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asian man dont be fucking with fat chicks, catch the germ on some fat chick shit

but her boobies i want them bouncin on my hEAD


they R HUGE!



but she is FAT....


and the azn is DIME.





i will take internet advice because fat girls eat anything....


they might take anything.


and have anything.... like the germ




but her titties ima grab



then pounce on the azn.



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fuck some big titties man are you serious? go to the strip club at like 11am pay no cover and give some fat bitch with 8 kids 2 bucks to rub her titties on your face. were talking about a supposed hot asian chick vs some fat (probably) white floral pattern polyester top wearing bitch, i mean seriously that doesnt even seem like a hard choice.

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i'm still completely hung up on my ex, she started fooling around with this other dude shortly after they broke off. but they broke their thing off about a month ago, and now we're seriously talking again, we had still talked while they were doing their thing, but i'm still not sure if it's a good idea.


i dont want any other girls, i mean, i've had multiple opportunities, and it just doesn't feel right.


plus, i started up all my old bad habits that i'd dropped while i was with her, i mean i dated this girl for like almost two years (the one in the booty contest thread). and i'm really not sure what to do about it. i think we're going on a date saturday, so i guess i'll see how things go from there, but man, fuck this relationship stuff, too bad things arent as simple as they should be for us. i mean damn


ya'll think i should just keep playing this as is or what?

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i don't know what to say dude im not really the best with realationships myself. i've been in a spot just like that with an ex. my homies always said to leave it alone. but i never listened then it would back fire and everything would go awry. drama drama drama. just look after number one man. best advice i could give ya.

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i dont even look for hoes no more. you ever feel like you have to dumb yourself in order to talk to someone? well thats the shit im dealing with at the moment. its like bitch can you give an open-ended response once in a while, an if you can could it be something other than the tired " well last week i got drunk with so an so............"


its some bullshit on how hoes get all these "self help" and dating "advice" books on how to deal with men. what the fuck to women think about on a daily basis? is the bad girls club how these hoes really are?



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started a new job and in training i got 2 options....


cute lil asian honey dipppppz that's covering up that she has a bf to fucks wit me.

or bbw with TITTIES poppinz out her top saying she needs my dick or she might die.


wtf DO I DO?


tig ol bitties.. never been with a bigger girl.




and this lil asian is FINE AS FUCK! and wants the D









BBW or asian.



YOU DECIDE!!!!!!!!


i simply can't.


oh and i've had an azn before.


never a girl with tig ol bitties like these befifth :|



this sounds so fucking stupid.... in every possible way.

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I always found it weird that women would get advice about MEN from WOMEN. Shit always boggled my mind. Just ask your dude what he wants. Or ask at least A dude what he wants. Damn.


A lot of women do talk to men about what other men want. The problem with that is not all men are the same. Whereas one guy may be a whore who likes sleeping around and is never going to change, sees women as sluts and has no feeling for commitment, another guy could be super-sensitive, monogamous and changes with the relationship to keep it growing. So getting advice from one guy about another doesn't always work. Even when you have two close friends who are guys... getting advice from one about the other isn't always a woman's best option because as close as the two guys may be there's a good chance they don't let the other know how they really feel about women for fear of peer pressure. Especially at a younger age.


Women consult other women through their past experiences.


Now asking a guy face to face what he wants is probably never going to bring the truth. Do you really think if a girl asked you what you really wanted and you told her that all you wanted to do was have sex twice a day, watch TV and have her make you a sandwich and then shut the hell up that you'll get what you want? My money is on that you'll be looking for a new girlfriend. So to save face you're going to lie, or at least tell her what she wants to hear. Now how is that productive?

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I totally understand what you're getting at Joker. And that wasn't disregarded in my comment, but I was more thinking that a women would get a better look at how her man wanted things to be by asking him, or at least another man. I mean look at how well you broke down the way the two sexes interact. It's just my opinion that if we as men know we're gonna lie, then why don't these experts have something useful to say in these fuckin', understand your man books? All in all i think that women would get more out of an actual meaningful conversation with their dudes, than with Dr. Laura.


P.s. And if you're a woman, then disregard what i said and call me an idiot.

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