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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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@nicklesndimesI think what you're saying is that road is the RR ROW, in which case the gate made out of a piece of rail makes sense and is kind of common for that type of thing.


Nuts on cars or trucks has always seemed dumb to me.  If those are the nuts, where's your truck's dick?  You riding on top of it?  Also, lot of hypermasculine dudes do that shit.  But vehicles have always been considered female or given female names, so like, is your truck a hermaphro or some FTM transition?


Other than the guys who go full camo I feel like every guy who plays paintball dresses like the dudes in that pic.  Would love to see a paintball game played with pepperballs instead.

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2 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

If that's your day in pies how come your wifey didn't pack you a manly picnic lunch?


She acts funny when me and the homies ride Brokeback Mountain, so I have to pack a can of Campbell's. In all seriousness, when you're out in the cold all day that shit hits the spot just right when it's served up warm from the jet boil.

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