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dude, shit will always fade as long as the sun will always shine.. the weather shows no mercy and i dont see why this is even a complaint.. if its not buffed in 3months it'll probably fade out anyway unless your hitting up sewers and underground trenches in which case no one will see or care for it.. then it'll fade from rat piss.. lol


Well, its pretty sad when 1 dollar walmart paint can outlast an expensive "top flight" brand.

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Asian Eater,


There were a handful of colours that faded, not the whole range, produce these same vibrant colours in any brand and they will fade, that is just the nature of some of those colours, we've done some things to improve them, but these colours will just not hold up in any brand no matter what you do. As for your comments about Walmart paint they are pretty weak man, compare our black, our white or any colour produced in the Walmart brand and you'll get the same result Ironlak will probably outlast them, as someone said a page earlier even MTN fades, but it just depends on the colour as to how quickly it fades.


I personally live in the Australian version of Arizona and I can tell you that you put any brand of paint on a surface that is a pink, purple or some other mid town containing both white and red, and it will NOT last longer than about 6-8 months tops. If you want your shit to last a lifetime pick a different colour.

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what is the purpose of tar black??

I mean it's too dark to resemble a dark brown color

but then it fails to be black cause sometimes it'll look like shit (literally lol)

anyone here prefer it over the good old fashioned black?

or have ever need that exact same color for something?

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Edward Orenthal Norton,


You don't really add UV protection to paint, yes you can add some UV stabilizers but really paint fades due to two reasons first one being the paint film and the second being the pigment. Basically if you look at an old piece done with Ironlak you will notice the film / finish looks good still.


With the pigments, red pigments don't have the same level of UV resistance that other colours do, so as we said regardless of what brand you use these will be the first to fade. If you add white into the colour (in the case of say pink) you only compound the problem more because white is the only colour that absorbs and reflects light, most other colours do one or the other, what this means is that when Red pigment is mixed with white its under twice as much pressure because the white pigment is reflecting light on the red pigment. Red pigment already has less UV stability than other colours so when you combine these factors it explains simply why pinks and purples fade faster than other colours. I hope that explains the situation.


If you use the Heat piece on the previous page you can see that the fills haven't faded at all, nor have the blue's and green's in the background, its the pink background and the midnight (only red based blue we have) for outline that are the problems, which have been improved significantly but as explained above in any brand these will undergo problems eventually.



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i feel bad for you. this thread seems to be constantly repeating the whole "IRONLAK FADES" argument. people need to learn how to go back and read questions already asked, statements already stated to see if what they want to say has been covered or not


and for the record. i painted a sewerage drain using a pink fill and i can say it goes well over coarse slimey wet concrete

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DUDE(s) stop crying.. Lak is good, in-exspensive, quality paint.. Except for that smell I can't hate.. Fuck a .97cent walmart brand.. You don't get the same color selection or pressure that ironlak delivers.. Quit cryin.. Nigga, I need good cheap paint and Ironlak delivers..

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It does get a bit redundant, but these are the things you have to do for your customers. At the end of the day they keep us employed so if we have to explain the same thing to every single customer then we will, at least this way people will be educated and in the know, rather than just believing bullshit and rumors.


As for the slimy drain, not surprised at all man, Ironlak goes over pretty much anything haha.



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i can't believe all the people complaining about the smell of paint. ALL made for graffiti paint smells better than regular old krylon that us old people started painting with. who really cares what it smells like? you should be wearing a respirator anyway. ironlak smells great. it's bizarre that anyone would complain about it.


some of the best paint i have eyes used was industrial paint with benzene that made my eyes and lips burn.

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i just recently used ironlak and montana gold on one of my canvas's and thought ironlak was really great. the paint comes out great and has a really good color selection. i did go through a lot of caps with the paint though but it does come with the free caps so i cant complain. the montana gold might of lost pressure because of the cold or something im not sure but it was drippy as fuck. all in all i say cheers to ironlak and ps. it smells mad good!ha

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So do matador and Soviet in Ironlak. You missed the whole point which we explained pretty clearly, when you mix white with Red you get a pink or purple and with that white pigment comes the fading, the straight red pigment on its own isn't being attacked by white pigment so is under far less pressure and means a straight red will last substantially longer. You mix it with white and the white pigment reflects light straight back onto the red pigment breaking down its UV resistance far quicker.




Glad you liked the paint, Ironlak performs pretty well in cold conditions, all brands suffer in extreme conditions which is why the other brand lost pressure, that being said Ironlak performs better than most.

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At the end of the day they keep us employed so if we have to explain the same thing to every single customer then we will, at least this way people will be educated and in the know, rather than just believing bullshit and rumors.



i hear that. answering questions is a small price to pay when working for a spray paint manufacturer i guess



Rack your paint. Trust me.

A local shop sells Ironlak and it's so goddamn expensive. I'd have to sell my computer just to cop a couple cans


if your computer is only worth 20 bucks im amazed it still works at all

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