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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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We finally made it back to Germany.


About the brass knuckles.

We were trying to figure out how to get them past airport security and I thought that I could just put them on a chain and with the rest of my huge necklaces and play it off.

I thought wrong.

They called the police to come talk to me.

They took me to the back room.

Brass knuckles are vorboten and they copied my passport and made me fill out all sorts of paperwork.

We almost missed our flight home, which was what was making me the most nervous.

They asked me how much money I had on me.

I told them none.

They kept asking.

Then gave me some papers that said that if I had money, I would have had to give it to them, but since I didn't have money, I just had to sign a paper.

German police will scam you out of all your monies.

So yeah, they are sending paperwork to my mom's house in Austin.

She said she would just throw away anything she got.

I told her that was a good idea.


Don't try to sneak brass knuckles through airport security unless you want to come real close to missing your flight.


Also, we rode the bus back from the border town to Dresden.

It was insane and no way would I take that bus during the winter months when the roads were icy.

Hairpin turns and crazy mountain narrow roads.


I noticed that in the border town, there was an abandoned sanitarium.

That is enough to make me want to return to that town and try to explore the insane asylum.

I have a feeling it would be super creepy and I would probably get scared and have to leave.

When I get scared, it makes my vagina hurt..literally.

It is so uncomfortable that I have to get out of the situation as fast as I can or else it makes me feel like my lady parts are going to implode.

I think exploring the abandoned crazy house will be a test of my strength.


The end.

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Went to Myrtle Beach for the 4th. Its tradition.


Woke up and made an epic breakfast sandwich. Toasted rye, mozzarella, pepperoni, turkey, bacon, hummus spread.



It was a beautiful day.



So many assholes out at 9am. I was one of them.



Water was primo.



Commenced the drinking promptly at 10am.



Sat on the beach drunk all day. Ran into a kid I went to high school with. He lives down there doing construction. He took us over to his place. Had to ride in the back to blend in with the locals. Riding in the cab with a seatbelt is a major faux pas in South Carolina.



Smoked weed out of this contraption.



Joe Camel holding down the Camel City.



Went home and grilled dinner.



Fire works started. I was sitting on Omaha Beach, May 7th 1945, just getting shelled.



Proud Americans. So proud they showed their tits for America upon command.



Consumed more. It was one of those days where I couldnt get anymore fucked up, I could only maintain my level.



Ate myself.


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Sometimes I think I should stop and adjust settings and take time to make sure the pic is the best that it can be...then I realize that is too much hassle and that I should just snap quick and leave it in the hands of fate.

I have a ton more photos, but I just haven't uploaded them yet...maybe tomorrow.


Those castles had private vinyards also.

I think one of them was converted into a restaraunt, but it was probably too rich for my blood, so I didn't even investigate further.

The entire city is pretty flat and all very scenic and perfect for riding bikes.

We rode along the river for about 1 1/2 hours and then back toward the city on the opposite side of the river, it was very relaxing.


I think of all the German cities I have been to, Dresden is by far my favorite.

hopefully we'll be able to go back sometime soon, and maybe I will plan better next time and we can actually make it to Prague instead of wandering around in the middle of nowhere for hours on end.


And about the brass knuckles, I didn't have checked luggage, only one carry-on.

No point in packing heavy for a 3-4 day trip.

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I think it depends on the specific photo, but a lot of times I just take them at the angle that allows me to fit in what I want to fit in or what my eye is attracted to when I look at a certain thing.

I have a lot of photos of things such as detailing on roofs of buildings that are falling apart or broken bricks in pathways and things like that...and those always look strange because I am underneath and trying to focus on things such as the angle of the roof edge or the brickwork on the building.

Mainly because that is what I like...abandoned buildings and areas that look crappy and run down.

And I am a nerd that likes things such as building architechture and bridges.

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went to LA for a few days to see my family and friends. didn't do too much since my mommy got sick after eating bad sushi.


traffic from reno to sf was a bitch, took me almost 6 hours instead of the usual 3







my niece gave me a hello kitty necklace for my bday, she is so cute



my mom started to bust the moves on home cooking



her onion pancakes rule











on our way to the LBC







ladybird and homer



ladybird is shumai's bff












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