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im tired of being a keyboard jockey

i think ima cut down on my computer usage time, at least for non school matters

and get more fresh air

and do more art, eat healthier than i already do

wish me luck

anyone have experience with this at all?? ahhahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I'm with that...I used to me way more productive before I started coming to the oz and on the internerd in general. everytime I open my computer I tell myself I'm going to do something productive, but look, I wasted another minute or so typing this...DAMMIT!

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i have been sitting in front of the computer non stop for the last few days working on this paper for school... shit has me wanting to throw one of the school computers out the fucking window...

but 12oz saves me from having to do that...

still got 6 more pages to write before 9 tonight... and then I got to study for 4 finals tomorrow...

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I don't have internet in my cell-block-like sub-let room. So I have to venture outside for access.

Anywhere with free access. I'm currently sitting in Grand Central station, been here for about 3.5 hours (all internet time, btw), just ate some chili, and am thinking about riding home.


I don't have a job, need to find a place to live, and have no purpose in life, other than doing graffiti and getting fucked up.


Wow, I'm pretty shocked I wrote this about myself.


I need a change of pace.


Edit - Fuck.

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I don't have internet in my cell-block-like sub-let room. So I have to venture outside for access.

Anywhere with free access. I'm currently sitting in Grand Central station, been here for about 3.5 hours (all internet time, btw), just ate some chili, and am thinking about riding home.


I don't have a job, need to find a place to live, and have no purpose in life, other than doing graffiti and getting fucked up.


Wow, I'm pretty shocked I wrote this about myself.


I need a change of pace.


Edit - Fuck.



I would have given you props but I think I have given to many people negative props in the last 24hours...

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