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pity party for one?


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the dope game is stressful as hell and high risk. this cat i know made close to 150k fed-exin pounds to New York, but they just got wrapped a few weeks ago.




the higher the risk, the more you make, the faster you get wrapped.


the smarter ones do smaller scale and are in it for longevitiy, but that shit is stressful as hell. constantly re-upping, constantly driving around with weight that will put you in jail for a long time for getting pulled over, constantly reading people to look out for jackmoves, your moneys tied up in the product so you can lose everything if you get caught.


stressful, and real talk, unless your pablo escobar most pushers are making min wage if lucky, the only good part is you never have to report to work or nothing though!

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i would move to samoa but from what ive seen, somoan women look like somoan men and neither are very attractive. i dont think i could handle a wildebeast elephant hybrid in bed.


you think samoan women are ugly, peep those micronesians.......:yuck:


I like this thread though, it's dope to hear the different perspectives on this kind of stuff on here. Im 21 and just dropped out of school, still on the fence on whether to start back up in the summer. I just settled down out here and I guess I was going to meet people, but after 2 years, I was like fuck this, wasting my time and Im not even trying to impress any of these people. so Im stuck banging 40 hours a week at some dead end job, kinda waiting around for this UPS Driver job to pan so I can get some decent money kicking in


oh and You cant make a living off drugs. How do you a buy a house? Walk in the showroom with a briefcase of bills and go "Uh yeah, Im a powerseller on ebay. What a great fucking year for ceramic figurines!"Someone's got to launder your money and your getting popped no matter what., or shot in the face. [/stating the obvious]

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YALL, don't get too discouraged yet! 26 is still quite young these days, and you have A TON of time to figure shit out.


I know plenty of people who are already in their early 30's, and they have no real idea of what they wanna do.... and it's ok! they are reasonable, (somewhat) responsible people who are just taking longer than their parents did to figure it all out!


You've heard "30 is the new 20?" Well, it's fucking true! Don't let that make you lazy, because you gotta get going sometime, but i would say just the fact that you've been bit by this "what-am-i-doing bug" is a good thing.

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Go back to school. There are some exceptions, but in general you're a lot better off as far as the future job / earning scene goes if you have a professional designation in some field. Figure out what interests you and go back to college or university. Move back in with ya moms, sell your car to finance the tuition.


Mind you, while you figure out what exactly it is that you want to do with your life, keep your job. It may suck, but it pays the bills, and it's a lot easier to suffer through a job you hate than to have a bunch of your shit repo'd and get evicted from your place. Nothing like some bad credit to follow you around for the rest of yer life.

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I jumped ship about halfway through college, thinking I needed some kind of adventure or just a change of pace. For better or worse, I've gotten that. At the same time, I'm not entirely happy with where I'm at, and I'm stuck with it until I'm almost 27.


If you feel like you need to try something new, by all means go for it. Just do you research first. You could find yourself locked into something you hate. Someone already suggested the military, and that can be a good choice. Just understand that once you sign that contract, they own you for the next four to five years. And being older, getting bossed around by some 18 year old kid fresh out of high school, gets old real quick.

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26, your a baby... sell all your shit you dont need and go travel! Go to europe, take the train across the country, paint all over, work weird jobs and meet people. In 2 years or so, youll have more answers about yourself and your life. Then maybe go back to school, youll be more content.

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i just quit ma job at the yellow pages....




shit killed me.

so i dipped.



gettin rid of one problem at a time...

thats all it is bro. time.

you aint gotta finish skool right away. i know niggas in their 30's in college. their doin good. just gotta take some time and think about what you wanna do...


find a skool with a fast program. you'll be outta there in less than 3 years.

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okay, so first off i really am impressed with everyone's responses, and keeping to the theme of the thread without to much bullshit, and also speaking on your own individual situations. so props to all for that...


to answer a few questions / statements yall made though:


-selling drugs is retard. not going there.


-going back to college... i only have a 1 1/2 more before i'd graduate. That being said, i don't have the money to go back, the time, and on top of that, it's not like i could knock out basics until i figure out what i want to do, ive already done that, the remaining classes i need are the ones id wind up majoring in, which is hard to go back to school to do when you don't know what you want to do... so im stuck there...


on top of that, schools really not my thing, i never really liked going, and im definately not going back unless i felt i could actually go back and finish, which i dont. plus all my mentors, the gates, the michael dell's, everyone who went to school and dropped out... that's their story, everyone has a good story it seems when it comes to this shit.... "i lived outta my car and bla bla bla, then such and such happened...". corny, maybe, but still...


again, i dont know what i want to do, but ive always been attracted to starting a new business, or being apart of some new start up company thats on some breaking edge shit, i just want to work with other creative people who are passionate about their work as well,



another thing thats frusterating to me, is my dad, he's been a stock broker like 26 years or some shit, and everyone knows that industry is fucked, because of the world problems and economy, the internet and online trading, its hard as fuck to make a living anymore doing that.


yet my dads got that old fashioned shit going on, work a job and ride it out until the wheels fall off, when instead he could go find another sales job (he's great with selling shit and working with people) but he doesnt have the guts to go off course and try to make it happen.


and that shit bugs the fuck out of me.


and on top of all this shit, there's so much money out there in the world to be made, you just have to think outside the box...

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wasnt it just last month you were going out golfin' with the office posse and getting a promotion to asst manager trainee with bonus' and shit? you were bragging about livin' large off 40g's or something?


damn yo, you bi-polar?

bi-polar, dumb, no style, non-educated, bloated.

you're just a fuckin' winner aren't ya!

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I think everyone reaches a point in their life where they're absolutely fed up with their personal state of affairs.


if anything, I think its healthy. if you constantly sit around content with your life, you'll never aspire to anything more than just being content.



my life goal is to be content...

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26, your a baby... sell all your shit you dont need and go travel! Go to europe, take the train across the country, paint all over, work weird jobs and meet people. In 2 years or so, youll have more answers about yourself and your life. Then maybe go back to school, youll be more content.



this is my plan

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wasnt it just last month you were going out golfin' with the office posse and getting a promotion to asst manager trainee with bonus' and shit? you were bragging about livin' large off 40g's or something?


damn yo, you bi-polar?

bi-polar, dumb, no style, non-educated, bloated.

you're just a fuckin' winner aren't ya!


probably am bi polar. who knows.


and fuck you either way.


dont you live with your moms and your like 34?



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bi-polar, dumb, no style, non-educated, bloated.

you're just a fuckin' winner aren't ya!


haha you still beat me if i was 50 living with moms under a bridge.


there's no way i could ever attempt to compete with you. you suck at life.

i hate to bring it up again and beat a dead horse but...

wear a condom under your pants, impregnating chicks when they swallow...


please believe your intellegence ranks right up there with pond scum, slightly lower that gutter sludge.

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Here's some advice on the military. All branches have 2 year contracts. If they tell you otherwise,theyre lying. I joined the coast guard and did 2 months of boot in cape may new jersey.2 years in alameda california, on ship that patrolled the fishing lines in the bearing sea in winter.in summer, the ship does drug ops in mexico. 7 years reserve.2 active, the rest inactive. I saw on on lot of cool shit in those 2 years. Dont know if this is any option for you,but if you need $ for school,theyll help you out with that also.And you can save on on lot of loot when you dont see land for 2 months. And on on military background is always good for on on resume.I dont regret any of it. Some of it sucked,but thats expected. If you like it stay in. If not,leave after 2 years.And your chances of going to iraq are about 1-3%.sorry if i went on to long just trying to help out-

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