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sometimes I want to pound my kids. (no title change needed)


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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


I sure as fuck got my ass beat when I was a kid

sometimes for dumb shit

I was scared shitless of my pops until I was about 21

thats when I started fighting back






You call yourself "Tuff Tone" and you was scared of your pops till you was 21???




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


ha ha..yeah...they grow out of it. My parents never told me santa was an actual real person. I always knew santa was fake and I was that little kid that spoiled it for everyone in school..haha




Same here. I finally came to the conclusion that there was absolutely no physical way possible that this Santa nigga could still be alive after so many centuries and no way in hell that his fat ass could climb down every single chimney in the world in one night when I was in like 2nd or 3rd grade.

I was like a 3rd grade Casek exposing the conspiracy of Santa to my classmates. :lol:

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


I'm amazed by how sensitive some people get about beating children


I can't even imagine the kind of complete fucking asshole I would have been if it wasn't for being scared of a backhand


this coming from the kid who is constantly getting into fights, trouble seems to follow him, and you have no problem just going up to random dudes and smacking them? yea, you turned out great :rolleyes:


and no, i was never hit as a kid; maybe because I wasn't raised to be a little shit-head and knew not to act-out.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


this coming from the kid who is constantly getting into fights, trouble seems to follow him, and you have no problem just going up to random dudes and smacking them? yea, you turned out great :rolleyes:


and no, i was never hit as a kid; maybe because I wasn't raised to be a little shit-head and knew not to act-out.




You're off your rocker.

The only times I've ever read about AB fighting niggas is when it was justified.

IE dude was fucking his ex.

Or on some graff beef shit.

That shit's justified.

I have yet to read a story about my nigga AB running up on any random dudes.


And the fact that you claim to have never been spanked as a kid just goes to show where you're coming from.

And it explains ALOT about your weird personality that you kick on here.

No wonder you aint had a man in forever.

You're most likely a spoiled "princess".

Who the fuck wants to deal with one of those??? :lol:

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.



9 out of 10 threads is AB gloating about brawls he's been involved with, as if that's something to be proud of.. i'm sure i'm making that up though, right?


and yes, i am spoiled. I work multiple jobs; I'm definitely a princess.


i'm glad that you can come to the conclusion, via the internet, that I have a "weird" personality. It's nice to see people on here that have the credentials to be able to put someone in that sort of category. You must have a PHD in psych. I'm impressed.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


good one asshole

child abuse is serious shit

you would be scared if he was your pops



Child abuse is some serious shit.

You're right.

But Dawood aint talking about "child abuse".

He's talking about spanking his kids for acting out of hand.


And I was scared of acting out of pocket with my pops.

Cause I was scared of catching that belt.

But other than that my pops is and was good peoples.

And the whole spanking/belting shit went out the window when I was in my early teens and he told me I was too old for that shit.


So if you have some horror stories that go beyond a normal ass whopping, please share them. It'll help get your point across alot better.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.



9 out of 10 threads is AB gloating about brawls he's been involved with, as if that's something to be proud of.. i'm sure i'm making that up though, right?


and yes, i am spoiled. I work multiple jobs; I'm definitely a princess.


i'm glad that you can come to the conclusion, via the internet, that I have a "weird" personality. It's nice to see people on here that have the credentials to be able to put someone in that sort of category. You must have a PHD in psych. I'm impressed.



That's cause he writes graffiti. For real. In the real world. Not under a bridge in the suburbs.

If you wrote graffiti for real, in the real world, and not under a bridge in the suburbs then you could relate to having beef in the streets.

Just like any real man could relate to stomping someone for fucking his boo.


But you just can't relate though can you?



And yeah... I have a PHD in life and the real world.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


this coming from the kid who is constantly getting into fights, trouble seems to follow him, and you have no problem just going up to random dudes and smacking them? yea, you turned out great :rolleyes:


and no, i was never hit as a kid; maybe because I wasn't raised to be a little shit-head and knew not to act-out.


Fuck, maybe you need to man-up and stop being so sensitive. Some people think the topic of child abuse can be humorous to a degree. Fuck up and go have a cry elsewhere.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


pound ur kids eh

as in...smash your kids?













hahaha i joke i joke


hahaha i thought i was the only one that was thinking this..good at least im not the only one?:rolleyes:

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


no, i cannot relate, because I'm not a degenerate piece of shit, such as yourself, DAO.


I made my point in this thread; don't expect anymore back and forth shit with me.



I'm neither a degenerate nor a piece of shit.


And no... you didn't make a point.


But I'll def look forward to not hearing back from you in this thread though.


Good looks.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


That doesn't even make sense.


He obviously beat you at least once to leave that kind of a lasting impression on you.


Being scared of an ass whooping is a learned behavior.


he looks scary, and when he used to yell that would be enough to keep me in my room for days.


i wasn't scared of getting beaten, i was just scared of getting yelled at ||

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


You're off your rocker.

The only times I've ever read about AB fighting niggas is when it was justified.

IE dude was fucking his ex.

Or on some graff beef shit.

That shit's justified.

I have yet to read a story about my nigga AB running up on any random dudes.


I'm sayin, fuck did I do to catch this bitch's wratch, jesus christ. I like how you try to pull my cards on some half ass truths, cuz no I don't smack random niggas, and no 9/10 of my posts aren't gloating about a fight (and yes, being able to fight IS something to be proud of)


I can quite certainly say that your parents never hitting you was a mistake they must regret, cuz they raised an uptight cunt

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.



"Yo, I need a gangsta bitch; she don't sleep and she don't play

Stickin up girls from around the fuckin way

Strapped but lovable, hateful but huggable

Always in trouble and definitely fuckable

See her now, booms and pounds, she's mine friend

Puffin on a blunt, sippin on a Heineken

She's got charm, a firearm to match mine

Goin to the movies packin his and her nine's

Wearin Carhart and leather, motherfuck the weather

On Valentine's Day, doin stick-ups together

No one to blame, no shame in her game

And when we fuck she makes me scream out her name

She's not petty, confidant, ready

Right for late night, we play fight with machetes

This goes out to all the gangsta hoe pros

Give me a ghetto girl, fuck a Soul Train hoe"

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


the few times the cops brought me back to my house when i got caught for being out past curfew, they'd always say some shit to my dad at the door about how i "looked high"


my dad would always respond along the lines of "So??"


but goddammit, if i EVER talked back to my mom, i'd get a beating. and then usually we would smoke a joint afterwards and talk about it haha.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


this thread make me wish i was a kid again. me and my bro used to get into all kinds of trouble. lighting fireworks, and fighting each other all the time. my dad always said we would give him gray hairs and we did a number on him. im surprised his nerves arn't shot.

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