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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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That horse looks alright, I guess I just have a narrow taste when it comes to art.

I like a lot of the stuff a few people on here do, wish I could curate a show myself and get heads together.


i feel your pain. but we are helpless, unless you have a propensity for being a fraud

(unless your a legit prodigy) its rarely the talent you have that gets you anywhere... its the losers they know, also in those circles what i have noticed is D listers and pseudo celebs or any celebes do not register bullshit, they cannot detect it. you can lie and lie come up with the most ridiculous nonsense and they eat it all. perhaps bc they are full of shit themselves. so i would rather stay poor and honest at this point.

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Someone tell me what the fuck is up with video art installations. I saw a few at the art gallery here today. There was a small installation called "I'm not afraid to die" which we walked in at the last half of. I watched a girl sitting on a log in the woods eating a Nutrigrain bar and drinking a juice box. When it finished, it paused, restarted and just continued to show the girl sit down and pull out her lunch bag and start eating.

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nice pics everyone.. heres my(phone flix)day from last week

wake up late


gave the panther some treats


training it to work



ready to roll


on the floor of the platform i got off at..


coworker left for a better job. fuck yes to snacking while at work


tried oontzin while at work and failed


stopped by a friends to chill


holdin it down




had too many beers and forgot to flick dinner


paid for dinner with cash


.:bonus flick:.

i finally got a camera!!


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bobby that last flick from jerz.. the same building off the pier is mirrored on manhattan side of the river. im guessing its for the holland tunnel? (power/ventilation) though it may be closer to 14th st... there is another one in LIC queens by the midtown tunnel dont know why i notice shit like that....

yea i believe its a ventilation thing, theres two on the manhattan side close to each other one for the lincoln and one for the holland but im not positive..

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My trip to the land of the rising sun.





Waiting for my gf to arrive at the airport.



We took too long eating Wendys. The airline attendant bitched at us that the plane was going to leave without us and said on her walkie talky,"close the doors if they dont make it in 30 seconds."






Fucking disgusting dinner; some spicy sweet beef. My gf had some mashed potato chicken dinner. Flight attendants were rude. 11 hour flight.



Slightly better meal. The pineapples were delicious.



Landing at Narita Airport around 5 PM.



Bought one way tickets for the Narita Express. Took about an hour and half from the airport to Shinjuku Station. Some freshmen college kids were sitting behind us, they looked like they came straight out of a Target advertisement. They talked about how hard their finals were.



Finally made it to Shinjuku Station. We were amazed how fucking lit up this city is.

People kept bumping into my luggage as we try to cross the crosswalk.



We walked up to a taxi, handed him a note that had directions in japanese to this lady's house where we were going to stay for the majority of spring break.


End of day one.

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Day 2



We decided to take a morning stroll while our host is cooking us breakfast. She lives right next to the president of some clothing brand called UNIQLO. It's pretty much a high wall fort that takes up a couple blocks with cameras every 15 feet.

Usually there is a cop strolling around the block.

The weather was pretty fucking cold too.



Near a station.





vending machines at every corner.



Had breakfast, then we left to the station to take a train to Mitaka City to see the Ghibli Museum.





The museum is fucking awesome, we were there for couple of hours. We watched a short film that only can be seen at the museum. They didnt allow any photography or recording inside the museum. This is the only picture I have, it's the Laputa robot on the roof of the museum.

What fucking pisses me off is as soon as it was my turn to have my picture taken in front of the Laputa robot, my camera got a white screen of death. I took some pics anyways as the camera still functioned. When we arrived home, i plugged my card in the computer and all the photos after the above photo turned all black.


I'll post the rest of the trip as soon as i get my gf's memory card.

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I agree, they're on point with everything!


@semineferous- have you run into any of those automated toilets that do everything, like wipe your ass and such? :lol: Nice pics


Ha yeah automated bidets, but the buttons are all in japanese or sometimes they have an icon that shows a dotted line going through a "W". I was afraid to, didnt want to get my runway wet.:D


The toilets seat are heated too and it's pretty warm, like gets your butt sweaty. It weirded me out, made me think some fat guy sat on it for an hour prior.

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