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do you have a need to be on the internet everywhere? or can you wait till youre home?


do you want to waste your phone battery listening to music and lookin at pr0no?


i'd go with a touch and use a normal celly


people with the iphone have to always let you know they ahve an iphone

"iphone directions say this""i looked at it in iphone" "hold on, i'll take a picture with iphone"



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I have an itouch and it's pretty badass. my friend just got an iphone and it works fucking amazingly. however the bill would be about 100 overall with the data package and texts and such.


the itouch is the iphone without the unlimited internet access (seeing as how itouch has to connect to a wifi network as opposed to being on the at&t network), notes, and a phone.


you can use the iphone without the contract, and then when the time comes, (you getting a job, or 2nd job) then get the contract.

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When I was on the Greyhound coming back from Dallas a few weeks ago, the dude sitting right behind me had an IPhone.

Because he brought it up a few times.

He also had a container of wings from Hooters.

He wanted to share with me.

I don't eat animals.

And don't share foods with people on the bus.

People that ride Greyhound are trash.

I know.

I ride Greyhound.



I got dropped off at some small Mexican bus station on the east side of town.

Not where I needed to be.

He let me use his IPhone.

It was pretty cool.




I don't have a cell phone.

And don't want to get one.

I don't make many phone calls, and accept even fewer incoming phones.

Some dude is trying to talk me into getting one so we can text each other.

I don't want to get started with that shit.

I have seen what it does to people.

You'll go to a party and people are all texting other people the whole night.

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I don't have a cell phone.

And don't want to get one.

I don't make many phone calls, and accept even fewer incoming phones.

Some dude is trying to talk me into getting one so we can text each other.

I don't want to get started with that shit.

I have seen what it does to people.

You'll go to a party and people are all texting other people the whole night.


fuck thats true...

last party i went to that all i was doing...

texting people cause it was so lame...

nuttin but suburban thugs stupid drunk throwing wrong signs,

slutty ugly mexicans in the corner taking pics for myspace,

1 bottle of grey goose, and to smoke you had to throw down $10

for a blunt with like 5 heads on it already....

i felt like a lame ass that night...

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i've never owned an ipod but i've been wanting one. i have been looking to get a new cell phone, since the one i have was given to me when i lost my other phone. i carry my camera with me eveywhere. i have two very good reasons to carry a cell phone too. this device is something i could actually use.


does anyone have any idea when the next gen will come out? i am waiting for that one, but i'm tempted to get one now.

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^^ wow, that sounds lame as fuck.


Last party i went to there where 4 cases of heineken, a lot of hot white girls, a pinball machine, a mechincal bull, and dope tunes playing all night.



now that's a party!



$10 on a blunt with 5 heads? better have been a whole 1/8 in that bliddy. :lol:

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i have the iphone, shits sick. shitty service in my house and mad dropped calls but outside it works fine. its comfy and slim and isnt too big. wtf, why would u get an itouch if u could get an iphone...and if u cant afford payments then you shouldnt even have a problem decideing.

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