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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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Thank you all.

It was a good week-end, il have another photo thread by the end of next week because im going on a little adventure for the next 8 days.

I have been waiting to see Schnitzle's photo thread for a minute now.. Stop being a lazy mook and start posting!


Every year at UP, since i can remember, one of the local drunks gets too exited and ends up getting tagged up.

This year was a bit much with the mops and paint but it was all voluntary.

I hope the man is ok.

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HUGE fail for not getting kettle corn...that shit is like crack!


props to jb...im gonna have that song stuck in my head all day!


I told my mom about the event and the kettle corn.. When I told her that I didn't any, she asked what the hell was wrong with me.



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The gravity from her asshole is starting suck in everything near it.






its all good tagging people when they asked you to do it but emptying mops on a person is a bit much.

The after party was shit... saved me from drinking more which saved me from getting a nasty hangover.

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a day from spring break earlier this year. Visited my brother in Seattle and someone told me about this town a few miles from where I was staying.


A Stryker sitting down the street from where I stayed






my first time on a west coast beach


half life 2 looking jawn



intermodal going pretty damn fast



I chilled at a park in front of this house. I want it.

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