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Vote Ron Paul for president you beezies.


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fermentor your argument is weak. you act like our SS isnt getting dipped into by our current administrations. you act like the public schools in most places are even adequate and people cant afford a few grand for charter schools.


bush has made sure it won't be here for people under 44. clinton before that, and bush before that, etc.


fermentor is just a sheep in stereotypes v.002's clothing.

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Ron Paul is the only candidate running for president this time around that can get us out of the mess we are currently in.


If you feel someone else has this ability you are wrong. If anyone but Ron gets elected we(all those that live here in America) are going to be in even more trouble then we are now.


I'm also not saying that everything the man says is fact, there are certainly some flaws in his believe system. However the overall majority of the things that he stands for, would only put a positive influence on this country, and the rest of the world.


With all this being said, however optimistic that I am on this issue, I still don't see him getting elected. To much corruption. To much ignorance.

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It's going to be funny when all the 25-35 year old white male computer heads realize that dominating the internet is not the same as winning the hearts and minds of voters. There is no conspiracy against Ron Paul, he isn't given media coverage because polling does not have him running with the top dogs, but he still gets more than many other candidates. Why isn't he #1 in the real world?


Democrats actually believe in federal government and rights such as abortion. State rights are not hated by people like me, but federal oversight is needed. Just in the past 50 years federal government had to trump states rights to give fair treatment to southern blacks and I'm glad it did.


Likewise, many Republicans are motivated as much by a sense of connection on values and personality (that's why they elected a retarded faux cowboy) than any sense of principle on constitutional guarantees...ahem, aside from the 2nd. Think about it, most Republicans would be just as content having the federal government impose Christianity as the national religion, have federal laws banning abortion and other things. They only talk about state rights when the federal government doesn't act in the way they want, so that isn't going to work as a major selling point.

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I honestly dont see how any one can actually support Ron Paul. He is completly opposed to all enviromental regulation, opposes any restriction to gun control, wants to end the deparment of education, and he is a very vocal racist. Here a couple of his quotes:

“Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,’ I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal,”


"...our country is being destroyed by a group of actual and potential terrorists -- and they can be identified by the color of their skin."


"Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty, and the end of welfare and affirmative action"

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I honestly dont see how any one can actually support Ron Paul. He is completly opposed to all enviromental regulation, opposes any restriction to gun control, wants to end the deparment of education, and he is a very vocal racist. Here a couple of his quotes:

“Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,’ I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal,”


"...our country is being destroyed by a group of actual and potential terrorists -- and they can be identified by the color of their skin."


"Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty, and the end of welfare and affirmative action"



show me sources. i'm pretty sure these are misquotes are outright lies.

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ok, all i can find is references to a houston chronicle article (or dallas times...they get confused)

about some ron paul newsletter mailer from the 80's or 90's (they get confused with dates there, too)

and talk about ron paul being an anti-semite because he said the biggest lobbyists in washington are from israel (true).


just smear shit it seems. i have seen no clear dates or scans of the "newsletter"

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“Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,’ I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal,”


this is more of a hit against DC's justice system than blacks. read it again.

"...our country is being destroyed by a group of actual and potential terrorists -- and they can be identified by the color of their skin."


do you have the rest of this, this seems like a quote that was taken horribly out of context.

"Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty, and the end of welfare and affirmative action"


there could be an argument made here that considers the fact that he doesnt say he believes that himself and he is simply going by opinion polls. im unsure of the context of this one as well, any chance you feel like giving links to the full discussion?

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Want to know a secret? There were two moments I especially enjoyed at the CNN/YouTube debate -- despite my frustration at some of the questions, and the maldistribution of time.


First, I was pleased at John McCain's attack, which he clearly had planned. Not because that sort of stream-of-consciousness nonsense about Hitler and WWII -- when the neocons openly want what they call WW IV! Are we to forget that the first war crime charged at Nuremberg was waging aggressive war?


I mean this: mainstream politicians NEVER attack an opponent they think is far behind. The McCain campaign, we've heard, is worried sick about New Hampshire, and they thought a slam at me would help. Ha! Of course,

it only strengthened our forces.


Then, after the debate, Rudy Giuliani walked up to me and said, "Oooh, you sure have a LOT of supporters." It's only the beginning, I told him.


Indeed, he could have told that by the crowd outside after the debate. Mitt Romney had a few people, but no one else did. We, on the other hand, had about 500 enthusiastic revolutionaries, plus a boat, a trolley, and two planes towing lighted signs. As I looked out at the crowd, I thought: the establishment has no idea of what they are facing. We have an army of freedom, prosperity, and peace. As the LA Times political blog noted the other day, the

British also thought they had no problem with the Americans--until Yorktown.


But we have an astoundingly short time before the first contests. The Iowa caucuses are on January 3, the New Hampshire primary is on January 8, and Nevada and South Carolina are both on January 19. We have only

30 days to stake our claim to the nomination, and to the new America that restores the ideals of the founders, and leads the world through free enterprise, a sound dollar, the rule of law, and peaceful example. Not through

inflation and bombs.


Help me surprise the neocons and all the establishment with our success. Help me build the foundation for the America we all want. Send your most generous contribution: https://www.ronpaul2008.com/donate. The military-industrial complex, the biased media, the big banks, the Fed, the waterboarders, and the IRS don't like what we're doing. But every good American is applauding us, and daring to hope for a better future.


Please, help me give it to them, to us, to all Americans to come. Keep this revolution growing and winning:






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