though, it's just a good combination. shit i'll order it at arby's as long as i'm not expecting authenticity. and mushrooms > bell peppers. or, you know, both.



p.s. whoever said "Fuck kanas", which i assume meant "kansas," i'm in kansas city, missouri, and yes, fuck kansas.

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