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Lakota Nation Ceceds from the U.S.


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I heard about this earlier today. This is the best news I've heard in years. It's about time.


I'm guessing the Venezuelans will stand beside them.


"unilaterally withdrawing from treaties they signed with the federal government of the United States"


There's nothing the US can really do, considering it IS legal to pull out of a treaty and it is a unilateral agreement amongst the entire, now, Lakota Nation.

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"I don't know what all the rules are on this type of shit, but does that mean there is a whole new sovereign country within the continental US now?"



and we all know what happened last time some part of the country tried to secede.


I guess it depends on how far they want to take it.


I highly doubt any other countries are going to recognize them as a sovereign state.

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I guess it depends on how far they want to take it.


I highly doubt any other countries are going to recognize them as a sovereign state.



venezuela, bolivia, and a few others that I can't think of right now already recognize them as such. i fully support this, this is land that was set aside for the "unreserved use" of the Lakota people, as per the 1868 treaty.


they're revealing the land boundaries on the anniversary of Wounded Knee, 6 days from now. i can only assume the land boundaries will be the full area initially declared in the treaty, shown below in yellow, but I'm not sure.





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if you want to know some of the background for this... check this book out...


agents of repression






oh and I got to say... props to chavez for supporting them.....

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I mostly support their decision. As long as the leaders of this new nation have thought it out beyond irritating the U.S. Because if they haven't thought of how they're going to support themselves, especially since the U.s. probably isn't going to be overly friendly with them, they have done their own citizens a great disservice.

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that sucks. but i guess, in a way, it's good that they haven't fully done it, because god only knows what would happen to them.


the thing that gets me about that link is this quote by the chairman of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, "We're pushing to maintain and to keep the treaties there because they're the basis of our relationship with the federal government." the treaties that have been broken by the US government time and time again. honestly, it's really sad to me that there's people that still think that one day, these treaties are going to mean something to the government.

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shits interesting. i dont really see how the US can deny them what is actually theirs. its like the US supporting the return of the jewish people to Israel and displacing the Palestinian people of their home however many thousands of years after they were booted. plus, the US set up self-determination of Slavs and Czechs in eastern europe after WW1 or WW2 didn't we? good for them, glad to see something like this. imma stay updated on this

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