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Politics is a funny issue. I never get involved because I dont feel Im versed enough in all the issues. But I wonder, do you guys just watch TV news and then draw your conclusions? Because being well informed is pretty time costly. You really think having a democrat in office is going to magically make war, and all the other bullshit just dissappear? I swear kids just go "fuck bush" and all of that just becasue Kanye sayin it, or Linkin Park or some famous idiot. I always ask people, "why fuck bush?" and everyone just goes "Uhhh, dude gas prices, FUCKING WAR MAN!

Im not sticking up for him or anything, Im just saying being a sheep is lame if you cant stand behind any of it.


and DAO, you gotta be kidding me with Abu Ghirab being fucking torture. what a fucking joke. What about Nick Berg getting his fucking head lopped off? Oh, I forgot, that's on us as a country right?


and props for the facade comment.

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Oh fuck, now you've made me go and get all serious.


The reason Abu Ghraib is torture is because; (They were also beaten FFS, did we all forget this?) The dude standing on the box and the ones threatened with dogs and the dude tied to the bed, sure, they weren't physically hurt and sure you may get the same in the suburbs. But, in the suburbs you know it's fun..., these guys are in a fucking combat zone and are from a country where people are regularly executed, they don't realise that they are not millimeters away from death. So when they are tied to a bed, or standing on a box with inert wires in their hand they are suffering PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA. And before any of you armchair wanna be experts and hard arses laugh at psychological trauma, you are not aware of the impact it has and the reasons why this is used.


It is a regular process to psychologically injure captives prior to interrogation, it's called "softening up". When they enter the interrogation room they think that the physical torture is about to begin and they have been mentally disabled, this means already had their intestinal fortitude sapped (for the idiots, drained of mental toughness) and cannot stand up to physical punishment. So when they have some one come in and say they can save them from physical torture (as in more than the beatings they've already taken) they fess up, or make it up. Psychological torture is just as damaging as physical, the scars you bare are mental with issues such as PTSD, depression, and sometimes schizophrenia. Many victims of psychological trauma go on to commit suicide, many of simple physical trauma don't.


As per the other thread talking about college graduates dribbling shit, I also fucking hate idiots that have had no experience or education in a matter thinking they have any fucking clue on a subject. Before you question my experience, I have had anti-interrogation training and have processed about 250 detainees in combat zones. I have also had a college education which touched on these matters.


Please save your tough guy bullshit about pussies and how hard you are. Anyone who has even had a taste of torture (let me tell you, after not eating for four days, constantly freezing your arse off and had your ears blasted with white noise and no sleep for 72 hours, you know that they don't even have to touch you to torture you..., all they need to do is wave a hot cup of coffee and a blanket under your nose), you have zero idea on the subject.


Secondly, if you think being forced to perform sexual acts on another man isn't torture, I'm pretty sure you're a cock smoker.


Fuck torture.

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seriously. ok. im from seattle, reallllly liberal, realllllly democratic. YOU running for president is going to take NEEDED VOTES from the democrats because of the fucking HIPPIES that follow you, who would otherwise vote democratic, and we;re gonna end up with ANOTHER fucking republican in the white house! FUCK


the only tihnk i hate more than nader is political threads. wait....


Honestly you and everyone else who blames nader for bush STEALING the 2000 elections is a fucking idiot..


and I am not going to waste time telling you why else your premise is fundamentally flawed since I have to go to class, but I am going to assume someone else did since I know not everyone on 12oz is fucking dumb enough to support that ass hat ron paul..

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and DAO, you gotta be kidding me with Abu Ghirab being fucking torture. what a fucking joke. What about Nick Berg getting his fucking head lopped off? Oh, I forgot, that's on us as a country right?


and props for the facade comment.


A dude getting his head chopped off isn't torture. It's called murder. The shit that goes on at Abu Ghraib is torture. Not to mention that the majority of the people there where locked up on no charges basically cause they're "A-rabs".

Jesuschrist some of you people are retarded.

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or don't build a town BELOW THE FUCKING SEA LEVEL then don't move/live there!!!!!


This is late. But come on. You stupid piece of shit. I really hope this is someone having some fun because I honestly think you might be too fucking dense to dress yourself let alone type coherent responses...oh wait. Ban this stupid fuck.

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First of all, alot of the coastal us is below sea level as well in many other countries. In reference to how the people should have left and being warned a month before, that is bullshit simply because every hurricaine season we get at least a category 3 that could possibly hit nola and it misses us, so its kind of like the boy who cried wolf and people did not realize the severity of it until it was too late...not even the city government. Nothing flooded until 3 days after the storm cleared.


Even if you did evacuate your only gonna bring enough stuff for about a few days not expecting your city to be demolished. Even rich people and the most well informed still got fucked, it was not natures fault that this happened, but a horrible fuck up by the army corps of engineers who could not even defend the city against a category 3(which was what katrina was when it hit new orleans) that didnt even directly hit the city(it actually hit mississippi and alabama straight on, we caught the left of the storm).


We were failed by our government, by incompetence at the top levels in which we entrusted to secure us against natural disasters..if you live in new orleans, and realized how high up the rampant corruption goes due to the viral infestation of heroin and cocaine and how narco-terrorists held more power over the city than the actual police, you would understand why people couldnt get out...shit..most cats from the streets out here never left the process of re-ing up, baggin up, getting straight, going at the farthest from uptown to the east, and never ever leaving, thinking this is the only way of life; living in those old ass projects or shotgun houses with absolutely nothing to live on; people with an uneducated mindset from the past trying to function in the present serving as blights on society..created by the monster of corruption in city government and the forced class division wrought upon us by the overseers of the law..the job market was horrible before katrina..no real industry and the lowest of low paying jobs...its a plague of ignorance brought on by the city government and the officials...


even worse is how the government handled it after the fact, giving false information to higher levels of power as to not cause panic on a state level directly causing federal help for those affected to be delayed..regular people like anyone of us died, from all spectrums of race, socioeconomic levels, sinners and saints, there was no one spared of the wrath of this horrible incident..those people died because the government failed, plain and simple. you can speculate all you want and give your far fetched ideas and extremist ideas of what went down and blame it on the stupidity of the citizens, but this is simply innacurate and the path of least resistance to have an answer for what happened. I'll leave it at that[/size][/size]





*I gave the long block of text some paragraphs - only way people will read it - pmb.




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oh yeah, and they act like this is torture ...... fucking pussies, they gave this guy two dead wires and told him that if he stepped off the box that he would get electrocuted. that shit is like a high school prank .... lets be real here!


I've got five bucks right here that says if my friend from the marines started playing "gotcha nose" with you, you'd shit your pants.

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or don't build a town BELOW THE FUCKING SEA LEVEL then don't move/live there!!!!!


well how about this....next time a fucking earthquake shakes the fuck out of california"dont fuckin build on a fault line"not the governments problem?


next time hawaii melts from a volcano"its a fuck volcano"not a problem?


next time a fucking tornado rips your mother out her double wide"dont live there"dont give a fuck?


new orleans wasnt killed by katrina....the army corps got us....see if you fucks who say not to rebuild nola get any help from us...fuck you



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well how about this....next time a fucking earthquake shakes the fuck out of california"dont fuckin build on a fault line"not the governments problem?


next time hawaii melts from a volcano"its a fuck volcano"not a problem?


next time a fucking tornado rips your mother out her double wide"dont live there"dont give a fuck?


new orleans wasnt killed by katrina....the army corps got us....see if you fucks who say not to rebuild nola get any help from us...fuck you





^ fucking word up.

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