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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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Dear COS,


I think i speak for most of us when i say you need to calm down on the power posting.

We had a little 12 oz intervention last time i was in Vancity, hopefully we wont have one when you come out to Montreal.


Im only saying this because i care.


No maricon.

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That graff is here in Mexicali, I was there but my camera was hidden waiting for the cool down. Stunt from Mexico D.F. Rans and Enco from Mexicali are GAW.

Moz always comes to town. He sometimes brings Duce, Jerk, Plantree and Bas (Just talking: I don't know, but I feel that Mexicali is a nice city, if you know how to play it. Some good writers have come to write here, and is just a little shitty town, you know. Sever-Saber-Buket-Koze-Jel-Meek-Tlok-Soker-Soke-Ohde-Kenr-Illz-Colt45-Claw-Plantree-Jerk-Bas-Moz-Duce-Hael-Zerk-Chorboogie-Gufe... and I bet a lot more but I don't remember, or they didn't tag the city... oh... WST, BAMC...) Mexicali appears in Infamy The movie and War 3 and 4.


I already wrote down the 14 things for the photo hunt.


I'm a man. I told my friend Ylenia to hold down the cards for a shoot.


I don't know, but I feel a negative aura from RC.


May 9th. 1 year with my girl.


I've been working for 1 week at this job and I already got like... 800 Dlls in free stuff.


So... Haiti, Chile, China And Mexicali, earthquakes in this year, you know... 7.2 is a good one. Saw the videos?

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Word up Lars!!


LoL at " I don't know, but I feel a negative aura from RC."


Hes cool, Lars. He just only found out about the internet last year.

So when most of us where trolling and being retards on the net when we where 16 he is only getting to do that now in his late 20s.

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Laugh now, but we will rule the world while you're on TinyChat drunk at 9 am crying about your bullshit problems jocking Seyer who is scared to meet up with your loser ass!




















































Just to clarify this shit for the idiots who really though we where in some bullshit fugasi Masons. It was a photoshoot/videoshoot for my boys clothing line!

Fun times where had! I must say i did fail how ever cuz i did not acquire flicks of the super hot bitch who was one of the actors. Oh well

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Ok..this is my day in pies from last Saturday. The local university has a big festival/celebration they've had for the past almost 100 years. It usually attracts all the undergrads, grad students, alumnis, locals, nonlocals, etc for a day of fun including parades, house parties, bbq's and lots and lots of drinking...so me and a couple friends decided to roll out...the plan was to get a head start, so I was supposed to be at my friend's house at 10am so we could head out...got there at 10:20am ready to go (so we could beat traffic and find parking)...


i get there and homie just woke up even though i was ready to go..

here he is NOT ready with bed head..




the poker game from the night before..




even his dog just woke up and had eye boogers...




still waiting while this fool cooks his breakfast..


this is your brain on drugs..





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im sitting on his couch listening to the loud 2pac he has blasting from his laptop hooked up to the stereo speakers..





here is the flask he is bringing out to the festivities (i have no idea wtf "your fish sample" means...neither did he)




i decide to kill some time looking at 12oz while i wait for this fool to hurry the fuck up..




his dog keeping me company while i wait...




finally heading out the door at about 11:30am instead of our agreed upon 10am..





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sure enough, our late start gets us stuck in traffic for the next 45 minutes..




finally get to the event and park...place is pretty crowded with lots of people and lots of things going on (including the cooking of lots of good food)




one time in band camp..




more crowds..




took this flick for the photohunt thread...someone taking a pic...then later noticed this asian girl in front of me had an ass..











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chicana with a booty..




this singing group was doing their rendition of lady gaga's poker face...weird..




some guy rolling around on a weird bike with subwoofers attached to it bumping some hip hop...lol




a giraffe bike...




popo's out on bicycles..





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car with horns..




perveract pic i took for the photohunt thread..





stopped by at a pizza place to meet up with friends and arrived just in time to see the score change..




friend taking a break from all the walking and posting up on the skateboard bench..





bamboo bike..





these girls looked good from far but were far from good (they looked gross from up close)





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even though there was soooo much good food at the festival, my homie wanted to get some in n out, so we stopped in...i got an animal style triple triple and tried animal style fries for the first time..



(pretty good)


another bar/club serving drinks..




beer bong on the streets..











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popo's drinking soda..




more crowds..






a couple hours after that triple triple, i had to take a shit...spacious handicapped stall for the win!!




stopped at my homies co-workers house to say whats up, he had a dope house...the front part of the inside looked like it was outside..


asian fountain thingy inside the house..




beer pong from the night before..




more inside the house with the outdoorsy feel..




pretty cool little stewie canvas...





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drove to a house party, and seen this impala..




then got stuck in traffic in time to see this fight break out right in front of us..






lol...this cop was struggling with this guy for a while, but finally managed to pin him down..




as we drove down the street, we saw about 9-10 cop cars heading towards that fight..some were undercover cop cars...including a honda accord (not pictured)





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get to house party..


more laptop hooked to speaker status..




makeshift swimming pool..lol..




dirty swimming pool..




beer pong table made from 2 chairs, a door, and some weights to hold it down..




unfortunately, this is where my battery died, so ..




i hope you enjoyed.

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